Rich's wife

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Rich's wife

Post by cslewislover »

I didn't think it would be bad to post this here, since the G&S newsletter is public. This is from Rich's newsletter that just came out:

"Carole, my wife, completed her final in a series of 12 chemotherapy treatments for her brain tumor this month. Unfortunately, last week's MRI showed very dramatic changes compared to two months ago, although Carole symptoms have not changed significantly. There was a small area of enhancement (usually indicative of tumor growth) and very unusual thickening of the gray matter in the right frontal lobe. The doctors have never seen such dramatic thickening in a patient before, and so are going to repeat the MRI next week. We would appreciate your prayers for Carole's treatment."
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Re: Rich's wife

Post by Gabrielman »

I will keep him and his wife in my prayers!
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Re: Rich's wife

Post by DannyM »

Rich, I pray that your wife will be safe, and that she will stay safe and free from harm.


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Re: Rich's wife

Post by Byblos »

Both you and your wife are in our thoughts and prayers Rich. Please keep us posted.
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Re: Rich's wife

Post by zoegirl »

Absolutely!! Will be praying
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Re: Rich's wife

Post by August »

Rich, your wife and your family will be in our prayers for comfort and healing and we will also pray for wisdom and insight for those treating her.
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Re: Rich's wife

Post by jlay »

We petition God for the prayer of faith. Father, if it be your will, grant us the prayer of faith in this matter.
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Re: Rich's wife

Post by Gman »

It's been an ongoing issue with Rich's wife... We can only pray for the best..

Blessings to you and your family Rich. y@};-
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Re: Rich's wife

Post by Kristoffer »

I am unable to prey, but I will spare some thought. :cry:
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Re: Rich's wife

Post by cslewislover »

Kristoffer wrote:I am unable to prey, but I will spare some thought. :cry:
Kristoffer, if you want some answers, why don't you read the bible AND pray? God said to seek, and you will find. Why not try and seek Him (it's funny for so many people to say they don't see evidence of Him, but, have they tried to seek Him)? And BTW, "prey" in English means a carnivore's dinner.
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Re: Rich's wife

Post by Kristoffer »

Well I am unable to be a carnivore's dinner than, which makes sense because I am buff! (and vegetarian)

Anyhow, How exactly do you pray. Is it sort of like meditation, closing your mind and shutting all thought off? I can't see how emptying myself so much would really help right now. Thought on the other hand is caring, if you can spare some thought then that is like infusing a bit of who you are thinking of into yourself, it is an aspect of empathy that I regular enjoy.

PS. Uk english it is to prey...atleast i was sure it was. thats like the 5th country i visited y>:D<
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Re: Rich's wife

Post by zoegirl »

Kristoffer wrote:Well I am unable to be a carnivore's dinner than, which makes sense because I am buff! (and vegetarian)

Anyhow, How exactly do you pray. Is it sort of like meditation, closing your mind and shutting all thought off? I can't see how emptying myself so much would really help right now. Thought on the other hand is caring, if you can spare some thought then that is like infusing a bit of who you are thinking of into yourself, it is an aspect of empathy that I regular enjoy.

PS. Uk english it is to prey...atleast i was sure it was. thats like the 5th country i visited y>:D<
Prayer is different than meditation that requires shutting all thought off. Its simply a conversation, thoughts to needs no fancy language but it does require honesty, God desires that with conversations to and with Him.

Pray is a means to talk with God and listen to is a means to worship, to praise, to plead, to cry.

If you want a good book of the Bible for prayer, read through the Psalms. Above all else, the Psalms show us some of the most emotionally laden prayers to God.
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Re: Rich's wife

Post by truthman »

God is always there to listen to an honest heart even though you cannot see Him.
It is a wonderful experience to talk to Him as a person and know that He is listening, then to listen as He speaks to you.

(The correct spelling is pray. Prey as a verb means to attack and either kill or harm. As a noun it is an object that is attacked and either killed or harmed).
"Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing. " 1 Corinthians 13:1-2
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Re: Rich's wife

Post by Gabrielman »

Just to give you all an update, Rich posted the following on Face Book:
Rich Deem wrote:Thanks for your prayers. Carole's MRI on Monday showed that the tumor is probably not growing and that the strange changes in contrast were probably due to some weird seizure activity. The doctors are very surprised that the drastic changes seen in June are nearly gone.
So good news! Pray that she will be fully healed!
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Re: Rich's wife

Post by cslewislover »

That is so wonderful for them! God is good.
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