Kristoffer wrote:I would rather accept what I deserve, than what I do not.
Obviously this points out that you do not understand what you reject (or believe it)
But think of it this way. Imagine if you could have a relationship with an amazing person, the most amazing person you can think of, wonderful, pure, loving, amazing...and suddenly you realize that there is no way you could have a relationship with them because of who you are (who we all are)...not as wonderful, not as pure, not as great, not as loving, not fact the reason you can't is that you have transgressed against this person, you have done something, you are something. The more you ponder who this person is and who you are they more you realize you can't have a relationship. In fact this transgression means you can't have the relationship. In this analogy, you may understand the justice of this. A murderer can't simply be let off free, a sinner can't be let free...there is the consequence for the sin.
Now imagine if this person not only wants to have a relationship with you, but in fact this person pays the price, pays the consequence for what you did. (think of it from a law perspective...this person whom you have transgressed does your time for you). In doing so, this person satisfies the justice of the transgression but this person has now allowed you to have a relationship with them.
This, in essence, is what we believe. We don't, in our sins, we can't have a relationship with God. Our sins prevent that. Now maybe you don't think this, but we would all agree that having a relationship with our Creator, our Redeemer, is an amazing thing, a wonderful thing. And this relationship is possible because He Himself wanted it, (and still wants it), and was willing to place Himself in our place and accept the wrath that was for us.
Now you may not believe this and you may think you don't deserve this wrath....we understand that we all do...those are our beliefs.
Please think on this before replying, so that your questions may be edifying to everyone here.