Mel Gibson's rants

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Mel Gibson's rants

Post by Gman »

I've got a feeling that Mel Gibson's rants can only hurt those who are still unsaved. As a professed Christian and the director of "The Passion" it doesn't look good for the followers of Christ... :|
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Re: Mel Gibson's rants

Post by zoegirl »

He has long since lost his credibility with many unbelievers. AS powerful as the Passion was, there were many mistakes. I'm not as enamored of it as I used to be, even though I am glad I saw it.
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Re: Mel Gibson's rants

Post by August »

There are some rumors that the tapes were tampered with, that it was made up of a compilation of some of his movie dialogues. Still doesn't explain the lady that was punched in the mouth though. He is bipolar and apparently refuses to take meds for it.

I guess if people think that Christians are perfect they have the wrong idea. We are not perfect, just forgiven.
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Re: Mel Gibson's rants

Post by luzagodom »

Thank you for sharing information.
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Re: Mel Gibson's rants

Post by cslewislover »

luzagodom wrote:Thank you for sharing information.
Please read the discussion guidelines and note the entry about spamming.
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Re: Mel Gibson's rants

Post by jlay »

The only thing that will hurt the unsaved is Christians who spend more time talking on chat boards arguing about the age of the earth than they do to reaching out to the lost.
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Re: Mel Gibson's rants

Post by zoegirl »

wow, Jlay, bitter much?

There's nothing keeping you may take your snide attitude elsewhere.

What makes you think that we aren't helping to plant seeds, water them, or even harvest them?
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Re: Mel Gibson's rants

Post by BavarianWheels »

jlay wrote:The only thing that will hurt the unsaved is Christians who spend more time talking on chat boards arguing about the age of the earth than they do to reaching out to the lost.
I think that's the basis of this whole forum. Not the arguing part, but the topic.
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Re: Mel Gibson's rants

Post by Gman »

jlay wrote:The only thing that will hurt the unsaved is Christians who spend more time talking on chat boards arguing about the age of the earth than they do to reaching out to the lost.
Then why do you take the YEC approach? Why teach about creationism at all?
The heart cannot rejoice in what the mind rejects as false - Galileo

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Re: Mel Gibson's rants

Post by jlay »

I don't teach about creationism.

Is my statement upsetting because it is false, or because it is true? More harm is done by Christians not doing the work they are called to do. Plain and simple.
-“The Bible treated allegorically becomes putty in the hands of the exegete.” John Walvoord

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Re: Mel Gibson's rants

Post by Gman »

jlay wrote:I don't teach about creationism.

Is my statement upsetting because it is false, or because it is true? More harm is done by Christians not doing the work they are called to do. Plain and simple.
The Bible clearly teaches creationism over and over again... Should we ignore it? And when people say the can't understand creationism or that it prevents them from believing the Bible, should we ignore them or chastise them for their lack of faith?
The heart cannot rejoice in what the mind rejects as false - Galileo

We learn from history that we do not learn from history - Georg Friedrich Wilhelm Hegel

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Re: Mel Gibson's rants

Post by jlay »

Absolutely not. Gman, I am all for defending the faith, and giving a reason for the hope you have.
I just don't specifically teach about creationism. Why? Because of all the different opinons on the matter. YEC, OEC, etc.

There is a spirit of apathy over the church in America today. I work in the urban mission field. I don't say this for any other reason, than that the church needs a good smack in the face. We have more 'answers' today than we ever have had. Yet, we are losing ground. Our desires to defend our faith can never be an excuse for failing to fulfill the prime directive.

I assure you that the rants of ole Mel, will do far less damage to the faith, than the failure of the average Christian to serve in the role God has prepared for him.
-“The Bible treated allegorically becomes putty in the hands of the exegete.” John Walvoord

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Re: Mel Gibson's rants

Post by Gman »

jlay wrote:Absolutely not. Gman, I am all for defending the faith, and giving a reason for the hope you have.
I just don't specifically teach about creationism. Why? Because of all the different opinons on the matter. YEC, OEC, etc.
Yet these are arguments that we need to examine.. We are to love God completely which also includes our minds.. Mark 12:30
jlay wrote:There is a spirit of apathy over the church in America today. I work in the urban mission field. I don't say this for any other reason, than that the church needs a good smack in the face. We have more 'answers' today than we ever have had. Yet, we are losing ground. Our desires to defend our faith can never be an excuse for failing to fulfill the prime directive.

I assure you that the rants of ole Mel, will do far less damage to the faith, than the failure of the average Christian to serve in the role God has prepared for him.
Of course we ALL fail the faith... But when predominant people such as Mel Gibson who claim to believe in Christ then go on these rants which are extremely offensive, we need to TALK about it and label it for what it is. SIN. Now I know that I sin too, but I think Mel should apologize for the actions he did just like the rant we heard about the Jews. Let's not sweep things like this under the carpet. True Christianity relies on honesty.. Let's not forget that.

And if you don't think actions like this sway people from the faith, you are wrong. There are huge ramifications for it... And it happens whenever a Christian sins. It's called hypocrisy...
The heart cannot rejoice in what the mind rejects as false - Galileo

We learn from history that we do not learn from history - Georg Friedrich Wilhelm Hegel

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Re: Mel Gibson's rants

Post by Canuckster1127 »

I'm very happy to have left the rat-race of performance based Christianity. It's precisely that type of approach that leads to judgmental attitudes toward what other believers and parts of the body "ought" to be doing or not doing.

This is a forum for any who wish to come and discuss and learn from one another in many areas, and yes, particularly in the area of Science and Creationism because the board has been sponsored by a Christian who works in the realm of science who has observed much of the conflict that arises there between religious thinking and scientific thinking and who believes that there is a path through which the God of the Bible and the God who created the universe, who are one and the same, can be traversed by those who wish to know more of both. It's modeled in many areas of the Bible but particularly by the Apostle Paul who went to the marketplace in Athens and debated and interacted in the marketplace with people from different perspectives in order that the Gospel could be preached and barriers to belief brought down.

When we're in one particular area of ministry that is challenging and difficult, it is very easy and very human to begin to look at everyone else and ask why they aren't like us with the same calling and drives that we have. I've seen that countless times in ministry and missions. There's a very strong tendency to get burdened by the thought that we're somehow a martyr and the only one being faithful in the realms we've been called, because we don't see others with the same priorities we have. I wish I have a dollar for every sermon I've heard and preached that latches on that and tries to lay that guilt trip on others.

If God has called someone to a specific area with a strong heart then that's a wonderful thing. The question I have to ask then, is God's calling enough or must that one measure everyone else by their hearts focus and calling in this regard?

Thanks for the invitation to measure myself and this board by the standard of your focus and calling. I respect and appreciate what you're doing and that God has called you there, but I have to respectfully decline the invitation to feel guilty and inferior because I'm not called to fit that mold in my following my Savior.


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Re: Mel Gibson's rants

Post by Silvertusk »

zoegirl wrote:wow, Jlay, bitter much?

There's nothing keeping you may take your snide attitude elsewhere.

What makes you think that we aren't helping to plant seeds, water them, or even harvest them?

It is actually this site and William Craigs one that help me massively in becoming a Christian in the first place. So consider that one soul saved here because of this site.
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