Why does God play hide and seek?

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Why does God play hide and seek?

Post by CeT-To »

http://www.alternet.org/belief/147623/w ... rs/?page=2

Hey guys i wanted to ask if you could please read this article and answer some of the questions it is asking.

Thank youu. :esmile:
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Re: Why does God play hide and seek?

Post by jlay »

The link I used, pulled up page two, and I didn't see a way to get to the previous page, and thus read the entire article.

There are some obvious faults and fallacies I see, but I'd like to read the whole article.
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Re: Why does God play hide and seek?

Post by CeT-To »

OH sorry jlay ill give you the first page.

http://www.alternet.org/belief/147623/w ... rs/?page=1

here is page one ^^
But joy and happiness in you to all who seek you! Let them ceaselessly cry,"Great is Yahweh" who love your saving power. Psalm 40:16

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Re: Why does God play hide and seek?

Post by Kristoffer »

good question.
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Re: Why does God play hide and seek?

Post by jlay »

Doesn't it seem likely that the reason all of us can't see God is because there is no God?
Does it seem likely that the reason all us can't see radio waves, or ultraviolet light, etc, is because they don't exist?
Or, do they exist and we just don't have the appropriate vision to detect.

On the surface, I think the main crux of the question is valid. If God is real, then why doesn't he 'reveal' Himself?
Another, more honest question that should accompany this (If someone is sincere and honest) is, "If God is real, then why am I not experiencing His revelation? What am I responsible for that is causing me not to see with clarity? "
I would also ask, "If God isn't real, then why am I even asking questions about Him?" The question itself begs another. "Why am I asking questions about God?"

The analogy used about courtroom evidence is flawed. My reply would be, If a juror refused to show up at court and hear the evidence, or blatantly ignored vital testimony, would they be able to rule fairly? No.
The whole hide and seek accusation reveals that the article writer is starting with a faulty premise. That God is some kid, playing games with us. The writer obviously carries this bias through out all the questions asked.

Page 3 reveals more misconceptions about free will in heaven, and why we will 'bask in His presence.'
And if souls don't have free will in Heaven, doesn't that undercut the idea of our freedom being the most precious and unique gift God could have given us?
That is certainly not the most precious gift. Another faulty premise.
Why is God an exception to that rule? Why is it that with everything else in our lives, having more information makes us better able to make a free choice
Another faulty premise. Having more information will help someone make a choice. And, thus if we are asking questions about God, that means our mind has told us to seek out information. How stubborn would we be, if we said, 'well its not clear, so why should I waste my time seeking out info to get to the truth." That makes no sense.

I would argue that having more info helps people make the right choice. It is assinine to say that our prisons are full of people who just needed to have the law explained to them a little better. "Gosh, I never would have murdered that person if I'd known it was against the law." Look at flippin speed limit. They put countless numbers of signs down the road, saying, "don't exceed this. This is the LIMIT." And what do we do? We break it. How much more information do we need? Is there something that isn't revealed to us? Or, perhaps we just prefer to ignore the revelation because it doesn't comply with our own desires. It is a big wet blanket over our need for speed, and so we blatantly disregard. Until the blue lights come up behind us. Now imagines saying, "officer, the state didn't do a good enough job convincing me that the speed limit was 55 mph. They just had these little signs. I mean how can that little sign possibly be enough to convince me? In fact, how can I know that the state even exists. I've never met the officials who supposedly made these limits. How can I know they exist?"

This type of rebellious spirit would be like me saying, Barack Obama doesn't exist because He won't appear in my living room. As I read through this whole thing, I see more an more that this is another, "If God is real, then I don't like Him anyway," kind of rhetoric.
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Re: Why does God play hide and seek?

Post by Kristoffer »

jlay wrote:
Doesn't it seem likely that the reason all of us can't see God is because there is no God?
Does it seem likely that the reason all us can't see radio waves, or ultraviolet light, etc, is because they don't exist?
Or, do they exist and we just don't have the appropriate vision to detect.
but all of those things actually have a effect on the world, well i guess you could say belief has an effect...But where the Hector is god? If you could see god and touch him that would make it much easier to believe, if god wanted people to believe he would make it really easy i think...
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Re: Why does God play hide and seek?

Post by jlay »

If you could see god and touch him that would make it much easier to believe, if god wanted people to believe he would make it really easy i think
Maybe it is easy.
but all of those things actually have a effect on the world
Yep, they had an effect on the world even before they were discovered.

I guess if I could touch you, it would be much easier to know you exist. But I've certainly got enough evidence in your written word to believe you do in fact exist.
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Re: Why does God play hide and seek?

Post by Kristoffer »

So you believe i exist right now on my break in sweden, that i commute to work(involving making people lose their job sometimes) about 90km and can lift about 1 and 1half time my body weight and have wonderful garden and lovely cat. despite never seeing? Also you believe i have a almost unhealthy interest in muscles(no i really do find them...atractive jsut in general on man and woman) and that i am going bald?

Just tell me you believe all of that and it would be much easier for me to "believe" all of what you have to say. Do you consider it faith?
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Re: Why does God play hide and seek?

Post by zoegirl »

Kristoffer, we were going along very nicely here and yet the last day you have turned on the snide comments again.

You keep saying that GOd should make it easy. We think it is obvious. We would like to explain it to you but you now putting up walls and returning with rather silly and snide comments. It's rather easy to say that God is playing hide-and-seek when one isn't really looking, isn't it? Or when one hides oneself when presented with some arguments for it.

Stop ducking and keep asking if you are really interested.
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Re: Why does God play hide and seek?

Post by Byblos »

Why does God play hide and seek?

Without hiding, there is no seeking.

We have enough evidence to find Him. If we don't, it's on us, not Him.
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Re: Why does God play hide and seek?

Post by BavarianWheels »

Byblos wrote:Why does God play hide and seek?

Without hiding, there is no seeking.

We have enough evidence to find Him. If we don't, it's on us, not Him.
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Re: Why does God play hide and seek?

Post by jlay »

Just tell me you believe all of that and it would be much easier for me to "believe" all of what you have to say. Do you consider it faith?
Look who is moving the goal post. I guess you could keep adding conditions.
All comments like this prove is you are not sincere and willing to honestly examine the evidence. Quit being stubborn.
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Re: Why does God play hide and seek?

Post by Kristoffer »

Byblos wrote:Why does God play hide and seek?

Without hiding, there is no seeking.

We have enough evidence to find Him. If we don't, it's on us, not Him.
Yea unless you are fortunate enough to be a "doubting thomas", god has apparantly appeared before many people in different guises...What is it that stops us from thinking that those people just wanted to impress the other people of the time and where actually deceptive? I find it rather insulting that you people think that satan is the father of lies, lies existed millions of years before humans did.(in nature, things are deceptive all the time!)
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Re: Why does God play hide and seek?

Post by Kurieuo »

Kristoffer wrote:
Byblos wrote:Why does God play hide and seek?

Without hiding, there is no seeking.

We have enough evidence to find Him. If we don't, it's on us, not Him.
Yea unless you are fortunate enough to be a "doubting thomas", god has apparantly appeared before many people in different guises...What is it that stops us from thinking that those people just wanted to impress the other people of the time and where actually deceptive? I find it rather insulting that you people think that satan is the father of lies, lies existed millions of years before humans did.(in nature, things are deceptive all the time!)
And to whom would they have been deceptive?
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Re: Why does God play hide and seek?

Post by jlay »

Yea unless you are fortunate enough to be a "doubting thomas", god has apparantly appeared before many people in different guises...What is it that stops us from thinking that those people just wanted to impress the other people of the time and where actually deceptive? I find it rather insulting that you people think that satan is the father of lies, lies existed millions of years before humans did
y:-? You just make some bizarre statements. Are you seriously saying that you don't know the definition of a lie, as it is being used in scripture or as it applie to humans? How can you expect to discover anything with these unreasonable, nonsensical statements you make? Quit being stubborn. Grow up, and deal with it.
-“The Bible treated allegorically becomes putty in the hands of the exegete.” John Walvoord

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