I have a ghost in my room.... No Joke
- Linkmaster1711
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I have a ghost in my room.... No Joke
I am a new user to this board and I just really love what the site has done as far as growing me since the short time I found it.... (1 week ago)
Before I start I am a Christian, I do indeed Love my Lord, I realize how important his love is to our world and ours cause as Christians, though forgive me if I am not so well versed in the bible as many others seem to be on this site.... I am an intelligent person once you get to know me, so if your an arguer and like to start assaulting your opponent(s) intelligence bear in mind that I GENERALLY SPEAKING know what I am talking about, I just may not be as highly educated... so zip it!
Ok now onto my plight (which is what this is, I need help in dealing with this...) I have been a Christian for a few years now and was told by kind of my mentor of sorts to.... NEVER GO SPIRIT CHASING! UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHOULD I DO THAT.... EVER, NEVER EVER DO IT! So like a good young teen about a week later I started looking into it and was fascinated/horrified at my findings from just the basic research and video recordings that I had done and, upon coming a video on youtube called something like gateway to hell (If the effects are fakes than it is the best video editting I have ever seen and it looks positively jaw dropping terrifying, I felt like I watched evil being recorded in its purest form, the man filming was actually never found again.....) and decided that it was best to let Spirits battle each other. The idea of Ghosts however was always more backseat than demons, I didn't believe in them at all actually and the TV shows on Discovery like Ghost Hunters and such were more comedy than anything else. My story requires one more comment
Before I start I am a Christian, I do indeed Love my Lord, I realize how important his love is to our world and ours cause as Christians, though forgive me if I am not so well versed in the bible as many others seem to be on this site.... I am an intelligent person once you get to know me, so if your an arguer and like to start assaulting your opponent(s) intelligence bear in mind that I GENERALLY SPEAKING know what I am talking about, I just may not be as highly educated... so zip it!
Ok now onto my plight (which is what this is, I need help in dealing with this...) I have been a Christian for a few years now and was told by kind of my mentor of sorts to.... NEVER GO SPIRIT CHASING! UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHOULD I DO THAT.... EVER, NEVER EVER DO IT! So like a good young teen about a week later I started looking into it and was fascinated/horrified at my findings from just the basic research and video recordings that I had done and, upon coming a video on youtube called something like gateway to hell (If the effects are fakes than it is the best video editting I have ever seen and it looks positively jaw dropping terrifying, I felt like I watched evil being recorded in its purest form, the man filming was actually never found again.....) and decided that it was best to let Spirits battle each other. The idea of Ghosts however was always more backseat than demons, I didn't believe in them at all actually and the TV shows on Discovery like Ghost Hunters and such were more comedy than anything else. My story requires one more comment
- Linkmaster1711
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Re: I have a ghost in my room.... No Joke
Well all that changed as of a few weeks ago, the Ghost non believer side of me is definately gone. I find it odd cause I have been living in this house almost 3 and a half months now and on this night I am about to describe was one of the most Spiritual nights of my life as far as detachment and frustration towards God is concerned, only by this epic scene of INTENSE SPIRITUAL WARFARE brought me right back to God and FAST. Basically at after a long 3 and a half to 4 hour phone conversation at 4 in the morning I get off the phone with a long time friend whom I confessed having feelings for and she denies having any for me which in my current state am weak to this sort of thing for being single for so long, and on top of alot more things that I can possibly discuss later on in another thread add up to be my BIGGEST GOD RAGE EVER! I start by yelling at God, swearing at God, proceed to rip off my shirt and for about another 1/2 hour or so I basically start blaming God for all of my problems. I finally say to God that I hate him, not meaning it don't get that confused, I was just looney on this night, but right after I said I hated him..... My body goes paralyzed, and I can't even gush out a sound or a cry of despair and suddenly a jolt of pain shoots through my left arm down to my fingers and my eyesight leaves me. A few more seconds of this continues and I lose my ability to breathe. The room was pitch black yet I could FEEL SOMETHING ON ME, and MOVING THROUGH ME AND INTO ME!!! I CAN'T EVEN SCREAM EITHER I START TO FEAR FOR MY LIFE! Then I don't remember where or why I remembered this but I yell in my head for Satan to leave or anything cause Jesus's Blood covers me. And not even 2 seconds later I can move and I hear a faint voice say "get out of bed and go downstairs..." Following these commands I believe to be God's I make my way downstairs, my body feels like it hasn't been stretched in over a month and my arm is still mind numbing pain and my eyesight is starting to return. I feel like this abnormality isn't uncommon but I definately need help with this cause a ghost now haunts my room that has never been there before..... What do I do everyone?
Re: I have a ghost in my room.... No Joke
It's a hallucination.
Or you're making it up. Either way, "it's a ghost!" doesn't explain things any more than "magic fairies".
Or you're making it up. Either way, "it's a ghost!" doesn't explain things any more than "magic fairies".
"Imagine if we picked the wrong god. Every time we go to church, we're just make him madder and madder." - Homer Simpson
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Re: I have a ghost in my room.... No Joke
If what you say is true, it probably isn't a ghost as in a deceased human, but more likely a demon (i.e. a fallen angel).
Re: I have a ghost in my room.... No Joke
I say go get a physical immediately. If nothing else but to rule out a seizure of some sort or any number of other possibilities.
Let us proclaim the mystery of our faith: Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again.
Lord I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the word and my soul shall be healed.
Lord I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the word and my soul shall be healed.
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Re: I have a ghost in my room.... No Joke
Definitely consider this idea and get yourself checked up. Better safe than sorry!Byblos wrote:I say go get a physical immediately. If nothing else but to rule out a seizure of some sort or any number of other possibilities.

But joy and happiness in you to all who seek you! Let them ceaselessly cry,"Great is Yahweh" who love your saving power. Psalm 40:16
I Praise you Yahweh, my Lord, my God!!!!!
I Praise you Yahweh, my Lord, my God!!!!!
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Re: I have a ghost in my room.... No Joke
I will say that there are often natural explanations for these things- whether it's a person's imagination (and it doesn't have to be a "crazy" person, it can be anybody) running away from them, hallucinations or seizures, anything. However, "often" doesn't have to equal "always". I definitely believe there are demons, and I certainly believe that they can disguise themselves in many different forms that aren't obvious or what people would expect. It doesn't have to be a bearded guy with a sinister laugh sporting a red tail and a pitchfork. This is just my own idea and not necessarily related to the discussion, but I do think that many things that seem to be "natural" are indeed influenced by demonic activity.
What's the Lewis quote? "There are two equal and opposite errors into which our race can fall about the devils. One is to disbelieve in their existence. The other is to believe, and to feel an excessive and unhealthy interest in them."
So for my advice, I think Byblos' advice about getting a check-up is good, and I also think that some spiritual counsel by a pastor or mentor would be good as well. Even if there is no demonic activity here, prayer and advice from some strong Christians could definitely help you spiritually AND psychologically.
What's the Lewis quote? "There are two equal and opposite errors into which our race can fall about the devils. One is to disbelieve in their existence. The other is to believe, and to feel an excessive and unhealthy interest in them."
So for my advice, I think Byblos' advice about getting a check-up is good, and I also think that some spiritual counsel by a pastor or mentor would be good as well. Even if there is no demonic activity here, prayer and advice from some strong Christians could definitely help you spiritually AND psychologically.
Young, Restless, Reformed
- Gabrielman
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Re: I have a ghost in my room.... No Joke
First let me say:
Linkmaster1711 WELCOME TO THE BOARD!!!!
Also I do think, given what you felt physically, it could not hurt to get a physical at the very least, to make sure nothing is wrong.
All in all, we will keep you in our prayers brother. Please be strong and have faith in the Lord.
May God Bless you and keep you safe
Linkmaster1711 WELCOME TO THE BOARD!!!!

We try to encourage friendly discussions here and not debates. Try to be kind and courteous to everyone here, and if someone is not that way towards you, feel free to let one of the mods know. I think we can all act out of Christian love and have a wonderful fellowship here if we truly want to, and as believers I think we should.Linkmaster1711 wrote:Before I start I am a Christian, I do indeed Love my Lord, I realize how important his love is to our world and ours cause as Christians, though forgive me if I am not so well versed in the bible as many others seem to be on this site.... I am an intelligent person once you get to know me, so if your an arguer and like to start assaulting your opponent(s) intelligence bear in mind that I GENERALLY SPEAKING know what I am talking about, I just may not be as highly educated... so zip it!
Your mentor was correct. You should never go "spirit chasing" or "ghost hunting". It is not Biblical for starters, and secondly you will not like what you find.Linkmaster1711 wrote:NEVER GO SPIRIT CHASING! UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHOULD I DO THAT.... EVER, NEVER EVER DO IT!
We all have times where we think that something is God's fault in our lives, and so we blame Him. However we must know that He knows what is best for us and that if we put our full trust and faith in Him, He will guide our lives. We must not allow our anger to lead us to sin. That said, it is good that you are back on track with the Lord. Concerning this "ghost". given the circumstances, I would say that it is a fallen angel. Which one I have no idea, but that is irrelevant. We have been given power by the Holy Spirit and the Blood of Jesus, to cast them out, we have authority over them. I would suggest you get your Church family to help you with this. Seek them out and tell them your story, and ask them all to pray over you. Also have them pray over your house, and have full faith in the Lord that He will remove this being from your home. Sorry I am not of more help at the current time, I do not have enough data about the situation, so if you could fill me in on a bit more, and let us know how things are going, that would be great.Linkmaster1711 wrote:Well all that changed as of a few weeks ago, the Ghost non believer side of me is definately gone. I find it odd cause I have been living in this house almost 3 and a half months now and on this night I am about to describe was one of the most Spiritual nights of my life as far as detachment and frustration towards God is concerned, only by this epic scene of INTENSE SPIRITUAL WARFARE brought me right back to God and FAST. Basically at after a long 3 and a half to 4 hour phone conversation at 4 in the morning I get off the phone with a long time friend whom I confessed having feelings for and she denies having any for me which in my current state am weak to this sort of thing for being single for so long, and on top of alot more things that I can possibly discuss later on in another thread add up to be my BIGGEST GOD RAGE EVER! I start by yelling at God, swearing at God, proceed to rip off my shirt and for about another 1/2 hour or so I basically start blaming God for all of my problems. I finally say to God that I hate him, not meaning it don't get that confused, I was just looney on this night, but right after I said I hated him..... My body goes paralyzed, and I can't even gush out a sound or a cry of despair and suddenly a jolt of pain shoots through my left arm down to my fingers and my eyesight leaves me. A few more seconds of this continues and I lose my ability to breathe. The room was pitch black yet I could FEEL SOMETHING ON ME, and MOVING THROUGH ME AND INTO ME!!! I CAN'T EVEN SCREAM EITHER I START TO FEAR FOR MY LIFE! Then I don't remember where or why I remembered this but I yell in my head for Satan to leave or anything cause Jesus's Blood covers me. And not even 2 seconds later I can move and I hear a faint voice say "get out of bed and go downstairs..." Following these commands I believe to be God's I make my way downstairs, my body feels like it hasn't been stretched in over a month and my arm is still mind numbing pain and my eyesight is starting to return. I feel like this abnormality isn't uncommon but I definately need help with this cause a ghost now haunts my room that has never been there before..... What do I do everyone?
Also I do think, given what you felt physically, it could not hurt to get a physical at the very least, to make sure nothing is wrong.
All in all, we will keep you in our prayers brother. Please be strong and have faith in the Lord.

May God Bless you and keep you safe
Once I was trapped in a perpetual night, without even a star to light the sky. Now I stand in the glory of the Son, and not even a faint shadow of darkness remains.
- Linkmaster1711
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Re: I have a ghost in my room.... No Joke
I appreciate all of the advice given, and the reason why I seem to randomly put at the end their that a "ghost is in my room now at night" was to imply that nothing like that had ever happened before, and there wasn't originally a.... "spirit" in my room beofre that night. Like I said I barely even believed in the things until this event, and I, having lived through that experience really and whole heartedly believe it was a demonic attack.... Since as soon as I yelled the final time at God in my head I was caught in paralysis and lost my sight gradually in the bed, only to CALL ON THE NAME THAT I HAD JUST ABUSED A FEW MINUTES AGO TO COME FOR MY AID THAT HELP BEING JESUS... As soon as I called out Jesus's name and calling myself washed in his blood (It's actually kind of funny ironic, I think God defiantely used it as a wake up call for sure) I forgot to mention that a peach sized bruise was on my left arm for roughly a week later even though....
To the advice of getting a physical for a seizure, I am not sure I understand what rules this to be a possible seizure case? (Forgive me but I hadn't even been asleep yet on this night.... Though as soon as I come back from Summit I have a physical checkup appointment setup, yall's advice is the same as some of the wiser people I PERSONALLY KNOW that I came at them with this....) I ask that yall pray for my family since there is a spirit in their new house now... An EVIL one, and pray for safety in my family since my sister's room is adjacently sitting next to mine which she is a very watered down Christian and I don't want to think about what would happen if it had been her in that scenario..... I have already warned her about going in there and what to do if something happens....
To Gabrielman GOOD TO MEET YOU
I have been lurking as a guest for about a week now and your name and cool looking Ichigo sig pops up alot
and generally whatever you say in your posts leads me to believe that you and I have VERY SIMILAR BELIEFS, and that I definately appreciate any and all prayers that you and anyone else here provide. Why I called you out in particular though is that I repented for the sin, as soon as I felt good enough to go back to bed (who wouldn't feel bad after that?).... A little more Irony to add to the story was I had been studying 1st Timothy and of Course 1st Timothy 6:11-12 is But you, O man of God, flee these things and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, gentleness. Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, to which you were also called and have confessed the good confession in the presence of many witnesses." Then I go on later that night to curse him like this (not really funny but well I guess laughing about it is better than dwelling on it) so yes I appreciate your words to me Gabrielman, I really do struggle with my anger sometimes, and I even know before I do it blaming GOD is the worst route to go, it is like slapping your momma on Christams day after she gave you all your Christmas presents as a thanks..... And the Ghost being a fallen angel is certainly what I think it is given the strange scenario and his sudden appeareance.... I'll keep you in a prayer as well friend, I posted a wall now so I am going to give yall a break.
To the advice of getting a physical for a seizure, I am not sure I understand what rules this to be a possible seizure case? (Forgive me but I hadn't even been asleep yet on this night.... Though as soon as I come back from Summit I have a physical checkup appointment setup, yall's advice is the same as some of the wiser people I PERSONALLY KNOW that I came at them with this....) I ask that yall pray for my family since there is a spirit in their new house now... An EVIL one, and pray for safety in my family since my sister's room is adjacently sitting next to mine which she is a very watered down Christian and I don't want to think about what would happen if it had been her in that scenario..... I have already warned her about going in there and what to do if something happens....
To Gabrielman GOOD TO MEET YOU

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Re: I have a ghost in my room.... No Joke
Hey, welcome to the board, Linkmaster. That's funny that you wrote thisLinkmaster1711 wrote:I am a new user to this board and I just really love what the site has done as far as growing me since the short time I found it.... (1 week ago)
Before I start I am a Christian, I do indeed Love my Lord, I realize how important his love is to our world and ours cause as Christians, though forgive me if I am not so well versed in the bible as many others seem to be on this site.... I am an intelligent person once you get to know me, so if your an arguer and like to start assaulting your opponent(s) intelligence bear in mind that I GENERALLY SPEAKING know what I am talking about, I just may not be as highly educated... so zip it!

As for your subject matter. Yes, I'd get a check-up from a doctor, just to make sure about your health. That would scare me to death - I mean the physical symptoms alone. That being said, I've spoken with a number of Christians who have had demonic visits (or their close relative or friend had). Two of the stories I heard involved physical effects on the person, with the others, there was no physical contact. I had a little demonic oppression myself at one time, and I've heard pastors speak of exorcisms (in buildings and with people). I have also read of Wiccans and such having experiences, which caused them to leave that life. So yes, I believe this kind-of thing still happens. Just keep your eyes on Jesus, and I think things will be fine! Not sure about your sister or the house though. What makes you say those things?

- Gabrielman
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Re: I have a ghost in my room.... No Joke
Well I don't mean for you to get it for what they were saying. The fallen can inflict harm, and with what happened to you, I would recommend it. You never know what the lasting effects could be, and praying and having someone pray over you would be good too. The damage might not be all physical, but spiritual too. I also think you should take it easier for the next couple of days brother and just spend time in the word, that would be good for you.Linkmaster1711 wrote:To the advice of getting a physical for a seizure, I am not sure I understand what rules this to be a possible seizure case?
So far as the fallen hurting people, the Word teaches us about that. In Acts 19:13-16 it states: "Some Jews who went around driving out evil spirits tried to invoke the name of the Lord Jesus over those who were demon-possessed. They would say, 'In the name of Jesus, whom Paul preaches, I command you to come out.' Seven sons of Sceva, a Jewish chief priest, were doing this. (One day) the evil spirit answered them, 'Jesus I know, and I know about Paul, but who are you?' Then the man who had the evil spirit jumped on them and overpowered them all. He gave them such a beating that they ran out of the house naked and bleeding."
Linkmaster1711 wrote:To Gabrielman GOOD TO MEET YOUI have been lurking as a guest for about a week now and your name and cool looking Ichigo sig pops up alot
and generally whatever you say in your posts leads me to believe that you and I have VERY SIMILAR BELIEFS, and that I definately appreciate any and all prayers that you and anyone else here provide.

You know I was thinking of posting that verse myself, especially with what has happened of late. Yes anyone would feel bad after that, it is the conviction of the Holy Spirit on us.Linkmaster1711 wrote:Why I called you out in particular though is that I repented for the sin, as soon as I felt good enough to go back to bed (who wouldn't feel bad after that?).... A little more Irony to add to the story was I had been studying 1st Timothy and of Course 1st Timothy 6:11-12 is But you, O man of God, flee these things and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, gentleness. Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, to which you were also called and have confessed the good confession in the presence of many witnesses."
I am glad I could be of some help to you, but it is the Lord who leads me. Anger is something a lot of people have trouble with, and it can be hard to let it go. It is in times like that we need to just stop and pray, even if it is hard for us to do. I know that I have had times where I was angry, and what's worse angry with God, and upon talking to Him about it, I realize my anger is not merited at all. But isn't it wonderful to have such a loving God who will forgive our sins!Linkmaster1711 wrote:Then I go on later that night to curse him like this (not really funny but well I guess laughing about it is better than dwelling on it) so yes I appreciate your words to me Gabrielman, I really do struggle with my anger sometimes, and I even know before I do it blaming GOD is the worst route to go, it is like slapping your momma on Christams day after she gave you all your Christmas presents as a thanks

So how are things now? I pray they are better, so please let us know. I know that the Lord will keep you. And please, feel free to post as much as you like, it is good to have some new faces around here! I can't wait to read more posts by you brother!Linkmaster1711 wrote:And the Ghost being a fallen angel is certainly what I think it is given the strange scenario and his sudden appeareance.... I'll keep you in a prayer as well friend, I posted a wall now so I am going to give yall a break.
Yes, I have been thinking on this for a while. I found it odd that no atheists have been around since we have been fighting amongst ourselves. As Christ Said:CSLewisLover wrote:
Hey, welcome to the board, Linkmaster. That's funny that you wrote this, but I'm glad you did - and glad that you came on and posted despite the things that have been going on here. Someone pointed out to me that there haven't been any atheists on lately, attacking us, and that it's been during this time of combativeness on the board here. Who needs attacks from the outside when there's plenty from the inside? Yes, spiritual warfare is real.
Matthew 12:22-25 (New King James Version)
"22 Then one was brought to Him who was demon-possessed, blind and mute; and He healed him, so that the blind and mute man both spoke and saw. 23 And all the multitudes were amazed and said, 'Could this be the Son of David?'
24 Now when the Pharisees heard it they said, 'This fellow does not cast out demons except by Beelzebub, the ruler of the demons.'
25 But Jesus knew their thoughts, and said to them: 'Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and every city or house divided against itself will not stand.'"
We need to be watchful, and act out of love. Lest the enemy get in and tear us apart from the inside out.
God Bless!!!
Once I was trapped in a perpetual night, without even a star to light the sky. Now I stand in the glory of the Son, and not even a faint shadow of darkness remains.
- Linkmaster1711
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Re: I have a ghost in my room.... No Joke
Hmm, so that is how you do the "quote in the different colored box thingy that looks pretty handy..." That is a really useful little button up there! You like Gabe and a few others seem to be some of the more active members of the board, and your Sig from Matthew is SO EPIC... btw, nice to meet you as well and appreciate the greetingcslewislover wrote:Hey, welcome to the board, Linkmaster. That's funny that you wrote this , but I'm glad you did - and glad that you came on and posted despite the things that have been going on here. Someone pointed out to me that there haven't been any atheists on lately, attacking us, and that it's been during this time of combativeness on the board here. Who needs attacks from the outside when there's plenty from the inside? Yes, spiritual warfare is real.

Hehe, yeah what sucks is I had to go back in there to sleep same nightcslewislover wrote:That would scare me to death - I mean the physical symptoms alone.

Well cause out of my whole family, I am the only Christian that really seems to pursue God, and my sister absolutely DOESN'T pursue God or lead a Godly lifestyle and has come to me saying hurtful things against my friends and extremely hurtful things to my best friend saying how we are just a bunch of hypocrytical "holier-than thou" Christians and jokes, in a very rude and course way, about my lifestyle and how it is so boring and LAME.... More to comecslewislover wrote: Not sure about your sister or the house though. What makes you say those things?
- Linkmaster1711
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Re: I have a ghost in my room.... No Joke
Anyway, my sister is a sore subject with me cause she is like a wild stallion and everything I say to her gets blown off and pushed aside INCLUDING this ghost story. She is also an incredibly CURIOUS person who might try to EVOKE the spirit while I am gone for Summit.... I have left her a note about what to say (if you believe it though, which is the whole problem) and God could definately use it if she did but I also am worried about the house cause this is my parent's DREAM HOUSE. Really God blessed my mom and dad, but again this dream house is haunted now, and possibly thanks to me. So I just pray for all of em, that nothing bad happens while I am gone. God doesn't give people something that they can't handle, though I'm reading Job right now and getting tore apart by questions about that subject as well so.... God keep me focused on you
Hmm, already following this advice (the word part)... What stood out was the part about Spiritual damage. I didn't know that the human spirit could be damaged, after Jesus saves you.
And I guess I have already gone overboard on typing without really answering any questions so here is your questions summed up.. Things as they stand right now are, I'll tell you in my hopefully much shorter last post
Gabrielman wrote:Well I don't mean for you to get it for what they were saying. The fallen can inflict harm, and with what happened to you, I would recommend it. You never know what the lasting effects could be, and praying and having someone pray over you would be good too. The damage might not be all physical, but spiritual too. I also think you should take it easier for the next couple of days brother and just spend time in the word, that would be good for you.
Hmm, already following this advice (the word part)... What stood out was the part about Spiritual damage. I didn't know that the human spirit could be damaged, after Jesus saves you.
OH MAN! I actually would love one of Urahara or Kenpaichi in GOIN OFF mode! Yeah I am a big manga fan lol (I actually thought it might be sinful to like manga/anime but I don't really have proof for it, just a feeling...) I'm guessing CSLL is acronymed cslewislover? I don't really know what anime thei sginature picture is... Anyway, YES if you can get some really good artwork, not like TV show but EPIC BACKGROUND (sort of the one you have) that would be so cool!Gabrielman wrote: Lurking eh? LOL well I am glad you decided to join despite all the fighting that has been going on recently. If you are ever in need of a sig pic or avatar from Bleach just let me know! As long as it isn't Ichigo I can get it for you. (Me and CSLL have a thing going with Ichigo and Rukia, even though her avatar isn't Rukia right now.) Yes I do pop up a lot, lol but I love this place! I hope that you will love it too!
And I guess I have already gone overboard on typing without really answering any questions so here is your questions summed up.. Things as they stand right now are, I'll tell you in my hopefully much shorter last post
- Linkmaster1711
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Re: I have a ghost in my room.... No Joke
Well honestly and once again ironically I had the most courage to go back into my room after my first experience which is the one I described to you, which was 3 weeks ago... I thought that by just stating my Jesus thing in my head and the sudden paralasys gone that the demon(s) had already fled my area (being they're are so afraid of Jesus....) I thought.
However somthing unusually creepy happened this week: I had all but forgotten about 3 weeks ago and had been sleeping in my room fine, it was around 3 in the morning (I know I stay up to late) and was playing Pokemon Heargold, and as soon as I turn off my DS and headlamp I see (now this COULD BE a "mind playing tricks on you" kind of thing but, it would have to be a specaracular trick!) The outline of what appears to be a 5'6"-6" man (Outline of the tip of the head all the way down to the feet) And I just kind of freeze cause that outline WASN'T VISIBLE WHEN THE ROOM WAS LIT. This lasts all of about 30 seconds, that the man walks slowly to where my feet end on my bed, and continues his hauntingly slow paced walk towards the side of my bed. Still not making any part of him visible to my eye he stops moving and appears to TURN HIS HEAD AND LOOK DOWN ON ME! He vanishes, and about a minute later I sum up some courage and go downstairs and just pray to cleanse my room with his presence. This time I am WAY more scared than the last time, and it takes me a lot longer to get to sleep in my room. It really took a blow to my faith in God's power though, I "know" he is the most powerful being, but I hate that there is this figure in my room now!!! Since then I haven't had a decent night's sleep at all! I have also a crazy nightmare about me watching my family... suffer and die........ Just me watching paralyzed which felt like I was there and it was a one of a kind dream! My mind has always been pretty easy on me in my nightmares EXCEPT THIS ONE!!!!!!! Like I said, it is messing up alot of areas in my life and I keep looking to God for this but I also get more and more frustrated the more I believe my room to be haunted.
Yeah so that is the scoop, it really wasn't a whole lot less than my last few posts, I will REALLY TRY to quit making walls everytime I write.... lol
However somthing unusually creepy happened this week: I had all but forgotten about 3 weeks ago and had been sleeping in my room fine, it was around 3 in the morning (I know I stay up to late) and was playing Pokemon Heargold, and as soon as I turn off my DS and headlamp I see (now this COULD BE a "mind playing tricks on you" kind of thing but, it would have to be a specaracular trick!) The outline of what appears to be a 5'6"-6" man (Outline of the tip of the head all the way down to the feet) And I just kind of freeze cause that outline WASN'T VISIBLE WHEN THE ROOM WAS LIT. This lasts all of about 30 seconds, that the man walks slowly to where my feet end on my bed, and continues his hauntingly slow paced walk towards the side of my bed. Still not making any part of him visible to my eye he stops moving and appears to TURN HIS HEAD AND LOOK DOWN ON ME! He vanishes, and about a minute later I sum up some courage and go downstairs and just pray to cleanse my room with his presence. This time I am WAY more scared than the last time, and it takes me a lot longer to get to sleep in my room. It really took a blow to my faith in God's power though, I "know" he is the most powerful being, but I hate that there is this figure in my room now!!! Since then I haven't had a decent night's sleep at all! I have also a crazy nightmare about me watching my family... suffer and die........ Just me watching paralyzed which felt like I was there and it was a one of a kind dream! My mind has always been pretty easy on me in my nightmares EXCEPT THIS ONE!!!!!!! Like I said, it is messing up alot of areas in my life and I keep looking to God for this but I also get more and more frustrated the more I believe my room to be haunted.
Yeah so that is the scoop, it really wasn't a whole lot less than my last few posts, I will REALLY TRY to quit making walls everytime I write.... lol
- Gabrielman
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Re: I have a ghost in my room.... No Joke
Well not like having your arm ripped off spiritually (though I imagine that would hurt if possible) but more importantly, what I was getting at concerning spiritual damage has more to do with being lead astray or tempted. Hm... I didn't word that very well. Okay let me put it like this. Imagine being poisoned, but at first you don't know it. It takes time for it to get hold, and then slowly, yet surely, it hurts you until you are... well dead. Now I am not saying you have been injured in the spirit, but I have heard horror stories, and I have seen a lot of stuff. And at times, you don't even notice it is happening, that is how bad it can be, to the point you don't realize it. Now of course prayer and the Holy Spirit and the Blood of Christ can help us, I was more or less just thinking out loud. I tend to be over cautious, but I don't think there is anything wrong with that. I have seen people, good dedicate believers, have their lives almost torn apart by it.Linkmaster1711 wrote:
Hmm, already following this advice (the word part)... What stood out was the part about Spiritual damage. I didn't know that the human spirit could be damaged, after Jesus saves you.
I will see what I can come up with picture wise, but CSLL made mine! She is so talented. But so far as anime is concerned, it is not a sin. It is no worse than the tv shows many people watch daily. It is simply the cartoon and art form of the Japanese and other oriental cultures. In fact God has drawn me closer to Him via anime, and there have been Christian animes too.... hm.... now I am half tempted to start a thread on this....... Yes CSLL is sclewislover. She and I, well we are special to each other, she means a lot to me, more than any other person could ever mean to me, (God is more than just a person, just so you know, lol not saying He is not more important.). Her sig pic is from Kiddie Grade, a season that never came out.Linkmaster1711 wrote:OH MAN! I actually would love one of Urahara or Kenpaichi in GOIN OFF mode! Yeah I am a big manga fan lol (I actually thought it might be sinful to like manga/anime but I don't really have proof for it, just a feeling...) I'm guessing CSLL is acronymed cslewislover? I don't really know what anime thei sginature picture is... Anyway, YES if you can get some really good artwork, not like TV show but EPIC BACKGROUND (sort of the one you have) that would be so cool!
Linkmaster1711 wrote: And I guess I have already gone overboard on typing without really answering any questions so here is your questions summed up.. Things as they stand right now are, I'll tell you in my hopefully much shorter last post

You need to pray, a lot. Trust God fully and put your faith in Him and Him alone. Also, I want you to go to Church, and get someone who is full of the Holy Spirit to pray over you. You know what I said about spiritual damage? Well I could go into more detail, but even believers can be hurt if they let themselves. Do not give this thing any attention, do not feed it, do not let it in. Look, you really need to get away from it, and you need to have your Church pray over the house. They need to actually go there and pray. I will be praying for you too, but do not put this off. Do not let this thing get any worse. I know you have prayed, but you need help of others as well.Linkmaster1711 wrote:However somthing unusually creepy happened this week: I had all but forgotten about 3 weeks ago and had been sleeping in my room fine, it was around 3 in the morning (I know I stay up to late) and was playing Pokemon Heargold, and as soon as I turn off my DS and headlamp I see (now this COULD BE a "mind playing tricks on you" kind of thing but, it would have to be a specaracular trick!) The outline of what appears to be a 5'6"-6" man (Outline of the tip of the head all the way down to the feet) And I just kind of freeze cause that outline WASN'T VISIBLE WHEN THE ROOM WAS LIT. This lasts all of about 30 seconds, that the man walks slowly to where my feet end on my bed, and continues his hauntingly slow paced walk towards the side of my bed. Still not making any part of him visible to my eye he stops moving and appears to TURN HIS HEAD AND LOOK DOWN ON ME! He vanishes, and about a minute later I sum up some courage and go downstairs and just pray to cleanse my room with his presence. This time I am WAY more scared than the last time, and it takes me a lot longer to get to sleep in my room. It really took a blow to my faith in God's power though, I "know" he is the most powerful being, but I hate that there is this figure in my room now!!! Since then I haven't had a decent night's sleep at all! I have also a crazy nightmare about me watching my family... suffer and die........ Just me watching paralyzed which felt like I was there and it was a one of a kind dream! My mind has always been pretty easy on me in my nightmares EXCEPT THIS ONE!!!!!!! Like I said, it is messing up alot of areas in my life and I keep looking to God for this but I also get more and more frustrated the more I believe my room to be haunted.
Once I was trapped in a perpetual night, without even a star to light the sky. Now I stand in the glory of the Son, and not even a faint shadow of darkness remains.