I haven't actually debated Christianity as this seems a leap too far at the minute. I felt it best to begin with why they don't believe there is a 'Creator' and why I do. We've started with 'Irreducible Complexity' (which they maintain has not been proven scientifically and which I have agreed seems to be the case- I even emailed Behe to clarify a few points that had arisen but although he replied he did not answer my points and just provided a link, which was disappointing to say the least). We have now moved on to apparent design flaws and whilst debating these things, it became obvious I was being left behind in terms of evolution/biological references etc, hence my foray into Dawkin's world. As we are only working with the natural world at this point, I don't think I can draw upon 'supernatural' things just yet. (One guy is debating with another Christian and is very open minded and asking him why he believes etc, so they are open to good honest debate). I am aware that some (how much remains to be seen as I've only read one and a half chapters so far) of the book's contents is 'speculative'.
Thanks again. I shall bear your advice in mind, once we progress. I probably won't continue debating til after Christmas as the book could prove heavy going in parts. I shall call on your help if I may, once I start discussing things again.