Question about Atheism and Communism...

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Question about Atheism and Communism...

Post by derrick09 »

Hello everyone, I want to touch on this topic for a bit to see if there is any major direct connection between today's atheists (especially the ones in the universities) maybe even atheists of the past few decades and communism. Back when I was in middle school I attended a private Christian school (I was part of the ACE School of Tomorrow curriculum) and in several of my history studies I learned about the evils of communism. And while learning about the evils of communism I was struck not only by the fact that communism was not only started by a devout atheist but basically communism is embedded with atheism and atheist ideas. I also learned that one of the ways communists try to conform people's minds to their ideas is to break them of their hope, mostly by convincing them that God does not exist. That way, when the people then are left in a natural state of hopelessness and depression over the fact that there is no real meaning, objective morality, life after death and so on, as a way to make a replacement for God they just get the people to put their faith in the government or communist state and they make that the people's god.

Now not too long ago I've gone to a few atheist message boards and asked several atheists about their views concerning communism and surprisingly most of them said they were NOT communists. But now with communism becoming more popular among youth and college aged adults and coupling with the 'new' atheism or evangelical atheism that seeks to de-convert Christians or people who at least think they are Christians not to mention convert any nonbeliever to atheism, it seems to me there has to be a connection here between the increase in urging people to turn away for religion (especially Christianity) and embrace atheism and the ideas of communism. Now my question to most of the 'new' atheists, atheist college professors, or members of any atheist club, group, or sect whether it be online or on college campuses is this, if you so severely want the whole world to embrace a belief system that ultimately gives us no hope, no meaning, no purpose, no life after death, no objective moral values, and essentially crushes the spirits and emotions of most people (since most people still hold to a religious belief in one way or another) and NOT want us to later embrace communism and make the government or the communist state our replacement for god, then WHAT are you wanting us to replace our God or gods with? Once humanity is somehow convinced that we are here only by random or natural processes and there is nothing material about us and when we die we simply pass out of existence with all our thoughts and memories gone and ultimately, one day our memories and legecy that we left behind will also be forgotten about due to the eventual heat death of the universe... what DO YOU ALL want us to replace God with? Because whether it be by God or by some twisted natural law or qwirk we as human beings strive for a sense of purpose and meaning and all seem to have a sense of eternity within us. How do we find solid hope, purpose, and meaning (nonetheless a life after death) without God? But in closing if there are any errors or misunderstandings on my part as far as the proper understanding of communism and how communism and atheism are or not connected let me know, so I can update my paradigm. Thanks. :wave:
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Re: Question about Atheism and Communism...

Post by B. W. »

derrick09 wrote:Hello everyone, I want to touch on this topic for a bit to see if there is any major direct connection between today's atheists (especially the ones in the universities) maybe even atheists of the past few decades and communism. Back when I was in middle school I attended a private Christian school (I was part of the ACE School of Tomorrow curriculum) and in several of my history studies I learned about the evils of communism. And while learning about the evils of communism I was struck not only by the fact that communism was not only started by a devout atheist but basically communism is embedded with atheism and atheist ideas. I also learned that one of the ways communists try to conform people's minds to their ideas is to break them of their hope, mostly by convincing them that God does not exist. That way, when the people then are left in a natural state of hopelessness and depression over the fact that there is no real meaning, objective morality, life after death and so on, as a way to make a replacement for God they just get the people to put their faith in the government or communist state and they make that the people's god.

Now not too long ago I've gone to a few atheist message boards and asked several atheists about their views concerning communism and surprisingly most of them said they were NOT communists. But now with communism becoming more popular among youth and college aged adults and coupling with the 'new' atheism or evangelical atheism that seeks to de-convert Christians or people who at least think they are Christians not to mention convert any nonbeliever to atheism, it seems to me there has to be a connection here between the increase in urging people to turn away for religion (especially Christianity) and embrace atheism and the ideas of communism. Now my question to most of the 'new' atheists, atheist college professors, or members of any atheist club, group, or sect whether it be online or on college campuses is this, if you so severely want the whole world to embrace a belief system that ultimately gives us no hope, no meaning, no purpose, no life after death, no objective moral values, and essentially crushes the spirits and emotions of most people (since most people still hold to a religious belief in one way or another) and NOT want us to later embrace communism and make the government or the communist state our replacement for god, then WHAT are you wanting us to replace our God or gods with? Once humanity is somehow convinced that we are here only by random or natural processes and there is nothing material about us and when we die we simply pass out of existence with all our thoughts and memories gone and ultimately, one day our memories and legecy that we left behind will also be forgotten about due to the eventual heat death of the universe... what DO YOU ALL want us to replace God with? Because whether it be by God or by some twisted natural law or qwirk we as human beings strive for a sense of purpose and meaning and all seem to have a sense of eternity within us. How do we find solid hope, purpose, and meaning (nonetheless a life after death) without God? But in closing if there are any errors or misunderstandings on my part as far as the proper understanding of communism and how communism and atheism are or not connected let me know, so I can update my paradigm. Thanks. :wave:
Sadly, many people today do not understand what communism is, does, its goals, its purposes. Therefore, because of this, many who follow the leftist, or progrssive mantras, or the socialist, or the fabian socialist models do not understand that their ideas and purposes are indeed communism. Goals and purposes are the same.

I'll post a bit more on this later but what I woould like to ask is this - where does this neo-marxist, socialist, progressive, communism lead too - what does it honestly produce and ultimatly lead too?
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Re: Question about Atheism and Communism...

Post by Gabrielman »

B. W. wrote:where does this neo-marxist, socialist, progressive, communism lead too - what does it honestly produce and ultimatly lead too?
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that you mean other than an oppressive society where everyone is equally poor and unhealthy, and oppressed with no hope. Not being allowed to practice their faith, eating government issued foods and (like in China) only being allowed to have so many kids before they give you forced abortions and sterilize men and women both. And of course you won't have any say, so things like eugenics, and cloning, and genetic engineering would go one without your consent. They would push the idea as some countries have (at least this is how I see things would go) that you would not be able to choose your path in life, like a career. Instead they would test you and force you to do what they think you are best suited for, even if you hate it and would rather do something else. All the while the government would be rich and "living the life" off of all of your hard work and effort. It would get like that, it would spiral out of control. There is way more, and feel free to disagree with me if you want (not you B. W. I am talking to everyone.... but you can disagree if you like, lol)
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Re: Question about Atheism and Communism...

Post by B. W. »

Gabrielman wrote:
B. W. wrote:where does this neo-marxist, socialist, progressive, communism lead too - what does it honestly produce and ultimatly lead too?
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that you mean other than an oppressive society where everyone is equally poor and unhealthy, and oppressed with no hope. Not being allowed to practice their faith, eating government issued foods and (like in China) only being allowed to have so many kids before they give you forced abortions and sterilize men and women both. And of course you won't have any say, so things like eugenics, and cloning, and genetic engineering would go one without your consent. They would push the idea as some countries have (at least this is how I see things would go) that you would not be able to choose your path in life, like a career. Instead they would test you and force you to do what they think you are best suited for, even if you hate it and would rather do something else. All the while the government would be rich and "living the life" off of all of your hard work and effort. It would get like that, it would spiral out of control. There is way more, and feel free to disagree with me if you want (not you B. W. I am talking to everyone.... but you can disagree if you like, lol)
Very Good – more detail than I would have added!

Communism strips people of choice; it offers no choice other than the party line.

Think of the BORG collective of Star Trek Next Generation genre and you’ll grasps what the goal of communism / progressive / left / socialist strive for. A collective striped of choice / liberty / freedom. They begin by boring into the opposition to destroy opposing views and thought. Star Trek had it right in its portrayal of the BORG based on leftist ideology.

Tyranny and oppression of the human soul is the final result.

Communism is like most poison delivered in something sweet to cover its bitterness. Chocolate was often used with poison to deliver a fatal blow. Most people love chocolate and like its taste. Mixed with poison they will not notice the death to conscience communist tyranny brings.
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Re: Question about Atheism and Communism...

Post by Gabrielman »

B. W. wrote:Communism strips people of choice; it offers no choice other than the party line.

Think of the BORG collective of Star Trek Next Generation genre and you’ll grasps what the goal of communism / progressive / left / socialist strive for. A collective striped of choice / liberty / freedom. They begin by boring into the opposition to destroy opposing views and thought. Star Trek had it right in its portrayal of the BORG based on leftist ideology.
Yup, pretty much. To put it bluntly if we become a communist country, as it seems we are doing, then we are in for a very unpleasant future. However the way our leftest destroys the opposing view is to paint them as racist, uneducated, and "clinging to their religion and guns". So they slander us, as opposed to boring into our heads, they bore lies into the heads of the youth and turn them against us.
B. W. wrote:Tyranny and oppression of the human soul is the final result.
That seems like their goal as scary as that sounds....
B. W. wrote: Communism is like most poison delivered in something sweet to cover its bitterness. Chocolate was often used with poison to deliver a fatal blow. Most people love chocolate and like its taste. Mixed with poison they will not notice the death to conscience communist tyranny brings.
And you hit the nail right on the head! They hide it as something good, and they feed it to the ignorant and young ones, and then the future becomes corrupt. Just think, if they have their way we will get socialized health care, meaning that you get to wait for treatment until the bureaucrats decide you can have it... that is only if you are useful to society.

My only question is how is it that people can even support this? How? I mean you would have to be blind to not see the implications. Then again maybe they want things that way.
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Re: Question about Atheism and Communism...

Post by Kristoffer »

Although I do not put much stock in communism from experience. I will say for certain that most parties in the left end of the political spectrum are not really as much for tyranny and oppression as you say they are. It's more corrupt institutions like the USSR and the EU, that twist liberal ideas into becoming weapons to control and oppress people, giving a political elite basically a free train loads of cash.

Also, I thind the thread title rather amusing, it is like you are trying to associate all atheists with communists, some of my friends are athiests and they are wonderful people so I could very much take it personally if my "skinn wasn't so thick".
surprisingly most of them said they were NOT communists
Most people who have experienced being in a region of the world that was more closely affected by communism, most probably will NOT be communists. Do not confuse liberal ideals with communism, although personally I find my self a bit conservationist, or whatever you would call the right, but as I have said before...My countries right is probably like your countries left. :ewink:
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Re: Question about Atheism and Communism...

Post by Ngakunui »

Atheism isn't Communist, but Communism is inherently Atheist.

Communism is based primarily around the concept of a "common good" being "sustained" by "the state"(The People in Communist lingo). The Common Good is an imaginary scapegoat that doesn't mean the good for most people like it does in normal English, but more simply what serves the politicians in office. The assertions are made that whatever the government does is good and therefore suit the "common good". As most religions, unless fabricated by the state, will give someone something to be loyal to or hold above the government, they are banned or heavily suppressed to suit government desires. This is similar to Humanism, which proposes the creation of an official government religion to keep people under control- however, I will concede that atheism isn't as bad as a religion made or subverted to control people. (Amusingly, though Communists insist that's why religions exist)

Nonetheless, Communists commonly, in their countries try proposing a dualism between religion of any kind and atheism; portraying atheism as something more than it is with various philosophies and so on that "oppose religion in general", which is ridiculous. The few Marxists I've heard talk about religion sound like Richard Dawkins for the most part, like the fact the universe is a trillion years old somehow disproves every religion known to man.

Now, I can tell you that Communism isn't exactly in accord with Christianity in terms of other things, either. For one, Communism is not for the poor and weak "people" as it likes to claim, but for the rich and powerful who exploit whoever is subject to them. And believe me, if I've learned anything from history, you can only give Caesar so much until you have to go into hiding. Thankfully, the Praetorian Guard in Communist countries have guns that can't hit the broadside of a barn if their lives depend on it. Nonetheless, that is one thing about the Communist agenda that makes their countries nearly inhospitable. Save maybe for China (which is so watered down a version of Communism, it hardly counts), it's very hard to do anything godly due to, if you are Christian, or simply religious, you must keep it absolutely secret and out of sight and never speak of it around your comrades- if you can call them that.

This is how the morals work in Communist countries: Instead of love towards others, you have fear of insubordination. Instead of brotherhood, you have something they try passing off as comradery. Instead of prosperity, you have people being exploited. Instead of being able to say "Jesus loves you", you're expected to say "KILL THEM ALL, HAHAHA". Instead of reason and tolerating people, you have people being sent to "reeducation"(which sadly, is the way a lot of "Christians" would have it). And instead of freedom, of course, you have oppression and weekly, unreasonable search and seizure. Oh, and since Communists believe in an absolute "commonwealth" where everyone shares the same fate(except the government officials, of course), if they go to Hell, they expect you to go with them.

But just to clear up, just because someone is an atheist doesn't he's a Communist. That's being rather prejudice. There are quite a few atheists that are Capitalists and/or moral people, too.
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Re: Question about Atheism and Communism...

Post by DannyM »

Ngakunui wrote:Atheism isn't Communist, but Communism is inherently Atheist.

Communism is based primarily around the concept of a "common good" being "sustained" by "the state"(The People in Communist lingo). The Common Good is an imaginary scapegoat that doesn't mean the good for most people like it does in normal English, but more simply what serves the politicians in office. The assertions are made that whatever the government does is good and therefore suit the "common good". As most religions, unless fabricated by the state, will give someone something to be loyal to or hold above the government, they are banned or heavily suppressed to suit government desires. This is similar to Humanism, which proposes the creation of an official government religion to keep people under control- however, I will concede that atheism isn't as bad as a religion made or subverted to control people. (Amusingly, though Communists insist that's why religions exist)

Nonetheless, Communists commonly, in their countries try proposing a dualism between religion of any kind and atheism; portraying atheism as something more than it is with various philosophies and so on that "oppose religion in general", which is ridiculous. The few Marxists I've heard talk about religion sound like Richard Dawkins for the most part, like the fact the universe is a trillion years old somehow disproves every religion known to man.

Now, I can tell you that Communism isn't exactly in accord with Christianity in terms of other things, either. For one, Communism is not for the poor and weak "people" as it likes to claim, but for the rich and powerful who exploit whoever is subject to them. And believe me, if I've learned anything from history, you can only give Caesar so much until you have to go into hiding. Thankfully, the Praetorian Guard in Communist countries have guns that can't hit the broadside of a barn if their lives depend on it. Nonetheless, that is one thing about the Communist agenda that makes their countries nearly inhospitable. Save maybe for China (which is so watered down a version of Communism, it hardly counts), it's very hard to do anything godly due to, if you are Christian, or simply religious, you must keep it absolutely secret and out of sight and never speak of it around your comrades- if you can call them that.

This is how the morals work in Communist countries: Instead of love towards others, you have fear of insubordination. Instead of brotherhood, you have something they try passing off as comradery. Instead of prosperity, you have people being exploited. Instead of being able to say "Jesus loves you", you're expected to say "KILL THEM ALL, HAHAHA". Instead of reason and tolerating people, you have people being sent to "reeducation"(which sadly, is the way a lot of "Christians" would have it). And instead of freedom, of course, you have oppression and weekly, unreasonable search and seizure. Oh, and since Communists believe in an absolute "commonwealth" where everyone shares the same fate(except the government officials, of course), if they go to Hell, they expect you to go with them.

But just to clear up, just because someone is an atheist doesn't he's a Communist. That's being rather prejudice. There are quite a few atheists that are Capitalists and/or moral people, too.
Excellent post. And just to repeat: atheism does not entail communism, but communism does entail atheism.
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Re: Question about Atheism and Communism...

Post by Telstra Robs »

Communism does not necessarily entail Atheism. In fact, many Communist regimes create a new religion based around the party or themselves. For example, in North Korea, you worship Kim Jong Il and his father, Kim Il Sung. Many North Koreans think that Kim Jong Il's mood affects the weather. You must hang portraits of him on the best wall of your home and bow down to his portrait. Kim Il Sung is a God and Kim Jon Il is the son of a God in North Korea. There is love, but only for the Party and thus only for Kim and his family.

This was similar to Chairman Mao in Communist China. People were encouraged to carry around the "Little Red Book" (this was almost an unwritten rule, with Red Guards sometimes beating people who did not carry the book) and like in North Korea today, Chairman Mao's image appeared everywhere. You would have it in homes and offices

Stalin also attempted to create a personality cult based around himself, attempting to "deify" himself, though when Khrushchev came to power, he denounced Stalin's actions.
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Re: Question about Atheism and Communism...

Post by B. W. »

Telstra Robs wrote:Communism does not necessarily entail Atheism. In fact, many Communist regimes create a new religion based around the party or themselves. For example, in North Korea, you worship Kim Jong Il and his father, Kim Il Sung. Many North Koreans think that Kim Jong Il's mood affects the weather. You must hang portraits of him on the best wall of your home and bow down to his portrait. Kim Il Sung is a God and Kim Jon Il is the son of a God in North Korea. There is love, but only for the Party and thus only for Kim and his family.

This was similar to Chairman Mao in Communist China. People were encouraged to carry around the "Little Red Book" (this was almost an unwritten rule, with Red Guards sometimes beating people who did not carry the book) and like in North Korea today, Chairman Mao's image appeared everywhere. You would have it in homes and offices

Stalin also attempted to create a personality cult based around himself, attempting to "deify" himself, though when Khrushchev came to power, he denounced Stalin's actions.
In the USA - after the election - little kids were singing about Obama!

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Well, for many, the worship of the state and total dependance on the state is telling...
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Re: Question about Atheism and Communism...

Post by DannyM »

Telstra Robs wrote:Communism does not necessarily entail Atheism. In fact, many Communist regimes create a new religion based around the party or themselves. For example, in North Korea, you worship Kim Jong Il and his father, Kim Il Sung. Many North Koreans think that Kim Jong Il's mood affects the weather. You must hang portraits of him on the best wall of your home and bow down to his portrait. Kim Il Sung is a God and Kim Jon Il is the son of a God in North Korea. There is love, but only for the Party and thus only for Kim and his family.

This was similar to Chairman Mao in Communist China. People were encouraged to carry around the "Little Red Book" (this was almost an unwritten rule, with Red Guards sometimes beating people who did not carry the book) and like in North Korea today, Chairman Mao's image appeared everywhere. You would have it in homes and offices

Stalin also attempted to create a personality cult based around himself, attempting to "deify" himself, though when Khrushchev came to power, he denounced Stalin's actions.
What you're missing is that communist regimes loathe religion. You're inadvertently pointing out the delicious irony in that these dictatorships create a cult around themselves, which results in complete subordinance, out of either total worship or living in absolute terror. Yes they do create a kind of quasi-religion around themselves, but it is an irony utterly lost on communism. Communism absolutely entails atheism.
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Re: Question about Atheism and Communism...

Post by Telstra Robs »

Danny, it all depends on what angle you look at Communism from. From the leader's point of view, religion is imagination and a tool of manipulation. In MOST cases, the leaders do not think of themselves as the Gods they command the people to consider them as (of course in some cases, some leaders probably would believe what they preach). But, if you look it at the point of the society, then Communism cannot survive with atheism. Why? What does atheism teach? That we're all essentially water bags that have no real reason to live and probably do more harm to the world than good. Atheism teaches us we're nothing. Try putting that into a Communist society. A Communist society typically is or will become a dystopia. You are told where to work, what to eat, what to buy, where to live etc. This may result in a great reduction in work and an increase in suicides which will harm the society. People are put in appalling conditions and have no reason to live, so why do so? Such a society would most likely be susceptible to religious and ideological influence from outside the society which would not end well for the government.

As of such, it becomes important for the government to install a religion that requires people to love the government. A generation or so later and everyone loves the government. Of course the leaders of the government wouldn't believe this, but with most false religions, the leader doesn't believe it anyway (to be honest, I don't think Muhammad was a Muslim, but an atheist who created a religion to gain power for himself or for his people). In the society, religion is necessary. The communist leaders hate religions that go against them. They however, love the idea of their own religion which will secure their grip over the country they rule. A Communist society hates all religions but the religion that it creates. The leaders don't believe it, but the society does. Communism needs to control the society to gain power and then to keep it. A religion created by the government is needed to control the society. Therefore Communism needs religion and without it, a Communist government will collapse. Out of the five countries that are communist today (China, Vietnam, Laos, North Korea and Cuba) not one of them is "atheist". The only actual "atheist" Communist governments have all collapsed.
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Re: Question about Atheism and Communism...

Post by derrick09 »

Ngakunui wrote:Atheism isn't Communist, but Communism is inherently Atheist.

Communism is based primarily around the concept of a "common good" being "sustained" by "the state"(The People in Communist lingo). The Common Good is an imaginary scapegoat that doesn't mean the good for most people like it does in normal English, but more simply what serves the politicians in office. The assertions are made that whatever the government does is good and therefore suit the "common good". As most religions, unless fabricated by the state, will give someone something to be loyal to or hold above the government, they are banned or heavily suppressed to suit government desires. This is similar to Humanism, which proposes the creation of an official government religion to keep people under control- however, I will concede that atheism isn't as bad as a religion made or subverted to control people. (Amusingly, though Communists insist that's why religions exist)

Nonetheless, Communists commonly, in their countries try proposing a dualism between religion of any kind and atheism; portraying atheism as something more than it is with various philosophies and so on that "oppose religion in general", which is ridiculous. The few Marxists I've heard talk about religion sound like Richard Dawkins for the most part, like the fact the universe is a trillion years old somehow disproves every religion known to man.

Now, I can tell you that Communism isn't exactly in accord with Christianity in terms of other things, either. For one, Communism is not for the poor and weak "people" as it likes to claim, but for the rich and powerful who exploit whoever is subject to them. And believe me, if I've learned anything from history, you can only give Caesar so much until you have to go into hiding. Thankfully, the Praetorian Guard in Communist countries have guns that can't hit the broadside of a barn if their lives depend on it. Nonetheless, that is one thing about the Communist agenda that makes their countries nearly inhospitable. Save maybe for China (which is so watered down a version of Communism, it hardly counts), it's very hard to do anything godly due to, if you are Christian, or simply religious, you must keep it absolutely secret and out of sight and never speak of it around your comrades- if you can call them that.

This is how the morals work in Communist countries: Instead of love towards others, you have fear of insubordination. Instead of brotherhood, you have something they try passing off as comradery. Instead of prosperity, you have people being exploited. Instead of being able to say "Jesus loves you", you're expected to say "KILL THEM ALL, HAHAHA". Instead of reason and tolerating people, you have people being sent to "reeducation"(which sadly, is the way a lot of "Christians" would have it). And instead of freedom, of course, you have oppression and weekly, unreasonable search and seizure. Oh, and since Communists believe in an absolute "commonwealth" where everyone shares the same fate(except the government officials, of course), if they go to Hell, they expect you to go with them.

But just to clear up, just because someone is an atheist doesn't he's a Communist. That's being rather prejudice. There are quite a few atheists that are Capitalists and/or moral people, too.

Well, one of the things I was trying to get at in this post was to find out exactly why today's new or aggressive atheists are so passionately trying to destroy Christianity and get Christians to deconvert. Some have said that since they think that religion causes most of the evil in the world that by deconverting people the world will become more and more peaceful. An idea which almost anyone with common sense will tell you would not work just due to the nature of human beings in general. Even if you erase religion from the world human beings will still find reasons to have conflict. That's why the other reason (warming us up to communism) is what I think would be the more plausible reason why atheists are being so aggressive in trying to defeat Christianity. Also, another thing I was wanting to find more info about is, what specific 'group' of atheists are the most in number and most in influence? What I mean by group of atheists is from observing atheists over the past few years I've seen different kinds of additudes among atheists and to make things more organized I"ve classified them into groups. You have as follows...

A. Angry, hateful, aggressive atheists

1. Atheists who want to convert people to atheism first, then to their other pet views whether it be communism, environmentalism, extreme liberalism, or some other cause to help "better the world and humanity".

2. Atheists who want to convert people in hopes that eliminating religion will magically cause peace in the world (even if it means persecuting or killing those who revolt against their ideas)

B. Calmer less aggressive atheists

1. Those who are honest truth seekers, who do indeed try to follow the evidence wherever it leads, it just somehow happens that at this point in their lives they see the evidence pointing toward atheism or (for those who are more honest with themselves) agnosticism. In fact, you could include most agnostics within this group as well. (These are the ones I surprisingly and thankfully see at this place, where as at other message boards *both atheist and theist* I see the kind of atheists in group A)

2. The few who hold to the ideas of the atheists in group A but are too lazy and passive or too polite in their personality to enforce their ideas on other people.

Now then, I"m trying to get a feel for which group of atheists are the larger and or the growing group. And by so doing this, us apologists can equip ourselves better as far as how we need to model or conversations and dialogues in hopefully developing a better outcome whether it be to learn more or to be more persuasive in presenting and defending Christian theism. Thanks guys. :wave:
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Re: Question about Atheism and Communism...

Post by DannyM »

Telstra Robs wrote:Danny, it all depends on what angle you look at Communism from. From the leader's point of view, religion is imagination and a tool of manipulation. In MOST cases, the leaders do not think of themselves as the Gods they command the people to consider them as (of course in some cases, some leaders probably would believe what they preach). But, if you look it at the point of the society, then Communism cannot survive with atheism. Why? What does atheism teach? That we're all essentially water bags that have no real reason to live and probably do more harm to the world than good. Atheism teaches us we're nothing. Try putting that into a Communist society. A Communist society typically is or will become a dystopia. You are told where to work, what to eat, what to buy, where to live etc. This may result in a great reduction in work and an increase in suicides which will harm the society. People are put in appalling conditions and have no reason to live, so why do so? Such a society would most likely be susceptible to religious and ideological influence from outside the society which would not end well for the government.

As of such, it becomes important for the government to install a religion that requires people to love the government. A generation or so later and everyone loves the government. Of course the leaders of the government wouldn't believe this, but with most false religions, the leader doesn't believe it anyway (to be honest, I don't think Muhammad was a Muslim, but an atheist who created a religion to gain power for himself or for his people). In the society, religion is necessary. The communist leaders hate religions that go against them. They however, love the idea of their own religion which will secure their grip over the country they rule. A Communist society hates all religions but the religion that it creates. The leaders don't believe it, but the society does. Communism needs to control the society to gain power and then to keep it. A religion created by the government is needed to control the society. Therefore Communism needs religion and without it, a Communist government will collapse. Out of the five countries that are communist today (China, Vietnam, Laos, North Korea and Cuba) not one of them is "atheist". The only actual "atheist" Communist governments have all collapsed.

I'll come back to this soon.
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