Lust and sexual sin

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Lust and sexual sin

Post by cubeus19 »

Hi guys, I have some questions about a sin problem, perhaps either the biggest sin problem I have or at the very least one of the biggest sin problems I have. That being the problem of lust or sexual desire. Since I'm a guy we guys are more prone to this problem than women, I was wondering if any of you fellow guys on here could let me know how you all deal with this problem and how you re focus your mind to keep from lusting and from sinning with that lust. Also as a side question, does the feeling of lust count as a sin or does only certain acts people do because of lust count as sin? I also want to briefly cover the topic of masturbation. I've had all kinds of talk over the years among Christians ranging from that it is sin no matter what context it is in, but others say it's ok in some cases. In fact, I saw a article on a Christian Apologetics web site saying this here is the link to that article So what all that in mind, is it ok in some cases to help curb lust burning or is still wrong no matter what? If it is wrong no matter what, please tell me how you keep the feeling of lust in check, especially in today's sexually open culture? I know that one way to keep lust from getting out of hand is from avoid from viewing anything sexually suggestive but since many of today's women are so provocatively dressed and or thanks to technology and availability more women look attractive today than they did twenty or thirty years ago so unless if you live like a monk or live completely isolated from people there is hardly no way to keep from being exposed from lustful stimuli. Regardless of how much sinful it is or isn't how do true Christian men try to keep these temptations and issues at a bare minimal? Thanks and God bless.
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Re: Lust and sexual sin

Post by smiley »

One thing you should keep in mind is that being physically attracted to a woman isn't the same as lust. It becomes lust once you begin having "dirty" thoughts.

So while saying "Whoa, that girl is hot" isn't sinful, "Man, I wish I could bang that girl" is.
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Re: Lust and sexual sin

Post by The Protector »

This is indeed a burden for almost every man. Jesus rebuked the legalism of the Jewish culture of his time that judged according to specific acts and how closely one adhered to the letter of the law but too often ignored the spirit; more specifically, Jesus said that if lust after a woman, we have already had sex with her in our hearts. God knows our hearts and minds, and when we dwell on impure thoughts we become unclean an lose some of the blessings of the Holy Spirit even if we don't act on those thoughts. I do, however, think it's important to define the sin of lust carefully. Remember that God created sex, that sex is a beautiful, Holy thing, and that God created us with sexual desire. It is perfectly natural to find a beautiful woman attractive. Perhaps others would disagree with me, but I don't think this constitutes lust. One look, or perhaps even a quick involuntary double take (very quick) doesn't necessarily constitute lust; it's continued oggling and staring that starts getting in the lust category. Simply acknowledging or appreciating that a woman with whom you speak is beautiful is not sinful lust (again, in my opinion); staring at her breasts or behind or fantasizing about her are examples of sinful lust.

Even so, avoiding lustful thoughts is extremely difficult. It is helpful to remember that you will never succeed simply by trying to NOT do something; the harder you try to not think about pink elephants, the more likely you are to think about pink elephants, after all. What you must do is replace those thoughts with something else. One great suggestion I once heard (I think from a Ravi Zacharias itinerate minister) was that, every time you find yourself thinking lustful thoughts, think about someone you know who is not a Christian and pray that the Holy Spirit moves them to find Jesus. If it's the devil who is tempting you, I tend to think he will get rather tired of doing so if every time he does somebody else gets closer to being saved! Beyond that, it is important to stay in the word. The more you seek after Him, the farther you will leave sinful thoughts behind; as God becomes a bigger part of your life, those sinful things that were once so enticing just don't seem as important anymore. Take care that you do not "forsake... the assembly of believers;" try to be around others who are strong in Christ who can encourage you, and whom you can encourage ( Hebrews 10:24-27 ).

As far as mastubation goes.... opinions will differ, but I don't think the physical act of masturbation is sinful. However, the lustful fantasizing or viewing (i.e. pornography) that tends to accompany masturbation is sinful. If causing yourself to ejaculate from time to time will help to keep you from sin, and you can do it with out sinful stimuli or fantasy, then I say by all means go ahead. Just be wary of allowing that to be a back door for sinful thoughts to creep into your mind.

Anyway, just my two cents. I will pray for you as you struggle with lustful desire, if you'll be kind enough to return the favor :)
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