Does God Disagree with drugs

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Does God Disagree with drugs

Post by Anonymous »

I am a 23 yearold college student. While up late at a party i was offered and took some drugs. I feel dreadful and have asked god for forgiveness. Please give me your views on :

Does god tolerate drugs?
If not can i be forgiven?

Thankyou and god bless
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Re: Does God Disagree with drugs

Post by Felgar »

the_nother wrote:Does god tolerate drugs?
If not can i be forgiven?
Like all things do not come from faith, drug abuse is definately a sin. Even occassional use is essentially turning to another source for satisfaction and is pretty hard to argue that it is being done unto the Lord. However, I'd argue that the main reason it should be recognized that God does not condone drug use is that our bodies are temples of the Lord through which we should be honoring Him, while drug use of this kind certainly does harm to our bodies.

Corinthians 6:19-20
Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body.

But of course you can be forgiven. If you've asked Him for forgiviness and repented of your sin then you most certainly are forgiven. Learn the lesson and move on in faith. :)

Post by Anonymous »

i think you should enjoy yourself to the extent unto which no more enjoyment can be had..then if you're still lost in the crazy world of god.. repent and allegedly all will be good!

Post by Anonymous »

Thankyou Felger. While contemplating your comments a third question came into my head.

My body being a temple of God am i permitted to drink coffee, coffee seriusley alters the state of my mind. It makes me more awake.

I never intend to use drugs again. But i am curius as to the definition of what constitutes a drug and if there is a difference between natural (canabis) and man made (Coccaine). In addition are drugs used for medicine a sin, even if they are purely used for pain relief.

I am confused please help?
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Post by Mastermind »

I'd say that anything that destroys your body is bad. Would you eat cyanide voluntarily? Would God approve of that? I have heard that, for example, marijuana has a lot of therapeutic effects, so something like that in moderation might be OK(this depends on whether it is true that it isn't really harmful or not, of course), much like everything else.
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Post by Felgar »

the_nother wrote:I never intend to use drugs again. But i am curius as to the definition of what constitutes a drug and if there is a difference between natural (canabis) and man made (Coccaine). In addition are drugs used for medicine a sin, even if they are purely used for pain relief.
Obviously we are not drug free... Pain killers, decongestants, etc. There are drugs that cure cancer too - they are actually God's work in my mind. :) And of course caffeine is rempant in our society.

I think there's definately a line to be crossed, and unless you're completely addicted to caffeine I see no problem with it. And if you are addicted, the issue is the addiction more than the drug. I think if we're honest about it, the Holy Spirit will convict us when we've crossed that line. You're familiar with the verses about unclean food and trusting our own convictions? And also about God writing the law on our hearts? Both speak to this issue.

Post by Anonymous »

I hope god doesnt judge me to be a sinner for the use of cannabis in alleviating my chronic back pain. My body does not feel like a "temple of the holy spirit" and without the cannabis i would not be able to get to church and repent for my many other sins
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Post by Kurieuo »

Just want to make the statement that God doesn't just want us not to use drugs to destroy our fun. He wants us to look after ourselves and others... Many intoxicating substances have consequences and ruin lives. Do drugs if you want, God will still love you. But such doesn't mean you won't suffer any consequences associated with them.

I've witnessed consequences in substances often scoffed at today as being bad such as marijuana... Anyone who says such is a harmless drug is lying or deceived. They perhaps even see it as a good thing as they depend upon the drug to stop themselves thinking about life. Such issues just get buried until perhaps the time 10, 15 or longer years have passed and they realised a large portion of their life has been taken away. Some do smoke up, and then walk away. Others with who feel depressed and have some undealt with problems in life usually get more sucked in, and even go further to other drugs.

God calls us as Christians to be responsible and set a good example for others. So even if you think something harmless to yourself, what example does that set for your friend(s) who may have some real problems and so use it for an escape. There are many who are in this situation and they are usually the down trodden and outcasts of society. At least they feel that way, because in a society based on capitalism you're judged by your job and what you do for a living. Yet, God loves such people irrespectively, and we should help to shed such a light by example.

Anyway, my two cents.

Last edited by Kurieuo on Tue Apr 19, 2005 8:54 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Felgar »

The Catholic wrote:I hope god doesnt judge me to be a sinner for the use of cannabis in alleviating my chronic back pain. My body does not feel like a "temple of the holy spirit" and without the cannabis i would not be able to get to church and repent for my many other sins
Putting aside the fact that God will forgive you regardless of the location you repent, no I don't think you'll be judged for trying to alleviate your back pain.
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