Larry King & Stephen Hawking On The Universe

Discussion about scientific issues as they relate to God and Christianity including archaeology, origins of life, the universe, intelligent design, evolution, etc.
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Larry King & Stephen Hawking On The Universe

Post by Gman »

According to Hawking... "The Scientific account is complete, theology is unnecessary." However how is the scientific account ever complete? And since when is science in the business of answering ultimate questions?

Youtube segment..
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Re: New Dad jitters...

Post by DannyM »

My goodness he's getting worse. That statement has to go down as one of the most anti-scientific statements of all time. I know Hawking has a fetish for a headline-grabbing statement, but now he is just becoming foolish. It's time he was 'put out to stud,' so to speak.
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Re: Larry King & Stephen Hawking On The Universe

Post by narnia4 »

He's really working hard at selling books, isn't he?

I tried hard to take him seriously, I really did... but I just can't. Anyone who knows their thing in philosophy can see through his facade. Craig easily exposed his (and those who follow him) ignorance of philosophy and theology in a couple 10 minute podcasts on his website, and it really is pretty shocking what passes as science. My concern now is for those Christians that are still "on milk", and may lose some faith or start doubting due to a couple of sensational headlines/claims.

I do wonder if it's for the headlines alone, or if he's really desperate to have all of his questions "answered" before he passes. If he can't find the answers to those questions it doesn't matter, because he can just make stuff up and say that they're answered.
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