Hello, this question has to do with what kind of faith does God expect from us regarding His existence. Just like how we don't demand (nor can we ever get) solid proof or philosophical or scientific evidence that God will allow us into heaven when we die, just like little children we are supposed to simply trust God that by his grace and by Christ's sacrifice at the cross we will get into heaven. Now with that said, I'm wondering, does God expect us to have that same kind of faith regarding His existence? For an example in biblical times, people just took God's existence for granted, atheism at the very most was a mentally ill fringe group of less than fifty people probably in those times. Not to mention, it was much easier to believe in God's existence back then than it is today not just due to the fact of miracles taking place but by the fact you didn't have the secular-science-intellectual-atheist stronghold that you do now where you are not only socially stigmatized as a outcast for believing in God but if you are a thinking person like I and practically all of you here are, you are always bombarded with doubts and troubles regarding the overall truthfulness of Christian Theism. Like me, you all have good days and bad days like just these past few weeks I hit a low point when all that stuff on Stephan Hawking's book was about to come out, and then I experienced a good jolt of confidence when William Lane Craig and others were able to offer a stellar response to Hawking. But since this thing has worn down, it got me thinking, I'm tried of this roller coaster ride, I want to get to the place where I can at least go a long while without facing doubts and fears that Christian theism may not be true. If I haven't told you all this before, but this is how my faith is broken down. Quite a bit of my faith does rest on logic, reason, and the classical arguments and evidences for God's existence and the reliability of Christian Theism. Now the rest of it also on emotion (i.e. I love Christ and I love the plan of redemption it's the best thing going for humanity, and I love the hope I have of living a better and much longer life in heaven). In addition, my faith is held up from family tradition since most of my family are believers and I live in a small town who's townspeople are mostly Christians. Now is that a true faith or the kind of faith God wants us to have regarding His existence, or does He want us to tough it out and have a simpler but harder to maintain faith? Because of the fact that we would have to ignore and shut out the temptation of having logical reasons to have faith in the God of the Bible is a very tough task to accomplish to quote one of my favorite apologists Greg Kokul "how can the heart keep on accepting what the mind rejects?" But does God want us to have more of a blind faith? Is this why God doesn't do something to prove His existence to everyone that's willing to listen and believe? Also, is this why Christ told Thomas that the ones who don't see and yet believe are somehow more blessed? Is that why God won't allow the case for Christian Theism to be 100% or bullet proof? If so, how is it possible for thinking people like us to conform to such a faith? Thanks and God bless.