
General discussions about Christianity including salvation, heaven and hell, Christian history and so on.
John Gooch
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Post by John Gooch »

j316 wrote:
Mastermind wrote:Why would you if you're transmitting thoughts? After all, if it is our spirits communicating, language barriers shouldn't be a problem. As for common frames of refference, we're still in the same universe. We would be able to figure it out if it turns out to be an obstacle.(which I highly doubt)
Unless you're thinking in terms of greek philosohpy thoughts aren't absolutes, they refer to something. Lacking a common referent thoughts would be meaningless.

This is what the classical college liberal arts curriculum was all about, if you had no common point of reference you could not truly communicate.
Well the common referance is motivation.
Like the super rich the Aliens are even richer.
But I can tell you they are busy, just like Jesus said I work
as my Father works, even on Sabbath.
And what are they busy on?
Turning water into telepathic inteligance that looks for increasing
inteligance against death.

The Universe is mostly Hydrogen and Oxygen and perhaps is
some enableing of the ultimate form of communication/spirit/tp if
in the form of liquid water.
Water in many religions is said to be spiritual even in wet places
where they dont wash much I think.
Anyway Islamb and RC say it is.
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Post by John Gooch »

Mastermind wrote:I don't believe in it nor do I disbelieve it because I simply don't know. It is just a possibility.
I got interested in the Aliens before I was sucked towards Christ.
Because I saw a Hybrid female part human and part mysteriousness, in a dream.
I suspect she is a Lizard queen or Lilith the wife of Adam before human Eve got made.
She is possibly a Sukoth demoness but demon in some languages
means energetic person.
Even with all the warnings about the Devil, I couldn't shoot this Cat
and notice her in Theatre/advertising/Pantermime/films and people
searching for somthing their partners fail to supply.
Perhaps I ought to apologize but I still have fond welling up feelings
towards this early mother.
Do you think this is the Madonna of RC and pagan religions?
Perhaps its another subject?
Perhaps I ought to be jailed like Islamb Kaffkas?
Its pretty embbarasing but Ive think Ive liked her since 1969
when I was 9 and I saw Catwoman in a Batman film.
Well there it is. - . - ..- etc
Christ help us show Gods hope in us- Alm Mend
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Post by Mastermind »

I'm afraid I'm only vaguely familiar with the Lilith myth. Care to elaborate on it?
Are you threatening me Master Skeptic?
John Gooch
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Post by John Gooch »

Mastermind wrote:I'm afraid I'm only vaguely familiar with the Lilith myth. Care to elaborate on it?
She was busy being a mother to many offspring by Adam before
Eve came along, is what I gather from the Jewish Talmud pocket
size version.
I think Lilith is mentioned in somewhere else too.
There are also female divers mentioned in many gnostic apocraphas.

My Hypothetical reasoning on her is as follows:
The reason she has so many children is to fascilitate intimediaterys
between man and other inteligance on earth with inteligance we
call the creator Father.
That she is part lizard may mean she follows doubtfull lineage in
her endevours.
But I do not know which of the 2 ArchAngels she serves, either the old one
the serpant who misencouraged Eve and may be the ultimate
of the dinasaur age or Jesus the ultimate of the man/mamal age, who is
presently truer to the creators intentions.
But we have the gills of a fish as embryos.
Perhaps like a reptile quantity of offspring is more important than
quality, who can say.
But its all under rebuke from the Father supervising these Heavenly
Ultimatly a being will be created with little motivation at all, save
that that will servo the will/work of the Spirit, praise be.
Any leftover motivation creates a new embryo thru tellepathic sexual
Sex was officialy considerd off the mark between humans except in
acceptable marriages.
But maybe because God want to funnel the excess drive towards Lilith
and her nursary.
But we have to perform well in this genetic body to show the possible
quality of mysterious genes of interest to them, that are buried in
our individual genomes.

Gnomes, Genomes, Grays and Grace
Are the Cherubs the little Alien Grays?
Its a deeper rabbit hole than the matrix, I think.
Soberness/peacefulness in cheer of Jesus, be upon us.
His wine was so fresh from the source it was niether too levened/alchaholic
nor bitter and unhospitable, praise be.
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