I understand. Scripture should not be elevated to the detriment of Christ, however this should likewise not disregard the importance of Scripture in helping us to understand Christ.Canuckster1127 wrote:I don't think there's anyone I know of either who with clarity attempts to teach that the Bible is itself an entity independent of God. What concerns me is the loss of focus upon Christ, the elevating of the Bible to roles filled only by Christ, and the lack of realization of the implications of what it being done when that happens.
What we know of Christ is because of Scripture and ultimately Christian Tradition. To lose focus upon Scripture, is to lose focus upon Christ since such is where we come to understand Christ, His purpose and how He is relevant to us. If we lose focus on the importance of Scripture, then we could be left in a state of "Christ agnosticism" or a "Christ of our own making". So something important to consider is how it is possible to begin focusing on Christ without the knowledge gained via Scripture?
Clearly, Scripture plays an important role in our knowing who Christ is and being able to focus upon Him, and yet, such should not usurp Christ Himself.
I intend to re-read what you have posted more carefully, and break it down a bit more. There is much theological insight. For example, I had not given a second thought to Hebrews 4:12 as referring to the Bible. If this passage was read to me yesterday, I would have assumed Scripture was in reference. Clearly, I have accepted such verses without much thought. So the one thing that can't be said, and you are making a fuss about nothing. I think you have raised important and valid points.Canuckster1127 wrote:Perhaps it's semantics and I'm over-reacting. I don't think though however. I think there's something here worthy of further explanation. You folks here however know me better and for longer than most so, while this is open for anyone to comment upon, I was hoping (as you have) to have some feedback and then to take some time to reassess.
There is definitely a trend within Evangelical circles to trade on one for the other, and vice-versa, even perhaps use either interchangeably. As previously mentioned, I certainly believe the two (Scripture and Christ) cannot be entirely conflated to mean the same "word of God". Yet, to know whether any overlap is to be fully rejected, would for me require some extensive research into the theology and possible reasonings behind doing so.
Without doing some proper research, I only have my thinking to go off with little substance. However, I don't see it as nonsensical to believe there could be ontological ties between the "word of God" and Christ. For example, what I say of myself infact resembles something of me. It is not me, but the meaning of words themselves could be said to contain some essense of "me-ness". Likewise, Scripture may not be Christ Himself, but this is not to say they are devoid of any essense of Christ.
Given this, it may not be unreasonable to say of Heb 4:12 ("the Word of God is alive and powerful, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing of soul and spirit and of the joints and marrow."), while Christ is being referenced that the Bible also is too in virtue of its "Christ-ness".
I am thinking and just offering up thoughts as I go... however it is certainly a good, important and thought-provoking theological topic that you have surfaced.