Is it a bit overwhelming sometimes?

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Re: Is it a bit overwhelming sometimes?

Post by Silvertusk »

Mariolee wrote:Not Christianity, but Atheists.

Now, I hate using the term Atheist as if they're some rare creatures that we try to stay away from, but I'm going to use it here for the sake of easier comprehension of my point. I like to spend some of my off time on message boards, and most of them are populated by tons of people who don't exactly believe in God. And sometimes it's overwhelming to talk about faith with someone who's stone cold atheist.

Like I found an argument on one, and one of the posts preyed on my weakest most embarrassing fear:
Do you like the idea of spending your entire life worshiping a formless deity that you believe exists only because you've had it drilled into your head since birth, as well as preaching this apparition of yours to countless non-believers (also known as rational people), only to find at the moment of your death that where you go when you die is either a grave or a crematorium, and nothing further; realizing that you've wasted your life over something that doesn't exist?

just checking....

Really, I don't have a problem with people who practice a religion, though I don't agree with it myself. But the twats that go around condemning people to "hell" who don't subscribe exactly to their particular brand of [nonsense] irk me. Get off your high horse man, you know nothing more than the rest of the human world about what's really out there.
The fear of at the moment of my death, I might find that there is truly nothing else after. I mean, I have Faith in God, totally, but there are some instances of weakness that I need Him, but I'm afraid He won't come, because He's not there. In fact, before my renewed journey to find God, what initiated it was the fear of nothing else after. Anyway, my real question is, do you ever feel overwhelmed by Atheists?
I am overwhelmed by athiest sometimes - but certainly not by their arguements. I am overwhelmed by how much they dont want a loving God to exist that wants to give humanity all the joy and peace they ever wanted for all eternity. It seems that they are scared of being really happy. There are one or two athiests I know that are ironically so Christ like - but quite a few I know are arrogant, elitist, and downright rude. But you must look at them as God views them - image bearers and people he really wants a relationship with. Just know that you are living in the truth and you can always throw Pascal's wager at them anyway.

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Re: Is it a bit overwhelming sometimes?

Post by narnia4 »

At times I feel overwhelmed at times by the fervor atheists have in attacking religion and God and the sheer number of them, when it seems like every single comment on a religion related blog (even Christian ones) is posts about how dumb all Christians are.

I don't feel overwhelmed by the sheer weight of atheistic or anti-Christian arguments anymore, however, at least not on an intellectual level. When it comes to rationality and a coherent worldview, I am very confident in the Christian worldview. After I actually took the time to study myself and look at things logically, I began to see more things clearly and look at the arguments rather than how much confidence an atheist has that he's right and theists are stupid. It took time, but I finally came to realize how much of their talk is misguided, uninformed rhetoric and are based on stereotypes that have been proven wrong over and over. Take the "almost every war is caused by religion" argument, an argument that has been proven wrong on so many levels (America, for example, hasn't participated in any wars BECAUSE of its Christian roots, and one estimate on this site said total "religious wars" equal only 7% of all wars, and imo that number could be high seeing as religion is often used as a simple justification) that it's almost humorous that atheists still cling to it. Unfortunately, it's a central argument for may of the supposed "intellectual leaders" of atheism like Harris or Dawkins.
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