Scot McKnight and Albert Mohler Exchange

Discussion about scientific issues as they relate to God and Christianity including archaeology, origins of life, the universe, intelligent design, evolution, etc.
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Scot McKnight and Albert Mohler Exchange

Post by Canuckster1127 » ... roble.html

A response from Scot McKnight, a prominent Christian Authore, theologian and professor to comments made by Alber Mohler (the link to the video is contained at the front of the article.)

Mohler is the head of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville and one of the primary driving forces in the "house cleaning" that took place in Southern Baptist Institutions in the 80s and 90s, much of which was based upon making YEC a litmus test for people to keep their jobs or not.

Well done by Scot in my opinion.
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Re: Scot McKnight and Albert Mohler Exchange

Post by jlay »

It is always difficult when people who speak for the faith make dogmatic claims, and paint themselves in a corner.
More importantly how would you respond to a Christian struggling with these ideas? Someone who finds the discrepancies between what Dr. Mohler calls "the common sense natural reading" of Genesis and the evidence of science disturbing and is looking for a way forward? One who finds that this discrepancy undermines faith?
Let us not assume that discrepancies do not have answers. And let us please understand that YECers and OECers and people who reject creationism all have the exact same evidence to work from. I know you are frustrated by these type of stands, but I am equally frustrated with the evidential snobbery that pervades OEC replies to YEC.
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Re: Scot McKnight and Albert Mohler Exchange

Post by Canuckster1127 »

Evidence is of no value when one side or the other disregards and entire category of it, or decides in advance to dispute it at any cost because it fails to meet their predetermined conclusions.
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Re: Scot McKnight and Albert Mohler Exchange

Post by zoegirl »

Perhaps you are simply seeing the snobbery on one side? Believe me, I have been witness to far more righteous indignation for my OEC views than the opposite. Rarely have I heard someone go off on a YEC, usually they keep quiet. If we are more vocal, it is simply because we are more and more confident and irritated at the treatment that we have historically received. It (snobbery) is certainly not right on either side, but let's not pretend that YEC are innocent victims here.
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Re: Scot McKnight and Albert Mohler Exchange

Post by jlay »

Nope, I've seen it on both. Plenty of blame to go around. I've seen the anti-intellectualism and the damage it has done. I am detecting just a wiff off it in this article. Not that he doesn't made some valid points.
Evidence is of no value when one side or the other disregards and entire category of it, or decides in advance to dispute it at any cost because it fails to meet their predetermined conclusions.
That is a double edged sword for sure.
-“The Bible treated allegorically becomes putty in the hands of the exegete.” John Walvoord

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Re: Scot McKnight and Albert Mohler Exchange

Post by zoegirl »

IN the responses there was an interesting old one but a good one
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