The Tabernacle and Science

Discussion about scientific issues as they relate to God and Christianity including archaeology, origins of life, the universe, intelligent design, evolution, etc.
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The Tabernacle and Science

Post by aleksig6 »

Hi everyone,

I just wanted to share with you some of my work on the Tabernacle, which is described in the Book of Exodus.

Here are couple of images:





As you can see from the last diagram, understanding of advanced mathematics among many other scientific disciplines was essential to enable the construction on the Tabernacle.

If you are interested and would like to discuss it, I would be more than happy to answer any questions.

Thank you.
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Re: The Tabernacle and Science

Post by Gman »

I'm fascinated by the tabernacle and science.. In fact I wrote a post about it here. Many are unaware of how the tabernacle relates to the blueprint of the heavens (stars and constellations).

Can you tell us more about the specific advanced mathematics of the tabernacle?

Thank you..
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Re: The Tabernacle and Science

Post by aleksig6 »

Gman wrote:I'm fascinated by the tabernacle and science.. In fact I wrote a post about it here.
Yes, thank you. I saw it when I searched this forum.
Many are unaware of how the tabernacle relates to the blueprint of the heavens (stars and constellations)
I could not agree with you more. In my opinion, which is based on years of research, we have not even scratched the surfaced of this incredibly interesting subject. Partly due to heavy decline in the REAL academic research in this field.

Here is a video that I have made, that shows basic astronomical concept of the Tabernacle. I hope that moderator is not going to block it:
Can you tell us more about the specific advanced mathematics of the tabernacle?

This is the latest (2001) application of the concept that is shown on my last digram (corner boards). But you gotta know math to understand it:

And here is another one, with less math: ... ofLevi.pdf

And here is more of a pseudo-scientific article, but it is still interesting to check it out:

Just like I said, this field is still at its infancy at best... :(

P.S. Corrected last link.
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Re: The Tabernacle and Science

Post by Gman »

Very cool aleksig6. I think you have to understand however that many are fearful that when you get into this stuff they think it has something to do with astrology. But in the case of the constellations, the Hebrews used them mainly as a time clock. Many people forget that the Hebrews based their years on the "lunar" calendar. In fact they also used the constellations not only to mark the months of the year (like other cultures), but also possibly to tell the Biblical story of God's redemption written in the stars.

Here is the wheel of the Zodiac in the Sepphoris synagogue.

The heart cannot rejoice in what the mind rejects as false - Galileo

We learn from history that we do not learn from history - Georg Friedrich Wilhelm Hegel

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Re: The Tabernacle and Science

Post by MarcusOfLycia »

This is a really cool topic I'd never thought about before. Thanks for sharing!
-- Josh

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