Abortion Gift Certificates for Christmas

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Abortion Gift Certificates for Christmas

Post by August »

Every so often something comes around that just makes me shake my head in utter disbelief. This is one of those cases:

http://www.christianpost.com/article/20 ... -abortion/
Alaska’s largest provider of abortions will be selling holiday gift certificates good for services including abortion in a fundraising effort during a Jewish bazaar on Sunday.

The certificates are being sold in Anchorage as part of Planned Parenthood of the Great Northwest’s effort to raise funds for their organization.

Alaska Family Council President Jim Minnery said PPGNW’s efforts are meant to mock those whose faith dictates that abortion is morally wrong.

“They have a true disrespect and disdain for those who have a true faith,” he commented. Minnery believes their holiday efforts are a not-so subtle “poke in the eye” of pro-life advocates.
That is so wrong on so many levels. Why is abortion legal again? Why are these evil people even allowed to peddle their death certificates? It harks back to getting a license to hunt Native Americans.
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Re: Abortion Gift Certificates for Christmas

Post by Canuckster1127 »

I'm always just a little bit skeptical when one side of a polarizing issue characterizes what the motives are of the other side, even when I am sympathetic and supportive of one side over the other, as I am here (I'm pro-life.)

That aside, I agree with your comments August. It does amaze me that we're at a place in our society where this is happening. Aside from the political implications of it all, which are myriad, it really just speaks to me how deeply individuals need to be in relationship with God through Christ and for hearts to be changed first and foremost. That's ultimately the need here. The symptoms can sure be ugly though.
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Re: Abortion Gift Certificates for Christmas

Post by Byblos »

August wrote:Every so often something comes around that just makes me shake my head in utter disbelief. This is one of those cases:

http://www.christianpost.com/article/20 ... -abortion/
Alaska’s largest provider of abortions will be selling holiday gift certificates good for services including abortion in a fundraising effort during a Jewish bazaar on Sunday.

The certificates are being sold in Anchorage as part of Planned Parenthood of the Great Northwest’s effort to raise funds for their organization.

Alaska Family Council President Jim Minnery said PPGNW’s efforts are meant to mock those whose faith dictates that abortion is morally wrong.

“They have a true disrespect and disdain for those who have a true faith,” he commented. Minnery believes their holiday efforts are a not-so subtle “poke in the eye” of pro-life advocates.
That is so wrong on so many levels. Why is abortion legal again? Why are these evil people even allowed to peddle their death certificates? It harks back to getting a license to hunt Native Americans.
Absolutely sickening. :crying:
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Re: Abortion Gift Certificates for Christmas

Post by Echoside »

August wrote: That is so wrong on so many levels. Why is abortion legal again? Why are these evil people even allowed to peddle their death certificates? It harks back to getting a license to hunt Native Americans.
Unfortunately, the "evil people" population is astoundingly high. I have never once seen a convincing argument for the legality of abortion on moral grounds, but the sad truth is this is not a theocratic state, or even a country founded with the mission of spreading goodness.

What is even more sad is this age of overinflated tolerance for all behaviors and mannerisms, which is really only helped along by the selfishness of the common person. Why is murder illegal but not abortion? Abortion can't happen to you, but it can be convenient to further selfish desires. People who hide behind false assertions that abortion is ok are probably the same people that try to justify other wrongdoings in their lives. And because society itself is immoral, they often get away with it and can give feeble excuses like "subjective" morality.
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Re: Abortion Gift Certificates for Christmas

Post by MarcusOfLycia »

Do they realize the sick irony of celebrating the birth of a baby with the death of thousands more? I've never heard an argument for abortion that wasn't at least mostly founded on selfishness in some masqueraded form or another.

Gift cards for selfishness-based murder of innocents for Christmas? I just... I don't get it. It makes debating with people who support abortion hard for me, but I just can't see any merit in the position whatsoever.
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