How to respond to this?

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How to respond to this?

Post by darj409 »

A Muslim friend of mine said that Exodus 20:1-6 (the first commandment) is proof that Jesus was merely a prophet. How would you defend your position as a Christian to this claim?
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Re: How to respond to this?

Post by Gman »

darj409 wrote:A Muslim friend of mine said that Exodus 20:1-6 (the first commandment) is proof that Jesus was merely a prophet. How would you defend your position as a Christian to this claim?
I don't understand what the claim is.. That Christ is an idol?
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Re: How to respond to this?

Post by darj409 »

I think the Muslim is claiming that we are violating the first commandment because we believe in the trinity. I notice Muslims often emphasize that they believe in ONE God and accuse Christians of tritheism. So yes, the claim is that Christ is an idol and we are worshiping a man.
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Re: How to respond to this?

Post by MarcusOfLycia »

Jesus is God, therefore it would be a violation of the first commandment NOT to think so.
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Re: How to respond to this?

Post by derrick09 »

Muslims are not taking into account the doctrine of the Trinity. Once you demonstrate that God is one in three persons then you can get around their little trick they are trying to play.
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Re: How to respond to this?

Post by Echoside »

derrick09 wrote:Muslims are not taking into account the doctrine of the Trinity. Once you demonstrate that God is one in three persons then you can get around their little trick they are trying to play.
while I agree, It is easy to see why the trinity could confuse some people, muslim or otherwise. A bit hasty to accuse everyone who posits this as a challenge to be playing tricks with malicious intent.
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Re: How to respond to this?

Post by Gman »

darj409 wrote:I think the Muslim is claiming that we are violating the first commandment because we believe in the trinity. I notice Muslims often emphasize that they believe in ONE God and accuse Christians of tritheism. So yes, the claim is that Christ is an idol and we are worshiping a man.
I don't understand.. God manifested himself as a man, but God is spirit John 4:24.
The heart cannot rejoice in what the mind rejects as false - Galileo

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Re: How to respond to this?

Post by kayda-kat »

From what I have gathered, Jesus cannot just be a prophet.
He preached like a prophet, and I think they believe that if he is a prophet then he received his word from God,
but at the same time he claimed to be the son of god- he claimed to be God.
So,There are only three possibilities. Either Jesus is telling lies, or he is mad, or he is telling the truth. If he was telling lies, the denounced him as a prophet, since his words were not from God. If he was mad, he was not a prophet, because his words were not from God. And if he is telling the truth, the he is not just a prophet, because ALL his words are from God, including his announcement that he is the messiah.
So, Jesus could not be just a prophet. Uhm, I hope this helped ^.^
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