A Funny Thing Happened At Church

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A Funny Thing Happened At Church

Post by 7777777 »

There have been a couple of humorous events at church during my life.

One church my family went to when I was a child had the parking lot across the street. You had to park and cross a busy street. The signal was rather far away so most people J-Walked rather then walk the extra 100 feet or so to cross at the signal. Anyway, one day my dad was crossing the street and almost got hit. My dad got angry and yelled a profanity, not just any profanity but a real bad one, at the driver who nearly hit him. All the church members were waiting outside to go in. Everybody heard him. My dad never went back to that church. To this day I wonder if it was the minister in the car because my dad was extremely embarrassed for a long time. He didn't even like to talk about it.

One time I caused the embarrassment. The next church we went to had a boring minister. My dad told me this several times. Anyway, one day the minister came to visit and wanted to see my dad. My dad was in the backyard and my mom told me to go get him. I proceeded to the back yard and noticed my dad far into the yard. I yelled at him, "Dad!! That minister you say is so boring is here to see you!!!!" I turned around and to my astonishment, the minister was behind me. He evidently followed me to the backyard and I hadn't even noticed.
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Re: A Funny Thing Happened At Church

Post by kmr »

Oh no, haha!

I know the feeling... :pound:

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Re: A Funny Thing Happened At Church

Post by zackabba1 »

Haha, oh man that's funny!

I mean, probably kind of embarrasing...but funny. I've had that happen in school, where I would say "Why does Mr so and so have to give us so much homework?" Then they'd happen to be right behind me. :lol:
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Re: A Funny Thing Happened At Church

Post by puritan lad »

Back in college, I was talking to one of my friends in the bathroom, right after English class, about the student-faculty volleyball game. I said that I hope Mr. XXX plays because I want to spike one right off of his ugly head. Guess who walked out of the ajoining stall.
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Re: A Funny Thing Happened At Church

Post by zoegirl »

lol, that happens more often that we would like to in my school because there are no faculty bathrooms in the building we are in....the students forget that teachers can be in the next stall!!
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Re: A Funny Thing Happened At Church

Post by Canuckster1127 »

One of the best stories I have from when I worked with churches is my first job as a Financial Administrator in a Methodist Church. I worked in that Church while I attended and eventually became an Assistant Pastor in another denomination. My denomination practiced Baptism by immersion or adult believers. Methodists use sprinkling for infants.

I was working on a Saturday when the Associate Pastor came to find me in a panic. He had a private baptism for a family in the chapel and when he went to set up the Baptismal font (a small waste high pillar with a metal bowl set into the top to hold the water) the metal bowl was missing. He and I went all over the church (which was a big one) until we finally found it.

A wedding was taking place with a reception in the Fellowship Hall. The people setting up the reception were short a backup punch bowl and they had taken the Baptismal font metal liner and had it set up in the kitchen hilding fruit punch for the wedding.

After we got over the relief of finding it, the Associate Pastor and I were carrying it back to the chapel and we looked at each other and just burst out laughing.

It ended with me telling him that if the Methodists had their theology right this never would have happened. ;)

After the Baptism I asked him what flavor the Baby tasted like .....

It's a good thing he had a sense of humor. There were times after that when we'd just look at each other in meetings and bust out laughing ....
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Re: A Funny Thing Happened At Church

Post by Gman »

Interesting I just noticed this post..

Well I've got a freaky story that happened to me last thanksgiving... It all happened when I was visiting my brother and sister in Boston in 2010. Anyways, my brother was working that day and we were trying to decide what to do that evening. We all wanted to go to the movies, but for some reason his girlfriend kept changing the plans on us. You know, we would make plans to go to the 7 show, then she would call my brother and want to change the time and location, etc.. Anyways I started getting real frustrated with her.. So I started venting. I mean venting.. ;) Anyways, exactly the same time I was venting my sister comes back from outside and also chimes into what I was saying.. And you know what?? She was standing there with her purse held just a few feet away from my big mouth. And guess what was in her purse?? That's right her CELL PHONE.. And guess what?? Her cell phone had accidentally dialed my brothers girlfriend AND SHE WAS LISTENING TO MY ENTIRE RANT... :oops:

Now if that didn't come from God in the form of a rebuke I don't know what would. Anyways the night before God gave me a dream that I was going through a buzz saw.. So bad that I woke up. Little did I know that I would face my buzz saw that night.. :P

Freaky huh?

I moral of this story is watch what you are saying.. y:O2
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Re: A Funny Thing Happened At Church

Post by B. W. »

Heard on this week -

Best news a Christian can have is to know that they have their Picture (Wanted Poster) on the Post office wall in Hell...
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