Ancient human remains found in Israel

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Ancient human remains found in Israel

Post by Gman »

Well this is interesting...
Israeli archaeologists said Monday they may have found the earliest evidence yet for the existence of modern man, and if so, it could upset theories of the origin of humans.

A Tel Aviv University team excavating a cave in central Israel said teeth found in the cave are about 400,000 years old and resemble those of other remains of modern man, known scientifically as Homo sapiens, found in Israel. The earliest Homo sapiens remains found until now are half as old.


AP/Oded Balilty
"It's very exciting to come to this conclusion," said archaeologist Avi Gopher, whose team examined the teeth with X-rays and CT scans and dated them according to the layers of earth where they were found.

He stressed that further research is needed to solidify the claim. If it does, he says, "this changes the whole picture of evolution."

[Related: Chinese archaeologists discover 2,400 year old soup]

The accepted scientific theory is that Homo sapiens originated in Africa and migrated out of the continent. Gopher said if the remains are definitively linked to modern human's ancestors, it could mean that modern man in fact originated in what is now Israel.

Sir Paul Mellars, a prehistory expert at Cambridge University, said the study is reputable, and the find is "important" because remains from that critical time period are scarce, but it is premature to say the remains are human.

"Based on the evidence they've cited, it's a very tenuous and frankly rather remote possibility," Mellars said. He said the remains are more likely related to modern man's ancient relatives, the Neanderthals.

According to today's accepted scientific theories, modern humans and Neanderthals stemmed from a common ancestor who lived in Africa about 700,000 years ago. One group of descendants migrated to Europe and developed into Neanderthals, later becoming extinct. Another group stayed in Africa and evolved into Homo sapiens — modern humans.

[Related: Ancient human relative roamed all of Asia]

Teeth are often unreliable indicators of origin, and analyses of skull remains would more definitively identify the species found in the Israeli cave, Mellars said.

Gopher, the Israeli archaeologist, said he is confident his team will find skulls and bones as they continue their dig.

The prehistoric Qesem cave was discovered in 2000, and excavations began in 2004. Researchers Gopher, Ran Barkai and Israel Hershkowitz published their study in the American Journal of Physical Anthropology.

Source: //
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Re: Ancient human remains found in Israel

Post by Gman »

In relation to Rich's article.. Interesting.

"Out of Africa?

Scientists have known for a number of years that the most genetically diverse human beings come from Africa. It is assumed that this higher degree of diversity is due to more time for genetic mutations to accumulate in this founder population. However, it is also possible that humans arose outside of Africa and first migrated there, where populations were relatively undisturbed by subsequent human migrations. If the original founding population were replaced through later migration events, Africa would appear to be the home of humanity's origin, even if it were not." -Rich Deem

// ... frica.html

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Re: Ancient human remains found in Israel

Post by August »

I saw this. Interesting indeed, and I hope to see the follow-up.

Big difference between 6,000 and 400,000 years though.
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Re: Ancient human remains found in Israel

Post by Gman »

August wrote:I saw this. Interesting indeed, and I hope to see the follow-up.

Big difference between 6,000 and 400,000 years though.
Yes but it would put the out of Africa theory in shame.. Again I would say it's more of a help than a hindrance to the claims of the Bible..
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Re: Ancient human remains found in Israel

Post by August »

It definitely puts some doubt on the out of Africa theory. Already there are some that are recognizing it, and are starting to play defense. It would mean more historical correlation with the Bible, and we just can't have that, now can we?
Acts 17:24-25 (NIV)
"The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by hands. [25] And he is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything, because he himself gives all men life and breath and everything else."

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Re: Ancient human remains found in Israel

Post by B. W. »

August wrote:It definitely puts some doubt on the out of Africa theory. Already there are some that are recognizing it, and are starting to play defense. It would mean more historical correlation with the Bible, and we just can't have that, now can we?

I saw this reported on the news the other night - interesting...

Maybe Adam lost a tooth?
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Re: Ancient human remains found in Israel

Post by Canuckster1127 »

It's a good reminder I think that all we can interpret is the evidence we have found. We don't know what we haven't found.

The absence of evidence is not necessarily the evidence of absence.
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Re: Ancient human remains found in Israel

Post by Gman »

Canuckster1127 wrote:It's a good reminder I think that all we can interpret is the evidence we have found. We don't know what we haven't found.

The absence of evidence is not necessarily the evidence of absence.
Agreed. No sense in being dogmatic about it.. While I think Christians can be dogmatic about certain things like the Trinity, abortion, etc. there are other things that we just don't have enough information to make any clear conclusions. As an example I certainly lean toward progressive creationism, but I will not make the claim that we have all the answers either.. We just don't know. I think anyone for that matter shouldn't be dogmatic in their approaches, whatever that may be..

I think, however, I would be dogmatic that we all came from the creator... Everyone. ;)
The heart cannot rejoice in what the mind rejects as false - Galileo

We learn from history that we do not learn from history - Georg Friedrich Wilhelm Hegel

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, if anything is excellent or praiseworthy, think about such things. -Philippians 4:8
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