MORE EVIDENCE refuting Young Earth Creationism!

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Re: MORE EVIDENCE refuting Young Earth Creationism!

Post by jlay »

If that was a 24hour "day" that God is speaking of in that verse, then He lied to Adam. Adam did not die within the 24 hour period following. In fact Adam lived a long time.
Context is everything when understanding the use of Yom. And in this case your interpretation hardly refutes YEC, or supports OEC.

It is a very common interpretation that when Adam ate of the fruit, he most definately died THAT day. Yes his body lived, but not in the sense that it lived before his sin. Prior to his sin, he was pure, unblemished and imperishable. Upon eating the fruit the death sentance came upon Adam, as it has all of us. One thing is for certain, we are all dead men. No ifs, ands, or buts about it.
Also important to note, that we don't think that when we are saved that our physical bodies will never die. But if we took this same approach to scripture interpretation we would. And we would be proven wrong over and over.
Peter is imploring the Christians who read this to know that, one of the Lord's days is a thousand human years and a thousand human years is one day (the Lord's time).
I think the burden of proof would overwhelmingly be on you to show that Peter was making a literal statement about how God keeps time.

Regardless, a thousand human years still would only place the finished creation at 6,000 years old, which hardly complies with OEC models.
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Re: MORE EVIDENCE refuting Young Earth Creationism!

Post by Canuckster1127 »

The issue I see with it, is not that it supports OEC but rather it demonstrates the selective "literal" interpretation of YEC proponents in terms of the use of the word Yom.

When you appeal to a circular argument such as "day means day" and yet selectively apply the longer period of time here in a related passage, then it possibly betrays a selective bias and prejudicial hermeneutic.
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Re: MORE EVIDENCE refuting Young Earth Creationism!

Post by jlay »

Actually Bart, the way I have described, it is being taken literally as THAT Day. It is more of an issue of how death was being used, than how yom was being used.
-“The Bible treated allegorically becomes putty in the hands of the exegete.” John Walvoord

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Re: MORE EVIDENCE refuting Young Earth Creationism!

Post by derrick09 »

Just in case if anyone is interested, I updated my "foes" list. :mrgreen:
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