What happens if a post-op transexual becomes a Christian?

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Re: What happens if a post-op transexual becomes a Christian

Post by Human »

How exactly is this even considered a sin? Some people's genders don't match their sex. How is it wrong to make the constant pain go away? I've been under the impression that most members were for fixing things medically and not just praying for everything to be okay. If someone is severely depressed with history of suicide attempts, would you withhold seratonin balancers because "God made them that way"? Now if a girl ends up with a male body, causing her to be mistreated and experience severe dysphoria, is it suddenly a sin to take estrogen?
If a non Christian person goes under gender reassignment surgery and then later on converts to become a Christian, should that person continue living as their new gender? What should they do?
New gender? Generally SRS(sexual reassignment surgery) is done to make the sex match the gender. If they convert to be a Christian, they should live as a Christian would....

You are assuming that there are transsexuals. Basically they can be transsexual if they have surgery or take hormones. So if they stop taking hormones they will go back to their natural position whatever it was before the hormones
Wrong. Hormones add but never remove. Estrogen/progresten will cause breast development. Ceasing of these hormones and even a flooding of testosterone will not undo this. Furthermore, SRS generally removes the testes/ovaries, causing hormonal development to not work as before.
If Deuteronomy 22:5 says that simply dressing like the opposite sex is considered abomination, what would having an operation to change your outer physical appearance to that of a female or visa versa be like?
Read the original text; it's not saying that. The verse is better translated as not putting a weak person in warrior's clothing/position and vice versa.
Furthermore, there are people who were transexuals (for example Charles Kane, who used to be Samantha Kane, who used to be Sam Hashimi) who have advocated that "the NHS should halt all sex change operations" (the NHS is the British National Health Service). A 16 year old Brittish boy to be one of the youngest to go under gender reassignment surgery stated "The doctors have said I need the surgery for my own peace of mind."[1][2]
There's a 98% rate of success(2% regret rate), highest in the entire field, for SRS. Most transsexuals are self-diagnosed to start with, anyway.

It seems there's next to no understanding of transsexuals on this board.. TSes have been proven to have a brain structure of the opposite biological sex. Experiments have shown gender is a real thing(and if you haven't, see the difference between sex and gender).
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Re: What happens if a post-op transexual becomes a Christian

Post by Gman »

Human wrote:How exactly is this even considered a sin? Some people's genders don't match their sex. How is it wrong to make the constant pain go away? I've been under the impression that most members were for fixing things medically and not just praying for everything to be okay. If someone is severely depressed with history of suicide attempts, would you withhold seratonin balancers because "God made them that way"? Now if a girl ends up with a male body, causing her to be mistreated and experience severe dysphoria, is it suddenly a sin to take estrogen?
How is not considered a sin? If someone gave you a life as a male or female, shouldn't you be happy with that or would you complain to the creator that you want to be born a different sex? That would be selfish.. Also, we are designed for procreation. God seeks children from us, in fact, when someone dies God also weeps when He sees the future children that would have come from that persons relations..

The pain goes away when we put our focus on God and away from our selfish ambitions..
Human wrote:Wrong. Hormones add but never remove. Estrogen/progresten will cause breast development. Ceasing of these hormones and even a flooding of testosterone will not undo this. Furthermore, SRS generally removes the testes/ovaries, causing hormonal development to not work as before.
Wrong... People's hormones go back to their natural state after they stop the injections.. Also removing testes/ovaries will trigger other parts of the body to produce the hormones but it is not instantaneous. The body eventually learns to go back to it's natural state.
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Re: What happens if a post-op transexual becomes a Christian

Post by zoegirl »

I guess this all comes down to whether this simply comes down to behavior or if there is some element of genuine disorder. I would hope that anyone who struggles with this would be given the fullest therapy (ideally Christian) which seeks to bing about harmony with the genetics and the mind.

Back to the original question, the story of the eunuch studying God's scripture with Paul shows that even with past surgeries, voluntary or not, people can be a fulfilled Christian.
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Re: What happens if a post-op transexual becomes a Christian

Post by Human »

How is not considered a sin?
Well, I never once saw a statement in scripture saying it is. It seems foolish to assume something is a sin unless otherwise stated.
If someone gave you a life as a male or female, shouldn't you be happy with that or would you complain to the creator that you want to be born a different sex? That would be selfish..
So if you were still you and had all your same thoughts, feelings, desires, etc., but put into a body of the opposite sex and now are treated totally differently than what feels right and suffer severe body dysphoria, that's something to be happy with? God gave people lives as males or females, He just didn't always give a matching body.
God seeks children from us, in fact, when someone dies God also weeps when He sees the future children that would have come from that persons relations..
1 Cor 7:1
Also, some people are born sterile, in which case I wonder what you suppose they do. Cloning?
People's hormones go back to their natural state after they stop the injections.
Hormones cannot remove things. An MtF after years of hormone therapy will always have breasts unless surgery is used; an FtM after years of hormone therapy will always have facial hair unless laser hair removal is used. (Also, we do have pills now...)
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Re: What happens if a post-op transexual becomes a Christian

Post by MarcusOfLycia »

Human wrote:So if you were still you and had all your same thoughts, feelings, desires, etc., but put into a body of the opposite sex and now are treated totally differently than what feels right and suffer severe body dysphoria, that's something to be happy with? God gave people lives as males or females, He just didn't always give a matching body.
I'm not too familiar with this subject, but I thought I'd respond to this part.

I think we have to be careful suggesting that just because we have "thoughts, feelings, desires, etc", that those things represent truly godly things. I know as a male, for instance, that I have an attraction for females. That often leads to the temptation to lust. Lust contains a lot of strong thoughts, feelings, and desires, but its still sinful.

Also, I don't think God puts people into the wrong bodies. We are sinful and fallen creatures with a plethora of problems both physical and mental. No matter what our issues are, if we are worrying about 'being in the wrong body' or any other 'thought, feeling, desire, etc' that takes the place of constant and active worship of God in our lives, we are headed in the wrong direction.
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Re: What happens if a post-op transexual becomes a Christian

Post by Gman »

Human wrote: Well, I never once saw a statement in scripture saying it is. It seems foolish to assume something is a sin unless otherwise stated.
Surgically transforming yourself to a male or female in the Bible? Injecting hormones into your body? Well.. No... It's not mentioned. In fact numerous modern day issues that we face today are not recorded in the Bible. But that doesn't mean we throw away the baby with the bath water either. The Bible does however provide us with a framework. According to the Bible, cross dressing is a sin... Deuteronomy 22:5, therefore even the thought of transforming oneself to a different sex would be considered a sin.

Anyways that is how I see it...

But technically you are correct.. It is not recorded into the Bible. So in your opinion, it's ok to change sexes?

Personally I would like the Bible to say that every time I prayed that money would fall from the sky.. I mean... That would be pretty cool..
Human wrote:So if you were still you and had all your same thoughts, feelings, desires, etc., but put into a body of the opposite sex and now are treated totally differently than what feels right and suffer severe body dysphoria, that's something to be happy with? God gave people lives as males or females, He just didn't always give a matching body.
So God goofed? Also we all have both female and male hormones. Even though I'm a male, I also like things that are feminine.. But now do I have to change my entire body to fit my mindset? Why can't I just be happy the way God made me?
Human wrote: 1 Cor 7:1
Also, some people are born sterile, in which case I wonder what you suppose they do. Cloning?
There is no conclusive evidence that people are born sterile.. That is a choice, just like choosing not to drive.
Human wrote:Hormones cannot remove things. An MtF after years of hormone therapy will always have breasts unless surgery is used; an FtM after years of hormone therapy will always have facial hair unless laser hair removal is used. (Also, we do have pills now...)
Again I would stress that they stop the hormones and be happy the way God created you in the first place... Whatever parts that remain or not.

Also I would stress forgiveness.. God can't live in our selfish lives.

But that is just my opinion, I would know what to do.. Take it or leave it. I'm not God.
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Re: What happens if a post-op transexual becomes a Christian

Post by Human »

I think we have to be careful suggesting that just because we have "thoughts, feelings, desires, etc", that those things represent truly godly things. I know as a male, for instance, that I have an attraction for females. That often leads to the temptation to lust. Lust contains a lot of strong thoughts, feelings, and desires, but its still sinful.
Yes, I apologize for not being clear. In the hypothetical situation you have your thoughts of your gender and the nonsinful ones stay with you as you're in a different body.
Also, I don't think God puts people into the wrong bodies. We are sinful and fallen creatures with a plethora of problems both physical and mental. No matter what our issues are, if we are worrying about 'being in the wrong body' or any other 'thought, feeling, desire, etc' that takes the place of constant and active worship of God in our lives, we are headed in the wrong direction.
So thinking about treating one's cancer is totally out of the question. "The strong make many; the weak make few; the dead make none." People are born with plenty of issues. Surely an unfitting sex could be one.
According to the Bible, cross dressing is a sin... Deuteronomy 22:5, therefore even the thought of transforming oneself to a different sex would be considered a sin.
I addressed this earlier on this page. http://www.beki.org/crossdress.html gives a nice explanation from a Rabbi if you don't want to take my word for it.
So in your opinion, it's ok to change sexes?
Of course.
I would like the Bible to say that every time I prayed that money would fall from the sky.. I mean... That would be pretty cool..
So people would pray out of greed for more money? I would like the Bible to say that we should love people.
So God goofed? Also we all have both female and male hormones. Even though I'm a male, I also like things that are feminine.. But now do I have to change my entire body to fit my mindset? Why can't I just be happy the way God made me?
Yes, clearly anything that isn't perfectly matched up as we'd like is God goofing. Is that how you explain all disease in the world? Are intersex-born children considered a goof of God?
Although we(almost) all have both male and female hormones, the amounts are drastically different. And there is a difference between doing a few feminine things and being female. You do believe in inherent differences between the genders, correct? A transsexual can't just be happy how God made hir because ze's mistreated by everyone, feeling constantly out of place and feeling completely misplaced in hir body. Imagine if everyone treated you as you were a woman and saw you as one. Your body won't cooperate and everytime you try to stop hiding yourself, you get attacked for it.
There is no conclusive evidence that people are born sterile.. That is a choice, just like choosing not to drive.
That took five seconds to find. Please, at least try to be accurate. Plenty of people are born sterile(infertile).
Also noticed 1 Cor 7:1 went totally ignored. Are you saying we should ignore parts of the Bible that don't fit your worldview?

And just to clarify, because it seems there's a misconception here, transsexuals don't transition for the hell of it, because they see certain advantages, or because they like it better simply. About 80% of transsexuals don't transition for one reason or another, but 20% do and the choices are pretty much transition or suicide in their minds. The 50% suicide rate of TSes(over 450,000 times higher than total population) drives the point that it's a severe issue requiring intervention.
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Re: What happens if a post-op transexual becomes a Christian

Post by Gman »

Human wrote:I addressed this earlier on this page. http://www.beki.org/crossdress.html gives a nice explanation from a Rabbi if you don't want to take my word for it.
The only thing this addresses is one man's opinion.. The Judeo-Christian ethic still stands..

"These are principles we can use to reason an application. Whatever the prevailing custom, men and women should wear gender-appropriate clothing, dressing decently and in order (1 Corinthians 14:40). To apply the principles, the Bible calls cross-dressing or transvestitism a choice that is a demonstration of unbelief and rebellion against God and His order."

http://www.gotquestions.org/cross-dress ... stism.html
Human wrote:Of course.
So where is your scripture that affirms that cross dressing or having a sex change is appropriate or of God? Also why all the talk about outside appearances? Shouldn't we be looking at things of the heart and not the outside appearances?

1 Peter 3:3-5 3 Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. 4 Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight. 5 For this is the way the holy women of the past who put their hope in God used to adorn themselves. They submitted themselves to their own husbands,
Human wrote:So people would pray out of greed for more money? I would like the Bible to say that we should love people.
The Bible says we should love people... However, the Bible also talks about sin. Sorry to break the news to you..
Human wrote:Yes, clearly anything that isn't perfectly matched up as we'd like is God goofing. Is that how you explain all disease in the world? Are intersex-born children considered a goof of God?
The idea that people are born with both fully formed female or male functioning parts is a myth. Or if you could show me a person that could impregnate themselves with their own sperm, that has never been shown.. They might have parts but not fully functioning parts.
Human wrote:Although we(almost) all have both male and female hormones, the amounts are drastically different. And there is a difference between doing a few feminine things and being female. You do believe in inherent differences between the genders, correct? A transsexual can't just be happy how God made hir because ze's mistreated by everyone, feeling constantly out of place and feeling completely misplaced in hir body. Imagine if everyone treated you as you were a woman and saw you as one. Your body won't cooperate and everytime you try to stop hiding yourself, you get attacked for it.
This is a psychological problem and a spiritual one. While I understand how people can get hurt, everyone get's attacked in this life. But to internalize it and turn it into a perversion is a different story. Again, what matters is how God sees you and not your peers. Anyways, the focus needs to come off oneself and into God.
Human wrote:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Infertility
That took five seconds to find. Please, at least try to be accurate. Plenty of people are born sterile(infertile).
Born infertile? Can a baby give birth to another child? Are you reading your own links? That is usually determined later through various tests even though there is the belief that it could be genetic. Also people who have been told that they are infertile have miraculously become pregnant.
Human wrote:Also noticed 1 Cor 7:1 went totally ignored. Are you saying we should ignore parts of the Bible that don't fit your worldview?
What about 1 Cor 7:1? That just shows that sex is a choice.
Human wrote:And just to clarify, because it seems there's a misconception here, transsexuals don't transition for the hell of it, because they see certain advantages, or because they like it better simply. About 80% of transsexuals don't transition for one reason or another, but 20% do and the choices are pretty much transition or suicide in their minds. The 50% suicide rate of TSes(over 450,000 times higher than total population) drives the point that it's a severe issue requiring intervention.
Like I was saying before... The suicide rates and many of these problems would go away if we put the focus on God and not ourselves.. We need to stop worrying what people think of us and start thinking what God thinks of us.
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Re: What happens if a post-op transexual becomes a Christian

Post by MarcusOfLycia »

Human wrote:So thinking about treating one's cancer is totally out of the question. "The strong make many; the weak make few; the dead make none." People are born with plenty of issues. Surely an unfitting sex could be one.
That's not a good comparison. I used a better one, being lust. Comparing physical problems with psychological problems begins to muddy the waters between the two. And, if someone thinks that psychological problems are entirely physical, then it is a short step of logic to conclude that there is nothing spiritual about the soul (and that, in fact, there is no soul, only a very complex physical entity known as the brain). That isn't a Christian position. It isn't entirely what you're espousing, but I think its a logical conclusion.

I know there are legitimate psychological problems. I know that some of them are caused by definitively physical sources. That doesn't mean, however, that having 'feelings' about your gender is tantamount to God giving you the 'wrong' body.

However, there's another problem with the line of reasoning. Say that you were correct and that men and women might not actually 'be' men and women (I still can't quite understand this, but we'll accept it for the sake of argument). What do you take the Biblical passages that speak of men and women exclusively to mean? Do they speak only of the physically male and female? The one's who think they should be the other gender? What, in fact, defines gender? Is there a percentage of femininity a man should have before they should be considered 'females' trapped in men's bodies? Is it okay then for homosexual behavior to take place? What if one man considers himself a woman? Doesn't Jesus, with the accepted premise, know that He's being ridiculous when He speaks harshly against that sort of behavior? After all, they're bodies might be male or female, but their feelings make them the opposite, and thus attracted the same way the opposite gender would be.

I guess overall I can't line up the logical reprecutions of accepting the premise that "people can be of different genders than they're bodies" and 1. Christian doctrine, 2. The words of Jesus Himself, and 3. Any sort of system that could possibly even hope to determine who is of what gender.
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Re: What happens if a post-op transexual becomes a Christian

Post by MarcusOfLycia »

Gman wrote:Like I was saying before... The suicide rates and many of these problems would go away if we put the focus on God and not ourselves.. We need to stop worrying what people think of us and start thinking what God thinks of us.
This is a major point that I agree with. I think I mentioned it before, but if people have enough time to worry if God put them in the wrong bodies, something is amiss. What God thinks is far more important than what we think. Our thoughts, including those of gender confusion, are deceptive. Our hearts our deceptive. And, as Descartes once meditated, "It is the part of prudence not to place absolute confidence in anything by which we have even once been deceived." God is not deceptive, but the human heart is. Clearly one should be trusted over the other.
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Re: What happens if a post-op transexual becomes a Christian

Post by BavarianWheels »

Gman wrote:Why can't I just be happy the way God made me?

Again I would stress that they stop the hormones and be happy the way God created you in the first place... Whatever parts that remain or not.
Are you suggesting God made every one of us exactly how we are born? Some have missing limbs, missing organs, some are born conjoined, some are born from adict parents, some never make it out of the birth canal alive, some are stillborn, some born to uncaring parents, some abused, some without a properly working mind...you're suggesting God did this?
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Re: What happens if a post-op transexual becomes a Christian

Post by Gman »

BavarianWheels wrote:
Gman wrote:Why can't I just be happy the way God made me?

Again I would stress that they stop the hormones and be happy the way God created you in the first place... Whatever parts that remain or not.
Are you suggesting God made every one of us exactly how we are born? Some have missing limbs, missing organs, some are born conjoined, some are born from adict parents, some never make it out of the birth canal alive, some are stillborn, some born to uncaring parents, some abused, some without a properly working mind...you're suggesting God did this?
Did I say that? We are all subject to the laws of physics, in some cases, that is the way it goes in our physical world. Genetic accidents. What I'm talking about here is the person's sex. Being happy with your sex whether it's male or female.
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Re: What happens if a post-op transexual becomes a Christian

Post by BavarianWheels »

Gman wrote:
BavarianWheels wrote:
Gman wrote:Why can't I just be happy the way God made me?

Again I would stress that they stop the hormones and be happy the way God created you in the first place... Whatever parts that remain or not.
Are you suggesting God made every one of us exactly how we are born? Some have missing limbs, missing organs, some are born conjoined, some are born from adict parents, some never make it out of the birth canal alive, some are stillborn, some born to uncaring parents, some abused, some without a properly working mind...you're suggesting God did this?
Did I say that? We are all subject to the laws of physics, in some cases, that is the way it goes in our physical world. Genetic accidents. What I'm talking about here is the person's sex. Being happy with your sex whether it's male or female.
What if it is both? Is that God's making too? I would say, no.

My point is that SIN is what has weakened the Man God made, genetically, physically, mentally, and spiritually...it is not at all that we should be "happy" with what "God gave us" as our lot in life. He didn't give it, but can work through it or even can heal it. Chances are He will work through it.
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Re: What happens if a post-op transexual becomes a Christian

Post by Gman »

BavarianWheels wrote: What if it is both?
I don't believe it is.. I have already written on this.
BavarianWheels wrote:Is that God's making too? I would say, no.
I don't think it's God's making either.. It's just the laws of physics in action, random genetic mistakes... There is no stopping it, however God can correct it if it is in His will. And NONE of us are genetically perfect. None..
BavarianWheels wrote:My point is that SIN is what has weakened the Man God made, genetically, physically, mentally, and spiritually...it is not at all that we should be "happy" with what "God gave us" as our lot in life. He didn't give it, but can work through it or even can heal it. Chances are He will work through it.
Yes... That is the YEC belief that man sinned (at the fall) and ever since then everything became genetically altered.. I don't buy that belief. But the point is that we should be happy or content with God and ourselves whatever the circumstances.. Philippians 4:11

More on natural evil below.. It's not always sin that get's us into trouble. Sometimes it's just the way the world was set up. Or someone dieing from lung cancer because they smoked all their life.. It's not God's fault, sometimes we just do stupid things..

http://www.godandscience.org/apologetic ... ering.html

Technically... And frankly speaking... I don't think any of us should be alive.. The type of evil crap we pull?? I wouldn't put up with it long.. But our God is a forgiving God. I think He deserves at least a little respect.
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Re: What happens if a post-op transexual becomes a Christian

Post by Human »

"These are principles we can use to reason an application. Whatever the prevailing custom, men and women should wear gender-appropriate clothing, dressing decently and in order (1 Corinthians 14:40). To apply the principles, the Bible calls cross-dressing or transvestitism a choice that is a demonstration of unbelief and rebellion against God and His order."
http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?se ... ersion=NIV
Err, I see no such reference in 1 Cor 14....point does not hold.
So where is your scripture that affirms that cross dressing or having a sex change is appropriate or of God? Also why all the talk about outside appearances? Shouldn't we be looking at things of the heart and not the outside appearances?
Yes, I meant to ask that; why is it that nearly everyone here is focusing entirely on outside appearance? If we're seen by God on our inside, then He'll care about our gender(if anything of gender or sex) and not care about sex <b>because it's just part of one's outside body</b>.

The Bible says we should love people... However, the Bible also talks about sin. Sorry to break the news to you..
You said you wanted money to rain whenever you prayed. That's just sinful greed. Love is one of them things listed as good in the Bible. ("God is love.")
The idea that people are born with both fully formed female or male functioning parts is a myth. Or if you could show me a person that could impregnate themselves with their own sperm, that has never been shown.. They might have parts but not fully functioning parts.
Where did this even come into discussion? Closest thing i found was my mention of intersex individuals who are born with both sets of genitalia, partially functioning.
This is a psychological problem and a spiritual one. While I understand how people can get hurt, everyone get's attacked in this life. But to internalize it and turn it into a perversion is a different story. Again, what matters is how God sees you and not your peers. Anyways, the focus needs to come off oneself and into God.
Never seen how it's a perversion.
And for one to say their gender is what it isn't would be lying. That's not very good in God's eyes, now is it?
Born infertile? Can a baby give birth to another child? Are you reading your own links? That is usually determined later through various tests even though there is the belief that it could be genetic. Also people who have been told that they are infertile have miraculously become pregnant.
For the love of God, stop trying to pick apart rhetoric. Rhetoric gets us nowhere. If you read the article, you'd see one can be born with a condition that makes hir unable to produce sex cells, ever. Also, miracles are not considered the norm.

What about 1 Cor 7:1? That just shows that sex is a choice.
Someone said God commands us to have children.
Really hard to do without having sex or being the virgin Mary. Well, today it isn't, but there were several hundred years of impossibility.
Like I was saying before... The suicide rates and many of these problems would go away if we put the focus on God and not ourselves.. We need to stop worrying what people think of us and start thinking what God thinks of us.
Surely you understand these things from experience and not just assuming things?
However, there's another problem with the line of reasoning. Say that you were correct and that men and women might not actually 'be' men and women (I still can't quite understand this, but we'll accept it for the sake of argument). What do you take the Biblical passages that speak of men and women exclusively to mean? Do they speak only of the physically male and female? The one's who think they should be the other gender? What, in fact, defines gender? Is there a percentage of femininity a man should have before they should be considered 'females' trapped in men's bodies? Is it okay then for homosexual behavior to take place? What if one man considers himself a woman? Doesn't Jesus, with the accepted premise, know that He's being ridiculous when He speaks harshly against that sort of behavior? After all, they're bodies might be male or female, but their feelings make them the opposite, and thus attracted the same way the opposite gender would be.
http://gender.wikia.com/wiki/Gender_v_Sex may explain a bit. As would going to a TS forum and reading around.
I take Bible verses by gender, as God cares about the inside more than the outside.
Also, it's wrong to assume homosexuality(well, you're probably imagining heterosexuality but calling it homosexuality because of not accepting TS, but nonetheless) based on transsexuality. The two aren't tied together.
Did I say that? We are all subject to the laws of physics, in some cases, that is the way it goes in our physical world. Genetic accidents. What I'm talking about here is the person's sex. Being happy with your sex whether it's male or female.
For some their sex is something of a "defect".

don't think it's God's making either.. It's just the laws of physics in action, random genetic mistakes... There is no stopping it, however God can correct it if it is in His will. And NONE of us are genetically perfect. None..
So it's out there that the laws of physics and genetics apply?
Laws of genetics determine sex. Provably.