-from http://www.talkreason.org/articles/FWD.cfmTheists maintain that God cannot intervene to stop the atrocities done by human beings because he values their free will to a very high degree. I presented here a new criticism of this idea: if God were to value our free will that much, he wouldn't create us so that we would be forced to abandon it for that long part of our lives in which we sleep, when he could find ways of making us, without any loses, without having to sleep.
It's downright silly what some atheists are claiming!
You can tell just how "objective" they're being when they say:
-from http://www.talkreason.org/AboutUs.cfmTalkReason provides a forum for the publication of papers with well-thought out arguments against creationism, intelligent design, and religious apologetics.
Papers whose goal is to promote creationism, Intelligent Design, irreducible complexity, the compatibility of the Bible with science, and religious apologetics, exegesis or papers arguing against established scientific theories such as the evolution theory will not be accepted.