a question about salvation.

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a question about salvation.

Post by hwangfkpc »

so i was approached with this question by one of my college friends, and i found it interesting. (despite the fact that i felt totally useless because i couldnt answer it very well :[ )

he said: "so here's a question that's been on my mind. let's think of a hypothetical situation here.. there's a man who is born in foreign country. the day he is born, he is shipped to an uncharted island to grow up there. now let's say he grows up to be a healthy man with great morals and an innocent, child-like personality simply because he's never interacted with the human race yet. he's never heard of a god, a supernatural being, etc. all he knows is the life he's living on that island, and absolutely nothing else. let's say that one day he dies. will he go to heaven or hell?"

upon hearing this question and answering it to the best of my ability, i brought up the same question to a few of my older brothers in Christ, curious to hear what they had to say.

one of my brothers answered "i would love to believe that that man would go to heaven, but according to the bible he would not. the bible is the God-breathed scriptures and it states that no man or woman will see the Father, unless through Jesus Christ. we are not ones to pre-judge whether or not a person will go to heaven or hell, but God indicates that a person who does not know Jesus will not go to Heaven."

i thought to myself.. "well i could've answered that!" hahaha, it was a pretty standard answer.
we then went on to discuss missions and other things like that..
BUT, i would really like to see what you guys have to say about this :]

the question is: if an innocent man grows up on an uncharted island and dies but has never had the opportunity to hear about Jesus, will he go to heaven or hell?
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Re: a question about salvation.

Post by jlay »

Psalm 11:7 For the LORD is righteous, he loves justice; upright men will see his face.

The hypothetical is full of faults.
For one, it is a ridiculous scenario.
2nd, Why would you think the bible condemns innocent people? People go to Hell because they are guilty of something.
3rd, it assumes that God's hand is too short to reveal himself to a morally upright person.

Job had zero scriptural revelation about God.
one of my brothers answered "i would love to believe that that man would go to heaven, but according to the bible he would not. the bible is the God-breathed scriptures and it states that no man or woman will see the Father, unless through Jesus Christ. we are not ones to pre-judge whether or not a person will go to heaven or hell, but God indicates that a person who does not know Jesus will not go to Heaven."
Actually it doesn't say a person who doesn't KNOW Jesus. Jesus said no one comes to the Father except through Him. Knowing is a very important thing, but it is impossible apart from revelation. Every person has some revelation of God. Rom 1:18-20
We have the revelation of Jesus Christ. We are accountable for what revelation we have from God.When a person says they are Christian, they are speaking of their personal response to the revelation of Jesus Christ in their lives. Some people abuse that word and use it nominally. But we know of many examples of OT saints, who did not have specific revelation of Christ. Abraham trusted God and it was credited to him as righteousness. That righteousness was purchased through Jesus Christ, even if Abraham didn't know or understand the life, death and resurection of Christ.

Psalm 96:13 they will sing before the LORD, for he comes, he comes to judge the earth. He will judge the world in righteousness and the peoples in his truth.
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Re: a question about salvation.

Post by MarcusOfLycia »

jlay wrote:Psalm 11:7 For the LORD is righteous, he loves justice; upright men will see his face.

The hypothetical is full of faults.
For one, it is a ridiculous scenario.
2nd, Why would you think the bible condemns innocent people? People go to Hell because they are guilty of something.
3rd, it assumes that God's hand is too short to reveal himself to a morally upright person.

Job had zero scriptural revelation about God.
one of my brothers answered "i would love to believe that that man would go to heaven, but according to the bible he would not. the bible is the God-breathed scriptures and it states that no man or woman will see the Father, unless through Jesus Christ. we are not ones to pre-judge whether or not a person will go to heaven or hell, but God indicates that a person who does not know Jesus will not go to Heaven."
Actually it doesn't say a person who doesn't KNOW Jesus. Jesus said no one comes to the Father except through Him. Knowing is a very important thing, but it is impossible apart from revelation. Every person has some revelation of God. Rom 1:18-20
We have the revelation of Jesus Christ. We are accountable for what revelation we have from God.When a person says they are Christian, they are speaking of their personal response to the revelation of Jesus Christ in their lives. Some people abuse that word and use it nominally. But we know of many examples of OT saints, who did not have specific revelation of Christ. Abraham trusted God and it was credited to him as righteousness. That righteousness was purchased through Jesus Christ, even if Abraham didn't know or understand the life, death and resurection of Christ.

Psalm 96:13 they will sing before the LORD, for he comes, he comes to judge the earth. He will judge the world in righteousness and the peoples in his truth.
Well said!
-- Josh

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Re: a question about salvation.

Post by hwangfkpc »

jlay wrote:Psalm 11:7 For the LORD is righteous, he loves justice; upright men will see his face.

The hypothetical is full of faults.
For one, it is a ridiculous scenario.
2nd, Why would you think the bible condemns innocent people? People go to Hell because they are guilty of something.
3rd, it assumes that God's hand is too short to reveal himself to a morally upright person.

Job had zero scriptural revelation about God.
one of my brothers answered "i would love to believe that that man would go to heaven, but according to the bible he would not. the bible is the God-breathed scriptures and it states that no man or woman will see the Father, unless through Jesus Christ. we are not ones to pre-judge whether or not a person will go to heaven or hell, but God indicates that a person who does not know Jesus will not go to Heaven."
Actually it doesn't say a person who doesn't KNOW Jesus. Jesus said no one comes to the Father except through Him. Knowing is a very important thing, but it is impossible apart from revelation. Every person has some revelation of God. Rom 1:18-20
We have the revelation of Jesus Christ. We are accountable for what revelation we have from God.When a person says they are Christian, they are speaking of their personal response to the revelation of Jesus Christ in their lives. Some people abuse that word and use it nominally. But we know of many examples of OT saints, who did not have specific revelation of Christ. Abraham trusted God and it was credited to him as righteousness. That righteousness was purchased through Jesus Christ, even if Abraham didn't know or understand the life, death and resurection of Christ.

Psalm 96:13 they will sing before the LORD, for he comes, he comes to judge the earth. He will judge the world in righteousness and the peoples in his truth.
ahhh i seeeee.
haha thanks for taking the time to make this detailed response.
i guess a huge fallacy does lie within the scenario eh? the fact that it would never happen.
such a reassuring answer :], thanks again!
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Re: a question about salvation.

Post by zacchaeus »

It is truly all about a state of innocence and accountability, we also need remember the LORD is "faithful and just". The supposed guy in the hypothetical question would be no difference than a babe in Christ or a physical child with a child like nature. I would say the fellow is going to Heaven. We are only accountable for what we know; knowledge is accountability. It seems this fellow also knew no sin which is what causes one to fall, for we are born in sin not of sin. If there is no law there is no sin, sin is transgression against a law. Adam and eve were perfect until law came and in time of temptation they fell. Besides, God at some point had to of reveal Himself to Adam... I mean they had conversation did they not? LOL... So God would def reveal Himself somehow someway supernaturally. I agree that the hypothetical is faulty in many ways as well. I'd think it be an impossible hypothetical considering today's times with the vast amounts of technology and the penetration of Christianity around the world, one would have to hear at some point and time most likely in and through child-hood.
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