Another finding of human/hominid interbreeding...

Discussion about scientific issues as they relate to God and Christianity including archaeology, origins of life, the universe, intelligent design, evolution, etc.
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Re: Another finding of human/hominid interbreeding...

Post by Gman »

coldblood wrote:
Nothing to say because I will not presume to know the emotions of GOD?? Fascinating!

Apparently tapping into GOD’S emotions is not a problem for you.

Suppose however, just suppose, you lacked this peculiar empathic ability. Would that mean that you, too, had nothing to say?
No one claims to know all the emotions of God. Or have all knowledge of God.. But we do know that He is a God of love.
coldblood wrote:That makes about as much sense as some of your other conclusions.

However, since you ask for my opinion, I think it much more likely that their report was termed “evil” because it contained elements that were not true; and, if so, that would cast doubt on their report of the Nephilim.

However, the report may have been entirely true and still have been considered evil; a kill-the-messenger type response, if you will. I doubt that was the situation, but if it was, it wouldn’t be the only time someone had a problem with the truth.[/color]
Or you could say that is wasn't true or that perhaps it was a deception. Or perhaps it was true and that and that the scouts had a secret connection with the inhabitants to overthrow the established Jewish leaders. Perhaps it was true that the inhabitants were big and more numerous than the original estimate.. Therefore the report wasn't evil at all..
coldblood wrote:There are some people who would not consider an understanding of GOD to be a simple question.

If you want my opinion, “simple” is the last word I would use in describing GOD. GOD is neither a simpleton, nor simple to understand. Again, that is only my humble opinion.

However, if you are saying that you, too, are unable to penetrate the mind of GOD, does that confirm that you, too, have nothing to say?
Oh I have something to say about God... It appears that you don't however... Or have made your mind up already.
coldblood wrote:Fine, and apparently Moses’ love was stronger than yours is, too, in that he also put up with it.
Sure.. I don't have a problem with that..
coldblood wrote:It is about answering your question. I think most people can make the connection between today’s changing standards and the two human rights questions that I posed to you.
What is your claim about slavery in the Bible?
coldblood wrote:According to the Biblical account the man was stoned for gathering sticks on the Sabbath.

Surely it was an act of love ordered by a loving GOD. However, even with my “infinite wisdom” I cannot establish that connection between love and killing.

However with GOD being as simple to understand as you claim he is, surely “you” must have down pat some snappy little explanation that is concise, obvious, and implicit within the very verse itself.

Or, at the very least, you seem to think I have such an answer that I can give to you.
I believe I know why God ordered the man to be stoned to death.. And I'm content with it.. It is apparent, however, that you don't understand why and are perhaps drawing your own conclusions..
coldblood wrote:According to you, if the people threaten to stone (Moses & Aaron), it is intolerable.

What about people threatening to kill government officials?

coldblood wrote:However, if the LORD orders a stoning (for collecting sticks on the Sabbath), it is a time-worn cheap-shot used by atheists to mischaracterize the nature of God.
Then why did you bring it up?
coldblood wrote:I do not wish to be guilty of wasting your time. I never meant to threaten you and I am sorry that I could not give you the answers that you preferred to hear.

I did attempt to respond to your comments, remain on topic, try to be accurate, and afford you as much respect as you would allow me to give.
Really? So what is the topic here?
coldblood wrote:color=#0000BF]YOU are the one who told me to reread the text. Perhaps, if YOU kept track of your own words, YOU wouldn’t be so clueless.
You don't even know what I'm advocating... How can you tell to keep track of my own words?
coldblood wrote:I make this last response because it epitomizes this entire (brief) interchange. You have a tendency to misstate, misdirect, and/or misunderstand replies you do not wish to acknowledge. I did my best to listen to you and bring you back to the subject each time you did this.

I do not visit here often. I had no idea what you had to offer, but I was willing to listen. I would not ask you to follow my example, because I am far-far from being perfect. But in this one area, if you want my humble opinion, I would offer this. If you were more willing to listen and less willing to tell us how befuddled you are, you might get more value for your time.

Respectively, I wish you the very, very best . . . coldblood[/color]
Willing to listen to what? You don't have a humble opinion because you have stated that you don't know the will of God..
The heart cannot rejoice in what the mind rejects as false - Galileo

We learn from history that we do not learn from history - Georg Friedrich Wilhelm Hegel

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, if anything is excellent or praiseworthy, think about such things. -Philippians 4:8
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Re: Another finding of human/hominid interbreeding...

Post by coldblood »

Gman wrote:
No one claims to know all the emotions of God. Or have all knowledge of God.. But we do know that He is a God of love.

I think you are saying you are generalizing the whole from a part, but that is the best you can do. I can respect that.

Gman wrote:
Or you could say that is wasn't true or that perhaps it was a deception. Or perhaps it was true and that and that the scouts had a secret connection with the inhabitants to overthrow the established Jewish leaders. Perhaps it was true that the inhabitants were big and more numerous than the original estimate.. Therefore the [scouts’] report wasn't evil at all..”

Ha, how many diversions do you have? But it is a very good point, though. If they had no way to confirm the accuracy of the report, it would tend to make it more likely the report was rejected for other reasons.

Gman wrote:
Therefore the [scouts’] report wasn't evil at all..”

Some translations use the word, “evil.” If you are going to indulge in obfuscation, you might as well stay consistent with the written account.

Gman wrote:
Oh I have something to say about God...

I have no doubt about that. Although you have been rather conservative with your wisdom in this exchange you, nonetheless, give the impression that you are full of things to say.

Gman wrote:
“I believe I know why God ordered the man to be stoned to death.. And I'm content with it . . . ”

That you are content is a great point. Unlike you, perhaps, I am not looking for only the answers that satisfy my preferred beliefs.

Gman wrote:
What is your claim about slavery in the Bible?

What was termed slavery varied greatly, running the gauntlet from the extremely mild - an arrangement of mutual benefit that the slave may actually have chosen and preferred - to the extremely cruel. The slaveries that the Israelites endured were not the worst in that the Israelites did survive and they were allowed to retain their identity as a people.

I would think God’s take on it would have more bearing with you. Slavery’s standards were probably the same as those regarding picking up sticks on the wrong day or stoning a man to death. If God forbade it, it was a terrible, terrible thing. But if God allowed it, it was probably an act of love.

If, today, Israel raided the Palestinians and, say, captured a few thousand virgins to be used as slaves, my best guess is you would likely think that was unacceptable. If somehow, however, you thought the LORD accepted it, you would no doubt find a way to be content with it.

That is what you do.

Numbers 15; 32-36:
“ . . . the people of Israel . . . found a man gathering sticks on the Sabbath . . . [they] brought him to Moses and Aaron and to all the congregation . . . And the LORD said to Moses, "The man shall be put to death; all the congregation shall stone him with stones outside the camp."

coldblood wrote:
“. . . the man was stoned for gathering sticks on the Sabbath . . . I cannot establish that connection between love and killing . . . ”

Gman wrote:
So why do you think God reacted that way?

“coldbloood wrote:
According to the Biblical account the man was stoned for gathering sticks on the Sabbath.

Gman wrote:
It is apparent, however, that you don't understand why . . .

For gathering sticks on the Sabbath is not enough answer, is it? Perhaps I am not as motivated to find another answer as you are. You must remember that I lack your empathic ability; have no need to spin the verse into your comfort zone; and have no desire to make excuses for God.

coldblood wrote:
According to you . . . if the LORD orders a stoning (for collecting sticks on the Sabbath), it is a time-worn cheap-shot used by atheists to mischaracterize the nature of God.

Gman wrote:
Then why did you bring it up?

It was in reply to “your” bringing up stoning. The trivia regarding atheists you brought up as well.

Gman wrote:
Really? So what is the topic here?

How many times have I repeated this? Three? Four? More?

Okay, once more:

“coldbloood wrote:
My only intention in posting was to point out that the scouts' reporting of Nephilim may have been an embellishment. Any additional comments are only out of courtesy in response to you.

Gman wrote:
You don't have a humble opinion because you have stated that you don't know the will of God..

I said, I would not presume to know the emotions of God.

I am not sure everyone would agree with you that lacking knowledge of one particular precludes all opinions of all other particulars.

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Re: Another finding of human/hominid interbreeding...

Post by Gman »

coldblood wrote: Ha, how many diversions do you have? But it is a very good point, though. If they had no way to confirm the accuracy of the report, it would tend to make it more likely the report was rejected for other reasons.
Yes you can add in as many as you like..
coldblood wrote:What was termed slavery varied greatly, running the gauntlet from the extremely mild - an arrangement of mutual benefit that the slave may actually have chosen and preferred - to the extremely cruel. The slaveries that the Israelites endured were not the worst in that the Israelites did survive and they were allowed to retain their identity as a people.

I would think God’s take on it would have more bearing with you. Slavery’s standards were probably the same as those regarding picking up sticks on the wrong day or stoning a man to death. If God forbade it, it was a terrible, terrible thing. But if God allowed it, it was probably an act of love.

If, today, Israel raided the Palestinians and, say, captured a few thousand virgins to be used as slaves, my best guess is you would likely think that was unacceptable. If somehow, however, you thought the LORD accepted it, you would no doubt find a way to be content with it.

That is what you do.
Like I said before... I've looked at these passages, read them, including many many more and don't have a problem with it. This is old news you bring up... I'm amazed myself however how someone else (not directly you) can read the same passages and come up with something entirely different, taking things out of context, etc, and pull away from the God of the Bible.

The choice is yours.. Or forever dwell in the "what if" syndrome.
coldblood wrote:For gathering sticks on the Sabbath is not enough answer, is it? Perhaps I am not as motivated to find another answer as you are. You must remember that I lack your empathic ability; have no need to spin the verse into your comfort zone; and have no desire to make excuses for God.
Have an axe to grind? Then follow your own beliefs about it... Go away... You have already made your mind up.
coldblood wrote:It was in reply to “your” bringing up stoning. The trivia regarding atheists you brought up as well.
You brought up stoning... Not me..

coldblood wrote:Really? So what is the topic here? [/color]

How many times have I repeated this? Three? Four? More?

Okay, once more:

“coldbloood wrote:
My only intention in posting was to point out that the scouts' reporting of Nephilim may have been an embellishment. Any additional comments are only out of courtesy in response to you.
Any more ad hominem's and that's it... As you can see this discussion is turning from human interbreeding into a discussion about morality..
coldblood wrote:I am not sure everyone would agree with you that lacking knowledge of one particular precludes all opinions of all other particulars.[/color]
As I've said before we don't understand everything about God. Nor all His emotions and why He does certain things.. It really is about taking faith and trusting Him where ever He leads..

Some are equip to do this, others aren't. So be it..

I believe He is a God of love.. Nothing will change that...
The heart cannot rejoice in what the mind rejects as false - Galileo

We learn from history that we do not learn from history - Georg Friedrich Wilhelm Hegel

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, if anything is excellent or praiseworthy, think about such things. -Philippians 4:8
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