What happens if a post-op transexual becomes a Christian?

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Re: What happens if a post-op transexual becomes a Christian

Post by Gman »

Human wrote: Read the post right above yours. Or go talk to transsexuals; many many were not abused and have very present fathers.
You do understand one can be born a certain way without it being genetic? Prenatal and ureto-hormones have effects that last a lifetime.
It does not matter what you call it. You could call it chicken noodle soup for that matter.. But it isn't an acceptable practice under God.
Human wrote:How? What path do you take from "A TS can have any sexual orientation" to "Transsexuality is a learned behaviour" (By the way, again, it is NOT A BEHAVIOR. It is' a <b>condition</b>. One cannot "do" transsexuality)
Call it whatever you want... Where in the Bible does it say that it is an acceptable practice? Where?
Human wrote:Okay, for the sake of the topic, I'm just going to ignore random insertations of the topic of homosexuality; the topic is not related and the connection you're making is imaginary. Plenty of TSes are heterosexual--shall we bring that into play as well?
Now, I've already <b>agreed</b> with you that it's not genetic. Scientists are finding it has everything to do with brain development in the womb.
There are even physical evidences; males and females have inherently different brain builds(along with a few other things determined by certain hormones rather than genes). Transmales and transfemales have respectively the same brain builds as their cis counterparts.
The issue then is dysphoria. Someone with a female brain will experience any intensity of both physical and social dysphoria from having a body that doesn't match and being treated the wrong way.
Now again, you say transsexuality is a bad behavior and again run into 2 issues.
1-It's not a behavior. Transitioning is, but that's just making things right.
2-You have proven in no way shape or form it is bad.

[rant alert]
Honestly, I must ask, are you even reading the posts opposed to yours and thinking for a moment or are you just blindly hating everything different from you? You're trying to read your own social norms into the Bible by making false attatchments. You have been told by three different people and several links now that transsexuality and homosexuality are unconnected, including by at least one transsexual. And before you answer with hostility, I *know* you aren't reading my posts by how you are fighting me on a point I clearly agreed on(not being genetic).

For someone who claims to follow a God of Love, who is love, I'm seeing a lot more hate than anything. Did Christ tell you and the rest of his church to go make life hell for others? I find it absolutely ridiculous how on the vast majority of cases I see more love coming from atheists(who have no "real" reason to love) than from Christians who believe they are COMMANDED to love. If your goal is to get people into the church, open arms work *much* better than a closed fist.
What on earth are you talking about? What god are you talking about and why are you talking about God's love now? Where did I say that God hates transexuals or homosexuals? Where?
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Re: What happens if a post-op transexual becomes a Christian

Post by Human »

It does not matter what you call it. You could call it chicken noodle soup for that matter.. But it isn't an acceptable practice under God.
So you drop the topic and try to twist into another. If it isn't an acceptable practice(what is "it", anyhow?) under God, prove it.
Where in the Bible does it say that it is an acceptable practice? Where?
Where in the Bible does it say it's an acceptable practice to drive a car? To leave the earth to another heavenly body? To communicate electronically? To belong to a denomination? The Bible is silent on a lot of things. I thought it was already determined saying the Bible doesn't explicitly say it's okay doesn't mean it's not okay?
2 Timothy 3:13
Or any verse on lying or deceit.
For if one were to say one's gender is male or impose and appear in such a way as to give that message when one is actually female, then he is lying. Thusforth, since many take the physical exterior sex and sex characteristics to be representative of one's gender, and since sex characteristics can be changed via hormones and surgery while gender cannot forcibly be changed, to <b>not</b> transtition if transsexual would be deception and lying to others, arguably, and thus what you are saying is sin would be a commandment from God.
What on earth are you talking about? What god are you talking about and why are you talking about God's love now? Where did I say that God hates transexuals or homosexuals? Where?
I'm talking about how the Church of Christ has self-righteously made intoerable amounts of people suffer via hate. I'm not saying God hates transsexuals (or homosexuals); when I believe I was a Christian I didn't think he did. I'm saying Christians, such as yourself, are showing much more hate than love. Where does the bible say "God is hate"? I know somewhere in Galatians it says clearly that all virtue and else is <i>worthless</i> without love. Yet all I see is "If you do this, we want nothing to do with you; go burn in hell." Just look at the Christian Life Issues area of the main site to this forum; love isn't even mentioned!
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Re: What happens if a post-op transexual becomes a Christian

Post by Gman »

Human wrote:
It does not matter what you call it. You could call it chicken noodle soup for that matter.. But it isn't an acceptable practice under God.
So you drop the topic and try to twist into another. If it isn't an acceptable practice(what is "it", anyhow?) under God, prove it.
Where in the Bible does it say that it is an acceptable practice? Where?
Where in the Bible does it say it's an acceptable practice to drive a car? To leave the earth to another heavenly body? To communicate electronically? To belong to a denomination? The Bible is silent on a lot of things. I thought it was already determined saying the Bible doesn't explicitly say it's okay doesn't mean it's not okay?
2 Timothy 3:13
Or any verse on lying or deceit.
For if one were to say one's gender is male or impose and appear in such a way as to give that message when one is actually female, then he is lying. Thusforth, since many take the physical exterior sex and sex characteristics to be representative of one's gender, and since sex characteristics can be changed via hormones and surgery while gender cannot forcibly be changed, to <b>not</b> transtition if transsexual would be deception and lying to others, arguably, and thus what you are saying is sin would be a commandment from God.
What on earth are you talking about? What god are you talking about and why are you talking about God's love now? Where did I say that God hates transexuals or homosexuals? Where?
I'm talking about how the Church of Christ has self-righteously made intoerable amounts of people suffer via hate. I'm not saying God hates transsexuals (or homosexuals); when I believe I was a Christian I didn't think he did. I'm saying Christians, such as yourself, are showing much more hate than love. Where does the bible say "God is hate"? I know somewhere in Galatians it says clearly that all virtue and else is <i>worthless</i> without love. Yet all I see is "If you do this, we want nothing to do with you; go burn in hell." Just look at the Christian Life Issues area of the main site to this forum; love isn't even mentioned!
I can see this discussion is going nowhere.. Only bitterness.. Sorry I'm locking it.
The heart cannot rejoice in what the mind rejects as false - Galileo

We learn from history that we do not learn from history - Georg Friedrich Wilhelm Hegel

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, if anything is excellent or praiseworthy, think about such things. -Philippians 4:8