"No 'Creator' Needed for Life to Appear in the Universe"

Discussion about scientific issues as they relate to God and Christianity including archaeology, origins of life, the universe, intelligent design, evolution, etc.
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Re: "No 'Creator' Needed for Life to Appear in the Universe"

Post by Proinsias »

but the work does solve some long-standing, mostly-philosophical debates about the origin and spread of life.
I don't think it does
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Re: "No 'Creator' Needed for Life to Appear in the Universe"

Post by Byblos »

Noah1201 wrote:
Byblos wrote: With all due respect you have no clue what you're talking about. This very website was founded on the premise that there is complete harmony between the Genesis account and science. Please read some of the articles on the main page.
But that is an extremely minority position. Most people, including most Christians, who read Genesis, see a conflict with science.
Not true at all. The Catholic Church has no official position on evolution and its 1.1 billion followers are free to take any position they wish vis a vis evolution. And the majority do not see a conflict between God and science.
Noah1201 wrote: This would suggest that even if it is not correct, his position is a reasonable one.
Depends on one's perspective, doesn't it?
Noah1201 wrote:Also, are you suggesting that evolution is not science?
Where did I even hint at anything remotely suggesting that? (besides, it depends on what type of evolution you're referring to :wink:).
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Lord I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the word and my soul shall be healed.
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