PETA wants revised version of the Bible

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PETA wants revised version of the Bible

Post by Seraph » ... the-bible/

Found this interesting. It seems they want all instances where an animal is referred to as "it" to be changed to "he" or "she".
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Re: PETA wants revised version of the Bible

Post by Silvertusk »

Seraph wrote: ... the-bible/

Found this interesting. It seems they want all instances where an animal is referred to as "it" to be changed to "he" or "she".

Oh dear - they certainly need to get out more.
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Re: PETA wants revised version of the Bible

Post by Canuckster1127 »

I say we invite them to a Bar-B-Q to discuss it more.
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Re: PETA wants revised version of the Bible

Post by Silvertusk »

:pound: :pound: :pound:

That is wicked!
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Re: PETA wants revised version of the Bible

Post by jlay »

Bound in leather, of course!!! :pound:
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Re: PETA wants revised version of the Bible

Post by mandelduke »

I’m all for conservation , I mean I never killed a animal that I did not eat or sell it’s fur. I have never cut down a tree that I did not use, or sell for fire wood. I never caught a fish that I did not eat, or sale for food. I thank God I no longer have to do these things, When I think of PETA and those tree huggers this passage comes to mind.

Romans 1:24-27

24 Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. 25 They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.
26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. 27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.
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Re: PETA wants revised version of the Bible

Post by Reactionary »

I've heard about some humanists wanting to grant basic human rights to apes. I mean, they are our "cousins", aren't they? Shame the same can't be said about the unborn humans... :roll:
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Re: PETA wants revised version of the Bible

Post by Silvertusk »

Reactionary wrote:I've heard about some humanists wanting to grant basic human rights to apes. I mean, they are our "cousins", aren't they? Shame the same can't be said about the unborn humans... :roll:

A big whopping Amen to that!!!!!!!
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Re: PETA wants revised version of the Bible

Post by Byblos »

Reactionary wrote:I've heard about some humanists wanting to grant basic human rights to apes. I mean, they are our "cousins", aren't they? Shame the same can't be said about the unborn humans... :roll:
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Re: PETA wants revised version of the Bible

Post by Murray »

you realize these are the same people who parade nacked in steel cages......
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Re: PETA wants revised version of the Bible

Post by Dan Rey »

PETA? This is interesting. It's something nice I suppose for the animal, but if they really wanted a change in it, I would change it to what the animal is instead, and the gender (ex: rooster - hen, cow - bull).
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Re: PETA wants revised version of the Bible

Post by kmr »

So wait.... why do they want this again? Do they think that the local pig will be offended when "he" reads about "his" species in the Bible?

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