SAT -_-

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SAT -_-

Post by FearlessLlearsy »

Now, i know it may seem ridiculous, as its just a test, but this represents alot for me. I'm taking the SAT next week, and really feel anxious. Your prayers would be greatly appreciated as God would help me keep my cool in an important stage of my high school, Thank you!
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Re: SAT -_-

Post by neo-x »

God would help me keep my cool in an important stage of my high school,
:amen: God bless you
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Re: SAT -_-

Post by Reactionary »

I prayed for success in school only once, when I needed an A to retain a successful report card (needed it for further enrollment).
And guess what, when I looked at the results, I found a crossed "B" and an "A" written near it. :o

Anyway, good luck, I'm sure you'll succeed. :D
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Re: SAT -_-

Post by zoegirl »

Will prya for you, get some sleep!!!
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Re: SAT -_-

Post by jlay »

Be anxious for nothing. But in everything present your request to God, and the peace of God with guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus.

I love that advice, because it tells us that our peace is related to our prayer. It isn't a magic wand for answered prayer, or something to absolve us of our duty, but an assurance of peace, when we trust God.
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Re: SAT -_-

Post by FearlessLlearsy »

thank you guys,
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