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Hi my names samuel and im not new to this site but im new to the forum..

Im currently undergoing a-levels in collage (im 19) and im really low on faith right now..

Im a born again christian (from catholic to orthadox) during the time in between i was going through a criminal stage in life ( i done many bad things and hurt many people ) but one day i met this this amazing girl who directed me back to jesus.Life from there seemed to be going great..until one day i was on the internet and come across atheist forums and videos..

i watched 2 videos about an christian sccholar who didn't believe the bible and had become atheist and a former catholic priest who wrote a book on ''why god is fake''..then i started to get sucked in and the next thing you know i was reading pages and pages and watching movies upon movies proving jesus wasnt real and the bible was made up under a roman ruler..that jesus wasn't born in december but in april.(some said he wasn't even real..just a made up figure to unite people against the roman empire who had a firm grip on isreal at the time)..Also thee are alot of thing in common with roman paganism in christanity..

Another thing stephen hawkin 100% disaproved a GOD..This is one of the most accomplished human being.Then i started thinking earth is a tiny planet in the middle of everthing.. why would GOD do this? why would he make so many other planets and astroids and supernovas etc..? The bible doesn't mention other planets and other galaxies..Why is this?

Im sorry this is so long i just had to get it out and this website is full of educated christians..thank you for taking time to read this and i hope you guys can help me :cry: ..IM LOST!
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Post by Silvertusk »

HAVEFAITH wrote:Hi my names samuel and im not new to this site but im new to the forum..

Im currently undergoing a-levels in collage (im 19) and im really low on faith right now..

Im a born again christian (from catholic to orthadox) during the time in between i was going through a criminal stage in life ( i done many bad things and hurt many people ) but one day i met this this amazing girl who directed me back to jesus.Life from there seemed to be going great..until one day i was on the internet and come across atheist forums and videos..

i watched 2 videos about an christian sccholar who didn't believe the bible and had become atheist and a former catholic priest who wrote a book on ''why god is fake''..then i started to get sucked in and the next thing you know i was reading pages and pages and watching movies upon movies proving jesus wasnt real and the bible was made up under a roman ruler..that jesus wasn't born in december but in april.(some said he wasn't even real..just a made up figure to unite people against the roman empire who had a firm grip on isreal at the time)..Also thee are alot of thing in common with roman paganism in christanity..
Jesus was real as atested by the four gospels and the New Testament, Josepheus, Pliny, Titus - who where hostile witnesses. Jesus was probably not born in december - because Constantine designated that day as his birth so as to overide the current pagen festival that was prominent at the time when the Roman empire took on Christianity as its religion. As Christians we do not have an issue with this as the date of his birth is irrelevant - the fact that it happened and in the circumstances that it occured is what is important. As for common features between Paganism and Christianity - there are many sources on the net refuting them - Also read the book "The Case for the real Jesus" by Lee Strobel - he goes into a lot of detail with this - especially with the case of Mithras. Most Roman paganisistic ideas developed after Christianity anyway - they were copying the Christians.

HAVEFAITH wrote: Another thing stephen hawkin 100% disaproved a GOD..This is one of the most accomplished human being.Then i started thinking earth is a tiny planet in the middle of everthing.. why would GOD do this? why would he make so many other planets and astroids and supernovas etc..? The bible doesn't mention other planets and other galaxies..Why is this?

Im sorry this is so long i just had to get it out and this website is full of educated christians..thank you for taking time to read this and i hope you guys can help me :cry: ..IM LOST!

Hawking did not disprove God. And there is a lot of critism targeted at his work - especially from Roger Primose - who coauthored his famous book "A Brief History of Time". Read "Hawkins God" by Alistair McGrath as a good critique of his work.

God Bless

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Thanks very much for your reply but what about the scholars and priests that turn away from god after studying the bible for such a long time?.. why doesn'nt jesus mention other planets and space activitys?.. even the buddha made accurate remarks about space and he was 500 years prior jesus christ.

So many questions with religion and when i ask my priest he tells me to have ''FAITH'' but faith can only take you so far before you hit a big barrier called evidence..when you just want to hear the things that will make you smile again..but i need facts.My parents are atheist so no help when i visit them.They say the bible is a fairy tale and the big bang is the cause of life.Just a big acciedent in physics.But i don't believe this,i don't want to believe this.

Thanks again

take care
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Post by Echoside »

HAVEFAITH wrote:Hi my names samuel and im not new to this site but im new to the forum..
Im currently undergoing a-levels in collage (im 19) and im really low on faith right now..

It's a harsh reality, but from what I've seen in college you will find more people who are vocal about being atheists than christian philosophers. You will naturally be challenged in your faith, and perhaps find it overwhelming at times.
HAVEFAITH wrote: i watched 2 videos about an christian sccholar who didn't believe the bible and had become atheist and a former catholic priest who wrote a book on ''why god is fake''..then i started to get sucked in and the next thing you know i was reading pages and pages and watching movies upon movies proving jesus wasnt real and the bible was made up under a roman ruler..
Jesus existed, of that I have little doubt. If you watch biased documentaries full of anti-theist propaganda then I can see why the evidence seems so one sided, but there is tons of research out there that debates anything you might have read.
HAVEFAITH wrote: Another thing stephen hawkin 100% disaproved a GOD..This is one of the most accomplished human being.Then i started thinking earth is a tiny planet in the middle of everthing.. why would GOD do this? why would he make so many other planets and astroids and supernovas etc..? The bible doesn't mention other planets and other galaxies..Why is this?
Stephen hawking at best showed that there is the POSSIBILITY of existence without God. At worst he showed a philosophical framework entirely unsupported by little else than his own imagination. I think I read somewhere here that the Bible isn't meant to touch on every subject. It's not a science book of how exactly and why exactly everything has come together, else it would never end. Rather the Bible is more like a cookbook telling people what to do with what they have. Psalm 19:1 is always a good verse to look to with this question as well.
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Post by Dark Pony »

The Universe was created for us to discover it! Look at all the amazing discoveries Astronomy has found.

As far as Hawkings, I think the other two posts above me have answered that.
"To one with faith, no explanation is needed. To one without faith, no explanation is possible."
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Post by Silvertusk »

HAVEFAITH wrote:Thanks very much for your reply but what about the scholars and priests that turn away from god after studying the bible for such a long time?.. why doesn'nt jesus mention other planets and space activitys?.. even the buddha made accurate remarks about space and he was 500 years prior jesus christ.

So many questions with religion and when i ask my priest he tells me to have ''FAITH'' but faith can only take you so far before you hit a big barrier called evidence..when you just want to hear the things that will make you smile again..but i need facts.My parents are atheist so no help when i visit them.They say the bible is a fairy tale and the big bang is the cause of life.Just a big acciedent in physics.But i don't believe this,i don't want to believe this.

Thanks again

take care

The other planets and space activities are not important - we are. God sent his son to save us. Also if you read books like "Why the Universe is the way it is" by Hugh Ross - it makes a pretty clear argument for the fact that it took an entire universe just to create intelligent life on one planet - namely earth.
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Thank you everyone so much.. but why are there so many atheist if its so obvious jesus come to earth and also what church do you believe follows the word of jesus because catholics have added many dogmas that are not in the bible :econfused:
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