finding answers

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finding answers

Post by momof3 »

I apologize if this post is long. I am new to this site and have found very good information here, so thank you. Here is where I am at. I am a married mother of 3. I was raised Lutheran (Missouri Synod), that married a Catholic ( who never goes to church). During the past year I had a medical life changing experience which has led me to seek answers about my faith. I can't talk to my husband about it... I did go through a similar period 6 years ago where I was trying to figure out the differences between Lutherans and Catholics (mainly to decide what to do with my kids). I did a little experiment and asked 2 of my husbands family members why they should be let into heaven. OK, first let me say I have nothing against catholics....I have problems with people who don't know the basis of their faith (because the church teaches it is not a credible answer). The answers I got were both a firm " I am a good person, I have tried to do the right thing." I was pretty shocked.... I did ask my husband about it and he refused to talk to me about it and then proceeded to get very angry that I had spoken with his family. So I shut up. Lately I have been doing more research, as I am not agreeing with some aspects of the church I was raised in.. i.e. amillenialism and more recently the whole where you go when you die thing. ( I am not sure how I feel about that. Kind of disappointed that there may be no heaven....and I really hope that the earth after Christ returns is good, because I really have no interest in coming back to the same old). I will be looking into infant baptism in the near future. The question I am having is should I really be concerned about these things? Do they really matter in the end? If I believe that Christ died for my sins and that this is a gift from god, is that the only thing I should focus on? I am kind of thinking I need to switch to a church that is more in line with the bible, but I really don't know where to go from here. Any suggestions? (I live in Minnesota so any suggestions for churches in the U.S. would be great). Thanks!
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Re: finding answers

Post by RickD »

momof3 wrote:I apologize if this post is long. I am new to this site and have found very good information here, so thank you. Here is where I am at. I am a married mother of 3. I was raised Lutheran (Missouri Synod), that married a Catholic ( who never goes to church). During the past year I had a medical life changing experience which has led me to seek answers about my faith. I can't talk to my husband about it... I did go through a similar period 6 years ago where I was trying to figure out the differences between Lutherans and Catholics (mainly to decide what to do with my kids). I did a little experiment and asked 2 of my husbands family members why they should be let into heaven. OK, first let me say I have nothing against catholics....I have problems with people who don't know the basis of their faith (because the church teaches it is not a credible answer). The answers I got were both a firm " I am a good person, I have tried to do the right thing." I was pretty shocked.... I did ask my husband about it and he refused to talk to me about it and then proceeded to get very angry that I had spoken with his family. So I shut up. Lately I have been doing more research, as I am not agreeing with some aspects of the church I was raised in.. i.e. amillenialism and more recently the whole where you go when you die thing. ( I am not sure how I feel about that. Kind of disappointed that there may be no heaven....and I really hope that the earth after Christ returns is good, because I really have no interest in coming back to the same old). I will be looking into infant baptism in the near future. The question I am having is should I really be concerned about these things? Do they really matter in the end? If I believe that Christ died for my sins and that this is a gift from god, is that the only thing I should focus on? I am kind of thinking I need to switch to a church that is more in line with the bible, but I really don't know where to go from here. Any suggestions? (I live in Minnesota so any suggestions for churches in the U.S. would be great). Thanks!
Momof3, I can't give you answers about where to go to church. However, I can tell you that 1 on 1 time with the Lord, through reading the bible and praying WILL do wonders for any doubts you have. If you sincerely seek answers, God will reveal them to you as He wills. I haven't gone to a church in years. While I can understand your concerns about your kids not attending a church, going to a unhealthy church is not the answer. If the Lord wants you to bring your kids to church, then keep that in prayer. You will do more for your kids and husband by the love you show them, then anything else IMO. If your family can see how God is changing you, that will speak to your family. At least that's how I accepted Christ. I just suggest you make quiet time to read the bible, and pray. It is very easy to get overwhelmed with things that happen in our daily lives. A strong relationship with God through Christ, lets us keep those concerns you have in perspective.
John 5:24
24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.

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Re: finding answers

Post by PaulSacramento »

Things are as important as we make them so, if it is important to YOU then it is important.
There are many denominations of Christianty and even more than one denomination of Catholicisim ( not all catholics are roman catholics, Old Catholics are an example).
I think you are getting more interested in the human doctrines within a given religion or denomination than you probably need to, BUT if it matters to you then it matters but I don't think you will find ANY denomination that you agree with every doctrine 100%.
Do your research, be open the the HS leading you ( and don't try to conform the HS to what YOU WANT it to say but listen with an open heart and mind) and I am sure you will find what you need :)
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Re: finding answers

Post by Katabole »

Hi Momof3

I was raised a Roman Catholic. 19 years ago I left the Catholic church and joined a non-denominational church because I wanted to learn about what was written in the Bible instead of following ritual. Since then it has become the largest independent, non-denominational church in the world. We get on upwards of a thousand new members a week. Our church teaches the Bible line by line and our Pastor makes it a point of not asking for money. If you would like more information, just send me a personal message.

God bless you.
There are two types of people in our world: those who believe in Christ and those who will.

If Christianity is a man-made religion, then why is its doctrine vehemently against all of man's desires?

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Re: finding answers

Post by jlay »

I think one of the most dangerous things in a marriage is discussing problems with others that you will not discuss with your spouse. This shows that there are deep divisions in the marriage and a dangerous breakdown in communication.

I am very careful to recommend counseling, because you never know what agenda or worldview the counselor is operating under. However, it appears your marriage is in desperate need of a mediator, so you can get these views on the table.
The answers I got were both a firm " I am a good person, I have tried to do the right thing." I was pretty shocked.... I did ask my husband about it and he refused to talk to me about it and then proceeded to get very angry that I had spoken with his family.
Your husband needs to take the good person test. ... start_goodIn love you need to not let this go. If you don't address it, it will get worse. If you address it, it will get worse. But only the later has the possibility of a redeeming outcome.

I would recommend a bible teaching church. This will usually have 'bible' in the name of the church. Google search, "Bible chruches in your hometown, MN" for starters. Also, be praying earnestly, believing God that He will direct you to counsel.
-“The Bible treated allegorically becomes putty in the hands of the exegete.” John Walvoord

"I'm not saying scientists don't overstate their results. They do. And it's understandable, too...If you spend years working toward a certain goal and make no progress, of course you are going to spin your results in a positive light." Ivellious
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