Rapture article

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Rapture article

Post by dorkmaster »

http://religion.blogs.cnn.com/2011/05/1 ... -religion/
This article is a little...well, I'm not sure what I'd call it, and the comments are "fun". I guess some people's reasoning doesn't make sense. This article also raised a question I've had that may have already been asked, are people born with the notion of god like the bible says? Or are people naturally atheist?
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Re: Rapture article

Post by MarcusOfLycia »

Well, considering people developed religious ideas of all kinds all over the planet and held them for most of the history of the world, I don't think it is an 'unnatural' thing. Its much more likely, I'd think, that from a young age today people are indoctrinated subtly that science is the answer to ever problem to ever face mankind. I know this is what was fed to me in a lot of the media I was shown because I had going through school that sort of mentality until I really thought it through. A great way to identify people who've had that indoctrination is to ask them if they think science will one day solve every problem we've ever had. Most say yes. People who've thought about it remember human nature and probably won't be so optimistic. At least in my experience - your mileage may vary.
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Re: Rapture article

Post by Reactionary »

This is such a typical piece of atheist bigotry that makes me want to vomit at the notion that it's published in the media. But on the other hand, since anything that (attempts to) discredit religion is popular these days, it's not that I'm surprised. Many people will say that doomsday prophets make us look bad in front of atheists, I sincerely don't care about what atheists think. They'll always find a reason to disrespect Christianity. If they don't, they'll resort to lies.
Good, intelligent, caring people suffer every day and everywhere at the hands of religion, the happy lie.
By what standard does he consider those people good, intelligent and caring?
To combat fear of death, religious people ignore their intellect, believe the lie, and follow the preacher, usually blindly and sometimes to the point of insanity.
I don't fear death. What's to fear about death? If atheism is right, your brain just shuts down. No pain, no suffering, not anything to fear.
Like most atheists, I’m a pretty nice person
:pound: :lol: :pound: :lol: :pound: :lol: :pound: :lol: :pound: :lol: :pound: :lol: :pound: :lol: :pound:

Look who's talking about happy lies...

OK, I've had enough for today.
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Re: Rapture article

Post by dorkmaster »

Yeah, the comments had me shaking my head and losing any faith I had...in humanity. From what I can tell, people flock to insult others and "call people out" for what they think. And yet all the while, the atheist doesn't seem to realize that atheism is based on philosophy, not science
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Re: Rapture article

Post by luke-10 »

Wooah! He did not just write that. All priests, rabbis, mullahs, and preachers are scammers and should be treated as such? What a narcissist. I don’t usually call people names, but if he is going to insult an entire group of people then he deserves it. Did you notice how he mentioned atheists are good people (sure, there may be some bad apples) and not once did he happen to include that, yes, there could be some good religious leaders and followers no less?

P.S. I love how he brags that he has been an atheist since he was 6. What could he have discovered at that age that would have been so intellectually astute to justify his belief conversion or whatever it was? I bet it came down to something as simple as his parents were not good people, and they claimed to be Christians, so therefore Christianity must be bad. But the logic does not follow that the belief system of Christianity is bad.
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Re: Rapture article

Post by kevdog19 »

I was raised an atheist and then at age 11 I had a mystikal experience that convinced me god was real. I saw the aether all around me the world was blue.
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