Spiritual Encounters

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Spiritual Encounters

Post by kmr »

Alright, so I've been reading a lot of posts on this board, and I noticed that a great deal of people here have said that they have had spiritual encounters with angels or demons and the like, from normal christians even to the point of satanism and witchcraft. I was wondering, do you think that these are just their imaginations, or do you think there is truth in it? I mean, are these encounters from people who dreamed them or half-dreamed them, or maybe were on some kind of hallucinogen, or are these encounters real?

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Re: Spiritual Encounters

Post by B. W. »

kmr wrote:Alright, so I've been reading a lot of posts on this board, and I noticed that a great deal of people here have said that they have had spiritual encounters with angels or demons and the like, from normal christians even to the point of satanism and witchcraft. I was wondering, do you think that these are just their imaginations, or do you think there is truth in it? I mean, are these encounters from people who dreamed them or half-dreamed them, or maybe were on some kind of hallucinogen, or are these encounters real?
What do you think they are and be?
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Re: Spiritual Encounters

Post by kmr »

I, personally, think that most "encounters" are either faked or imagined, but I really do not know for sure. I mean, why would Satan allow people to see him in our era, when that would only affirm their belief in the supernatural, and point to God? I can understand why people may encounter angels, but I just don't see why it is necessary to send angels to some people to do "miraculous works" and have them see the angels, and only have people see the miracles but not the angels on some occasions, and not even see the miracles on others. Of course, I don't know the mind of God, but I just want to see what all of your ideas on the matter are.

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Re: Spiritual Encounters

Post by luke-10 »

I'm a little skeptical as well. I believe in miracles. I just wish people were a little more private about their spiritual encounter until every other possible explanation was ruled out by authorities other than themselves.
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Re: Spiritual Encounters

Post by neo-x »

Well, I know how you feel Luke, I do too. But sometimes miracles do not happen the divine way around, sometimes they happen within our own structure in our own way yet in a way we do not completely understand or anticipate and thus in this perspective if we choose to believe - the miracle either happened or it didn't. It is really sad to see all the fake things out there, but most of them are not fake just because they happened by chance or co incident. To a certain degree the concept of chance in itself represents the tendency of a miracle. As we say playing against the odds.
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Re: Spiritual Encounters

Post by Teleco2 »

I registered so I could reply to this posting string because I have myself had a spiritual encounter that I've never spoke of publicly up until now. For some reason now I have a great urge to tell anyone that will listen and especially those that are athiests. Not because I want to change their minds or anything, I really just want to offer them some information on what another individual (actually two) have experienced. This really isn't about God or the devil as I've seen specified in the previous posts this was something i can't fully explain and can only offer up what happened. I was 18 years old and was at my girlfriends house standing in their kitchen with her mother and her boyfriend. They were 40's or more to me at the time they were just older:P now I"m forty so they don't seem that old anymore:P Either way, we had been standing in this kitchen talking each kinda in a corner with me an my girlfriends mother standing in the hallway part of the kitchen each in our own corner of the kitchen kinda. Either way I was straight across from the corner that my girlfirend was in and her mom's boyfriend was opposite her mother on the same side as me. My girlfriends mother and her began talking about how the mother in law suite part of their house was different and ever since her parents passed away that area has felt wierd. She started explaining how you could simply step thru the doorway which led from her side of the kitchen hallway we were in to that area of the house. Well next thing you know everyone is taking their turn stepping in that room and back into the kitchen saying how it does feel strange, well I really wasn't interested I didn't believe in ghosts or anything of th sort and had actually been thru a major time in my life so I wasn't as convinced about a "God" as I had been raised. Either way, I was very very skeptical to the point I wasn't even interested but after being persuaded by everyone and not wanting to be the spoil sport I decided to go ahead and do it. Well low and behold it completely freaked me out! As I was stepping into the room which I didn't even get all the way into because of the feeling, I felt like what I image to be like stepping into that space gate thing you see on tv that warps the people around the universe. I basically kinda pulled myself back out of the room without fully getting in because of the feeling. There was definitely a difference and I had the feeling I wasn't too sure I liked it. Either way after a good amouth of discussion about it and being freaked out we all ended up back in the corners where we were originally. This is the part that changed my life forever.

We all four soon were kinda tapering off the conversation about the feelings of the different rooms when there was this small silence in the coversation and then my girlfriend directly across from me started to say something and I started to look up at her but her words and actions all came out in slow motion. It was the wierdest thing and she only said one or two words I can't even remember if I konw what she said I don't think I did it was just like I had looked up at her right when she went into this complete slow motion of everything sound and all. Then out of no where i felt this presence and it was strong and I could tell right where it was at least the direction that it was in and about how far away. I didn't see anything at all but I felt it and it truly seemed to be focused on me. All of a sudden and I'm getting chills as I write this for the first time it came out of that room and across the kitchen at an unbelievable speed something almost unimagineable from what we see in real life i don't know how else to explain it. As it did I remember two points specifically besides at how fast it moved, one I completely felt threatened, two as I felt it and it began to move I couldn't help but focus everything i had on it and I could see my girlfriends mother start to faint as this thing was coming past her out of the door way. I remember this vividly and even remember the feeling of wanting to try to catch her to stop her from hurting herself but this thing felt so threatening that all I could do was throw my hands up in a defensive mannager that I had been taught from self defense instructions from my father. This thing as it passed her mother blazingly fast kinda flew past me. It felt to me as if it were almost a wind of energy was passing me by, an angry wind of energy. As it did pass by me I changed my stance as you are taught in self defense throwing my hands in the opposite direction behind me and shifting my feet so that I was really in the perfect position to guard against this thing that just blew past me. Well as fast as I switched stance this thing went back the other way and right back into the room. I couldn't spin fast enough basically.

Either way upon spinning back around again to face the room in somewhat awe more than anything, the fear of the thing directly had gone for the most part I mean i was still freightened of it and freightened in general for the most part but I no longer felt as if it could...and I"m not sure that's the word really because I do feel like it could have hurt me if it really wanted too but looking back I almost think it just wanted to scare me that's it. I'm not sure of the reason and it did do a good job of it but I've wracked my brain ever since trying to understand it completely. Here is the kicker, once I felt the thing was gone completely which everything happened really fast even it leaving kinda or absorbing away is how it felt to me I looked at my girlfriends mother and she was looking at me i'm sure with the same look I was looking at her and I was the first to speak and I simply said why were you fainting. I think because I didn't want to say out right did you experience that which I already knew she had, I think I just wanted to hear it from her or someone else. Either way, just as quick as I said why were you fainting, my girlfriend spoke up directing everything at me saying, "Why were you fainting?!" As I looked at her she was definitely directing it to me and I could see the confusion in her eyes so I immediately looked at her mom's boyfriend and he basically had the same look as my girlfriend, utter confusion. I immediately spoke up and even started going thru the motions showing how I had thrown my hands up and all that but both my girlfriend and her mom's boy friend were like nope! You were fainting just like her mom as they pointed at the mother. As they did I basically followed their pointing and looked at her mom and her mom immediately said, "I saw you fainting too!" At that point I couldn't help it I broke out into explaining everything that I experienced and asked for everyone elses perspective and we all bascially had the same experience except her mom thinks she was defending her self by puttting her hands up like me but I saw her fainting as she did me.

Now you can take this all as you want I'm not here to say anything is wrong or right but I know for a fact I was not imagining anything or daydreaming or on drugs or drunk for that matter! I just know for a fact that there is something out there more than what know, can see, touch or interact with unless whatever it is wants to interact with us. Also, just a feeling i had, it went somewhere, it didn't just hide or whatever when it left...I'm not sure how else to say this....it went somewhere, that's the only way I can think to explain it. Almost like it opened a door and went to a completely different space or place. Like I said, I've never "publicly" spoken about this and have only told a few...very few friends. I haven't seen this girl or her mother or boyfriend pretty much since shortly after that incident but I can guarantee no matter what they will remember. I hope this information helps someone out there searching for understanding, I know the experience changed my life for sure!
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