Family Guy

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Family Guy

Post by Murray »

Upon watching family guy last night, I became extremly aware of how many atheist morals are spun into it. One of these which greatly offended me was when peter was show a chart that showed intellect level. On the chart peter was shown as mentally retarted, one step above creationist, which was below retardation on the chart.

What does that tell you about the kind ,loving and accepting views of athiest?

Another instance of offencive athiest views in it was when they showed the "kansas view of evolution" in which god farted creation the universe the appeared a genuie and nodded his head to make random things appear.....

I honestly do not even see humor in these 2 examples just blind intollerance.
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Re: Family Guy

Post by DannyM »

Murray wrote:Upon watching family guy last night, I became extremly aware of how many atheist morals are spun into it. One of these which greatly offended me was when peter was show a chart that showed intellect level. On the chart peter was shown as mentally retarted, one step above creationist, which was below retardation on the chart.

What does that tell you about the kind ,loving and accepting views of athiest?

Another instance of offencive athiest views in it was when they showed the "kansas view of evolution" in which god farted creation the universe the appeared a genuie and nodded his head to make random things appear.....

I honestly do not even see humor in these 2 examples just blind intollerance.
Family Guy is one of the most hilarious programmes on the box - I love it! Along with Frasier and Friends, it proves that America *can* do real comedy.
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Re: Family Guy

Post by Murray »


I used to tink that up until I noticed how harshly it slams chrsitianity, 95% of the episodes have at least 1 jesus/god/christianity joke that are just meant to be plainly offencive. Do you think putting creationist below mental retardation on a intelligence chart is funny?
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Re: Family Guy

Post by Seraph »

It's one of my favs, though I'd agree that (mainly later seasons) have a pretty atheist message. The character Brian basically injects Seth MacFarlane's philosophy into the show, which one might say is a less than Christian one.

Still funny though.
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Re: Family Guy

Post by Murray »

Seraph wrote:It's one of my favs, though I'd agree that (mainly later seasons) have a pretty atheist message. The character Brian basically injects Seth MacFarlane's philosophy into the show, which one might say is a less than Christian one.

Still funny though.

I had family guy on my #1 recording up until 2 days ago when I stopped all recordings because I despised the new episodes so much. The last 5 episodes, espically the redneck one, have all dissed christianity. The old ones were fine and I very rarley even saw a sliver of anti-religon propaganda in them.
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Re: Family Guy

Post by DannyM »

Murray wrote:^

I used to tink that up until I noticed how harshly it slams chrsitianity, 95% of the episodes have at least 1 jesus/god/christianity joke that are just meant to be plainly offencive. Do you think putting creationist below mental retardation on a intelligence chart is funny?
I watch a double episode of it almost every night - I can say that I have been offended maybe twice from a couple of gags that seemed like they were put in simply to offend. The rest of their so-called offensive gags don’t bother me as a Christian. If the writers are truly sneering atheists, then who’s got the last laugh all lined up?

As to your last sentence, that would be something I'd be annoyed at. But ride it, Murray...your destiny will be full of laughs.
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Re: Family Guy

Post by Seraph »

Most of the Christianity jokes just make me roll my eyes and say whatever.

There was one episode though that revolved around Brian being an Athiest and being frustrated that he couldn't find an intellegent (i.e. Atheist) woman to date. Richard Dawkin's The God Delusion made a couple cameo appearances as well. That episode got under my skin a bit.
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Re: Family Guy

Post by Murray »

Ill list some examples offencive ones

1)creationist (old and new) are listed below mental retardation.
2)Peter is watching science show on religon channel, voice speaks over the scientist every few word like, "the world was created_hundreds and hundreds_ of years ago. "the world was created from _jjjeeeesssssussssss_.
3)Burning of books at church, when brain asks meg, she responds we must burn the works of satan, they are burning logic for 1st grader books.
4)singing at church, song goes as "if we praise jesus by singing all together, it makes this whole exercise seem less bizarre, instead of standing back and examining it with some objectivttyyyy, amen"
5)Peter at gay camp, the father says "god hates many people, but none more than homosexuals"
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Re: Family Guy

Post by jlay »

Family Guy is one of the most hilarious programmes on the box - I love it! Along with Frasier and Friends, it proves that America *can* do real comedy.
Humor is a great way to skirt being offensive and sneak in brainwashing tactics. Most people are numb to this junk. Humor is a seducer and anethestic of the mind to open it to all kinds of filth. "But it's funny!" Humans can make anything funny. I love humor. In fact, I'm going to a Tim Hawkins concert tonight. But that doesn't mean that just because something is funny that it is good.

Romans 1:28-32
And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;

29Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,

30Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,

31Without understanding, covenant breakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:

32Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.

No one is going to hell for watching a show, but do these shows encourage a reprobate mind? Yes they do.
Rom. 12:2
Phil. 4:8
Eph. 4:17,18,19,29

Give you a good example. There was a comedy that I thought was hillarious. And it was. Laughed my rear off. Until one time I started to watch it with my mother in the room. I quickly realized how uncomfortable I was at these same things I was earlier laughing at. I knew my mother would be more offended than humored, because it was raunchy and explicit. If as Christians we have the HS living in us, maybe we should be just as aware that we are not watching this alone.
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Re: Family Guy

Post by DannyM »

jlay wrote:Give you a good example. There was a comedy that I thought was hillarious. And it was. Laughed my rear off. Until one time I started to watch it with my mother in the room. I quickly realized how uncomfortable I was at these same things I was earlier laughing at. I knew my mother would be more offended than humored, because it was raunchy and explicit. If as Christians we have the HS living in us, maybe we should be just as aware that we are not watching this alone.
I respect your stance, J. My mum and I sat down to watch Ricky Gervais 'live' on DVD. We'd only seen him in The Office prior to this - and here he was sputing the 'C' word over and over again. I'd never felt more uncomfortable as my mum loathes the word...and I too have come to loathe the word. Gervais' 'comedy' was dire, by the way - which would go some way to explaining his need to employ the use of the 'C' word.

But as for Family Guy? I'm sure God could have a chuckle at that himself. Why would this type of programme offend God?
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Re: Family Guy

Post by Murray »

DannyM wrote:
jlay wrote:Give you a good example. There was a comedy that I thought was hillarious. And it was. Laughed my rear off. Until one time I started to watch it with my mother in the room. I quickly realized how uncomfortable I was at these same things I was earlier laughing at. I knew my mother would be more offended than humored, because it was raunchy and explicit. If as Christians we have the HS living in us, maybe we should be just as aware that we are not watching this alone.
I respect your stance, J. My mum and I sat down to watch Ricky Gervais 'live' on DVD. We'd only seen him in The Office prior to this - and here he was sputing the 'C' word over and over again. I'd never felt more uncomfortable as my mum loathes the word...and I too have come to loathe the word. Gervais' 'comedy' was dire, by the way - which would go some way to explaining his need to employ the use of the 'C' word.

But as for Family Guy? I'm sure God could have a chuckle at that himself. Why would this type of programme offend God?

Tell me. If I were to dress as jesus, then go around slapping men on the butt, and screaming hail satan and death to god, would you be offended? Im sure some athiest would find that beyond halarious, and im sure many christians would find that beyond offencive. Family guy mocks god and jesus and turns folks away from his love and grace and turn god into a laughing stock and a joke instead of a actual loving being. Thats why It would offend him, god is not and should never be a laughing stock.
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Re: Family Guy

Post by DannyM »

Murray wrote:
DannyM wrote:
jlay wrote:Give you a good example. There was a comedy that I thought was hillarious. And it was. Laughed my rear off. Until one time I started to watch it with my mother in the room. I quickly realized how uncomfortable I was at these same things I was earlier laughing at. I knew my mother would be more offended than humored, because it was raunchy and explicit. If as Christians we have the HS living in us, maybe we should be just as aware that we are not watching this alone.
I respect your stance, J. My mum and I sat down to watch Ricky Gervais 'live' on DVD. We'd only seen him in The Office prior to this - and here he was sputing the 'C' word over and over again. I'd never felt more uncomfortable as my mum loathes the word...and I too have come to loathe the word. Gervais' 'comedy' was dire, by the way - which would go some way to explaining his need to employ the use of the 'C' word.

But as for Family Guy? I'm sure God could have a chuckle at that himself. Why would this type of programme offend God?

Tell me. If I were to dress as jesus, then go around slapping men on the butt, and screaming hail satan and death to god, would you be offended? Im sure some athiest would find that beyond halarious, and im sure many christians would find that beyond offencive. Family guy mocks god and jesus and turns folks away from his love and grace and turn god into a laughing stock and a joke instead of a actual loving being. Thats why It would offend him, god is not and should never be a laughing stock.
In answer to your question, No.
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Re: Family Guy

Post by Murray »


I suppose everybody has different tastes.

I do not find humor in mocking a man who changed my life so drastically for the better, and that is what family guy is starting to do more and more. Think about what jesus did for you, think about how he would feel if you mock that. God has humor I suppose, but I do not believe he finds humor in mocking him being tourtured and dieing on a cross, I believe he holds that as a gift to us. If your father gave you 1 million dollars after he died, would you go on the streets with signs telling the world what a awful man he was and make fun of all his faults. The answer should be no to that.
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Re: Family Guy

Post by DannyM »

Murray wrote:^

I suppose everybody has different tastes.

I do not find humor in mocking a man who changed my life so drastically for the better, and that is what family guy is starting to do more and more. Think about what jesus did for you, think about how he would feel if you mock that. God has humor I suppose, but I do not believe he finds humor in mocking him being tourtured and dieing on a cross, I believe he holds that as a gift to us. If your father gave you 1 million dollars after he died, would you go on the streets with signs telling the world what a awful man he was and make fun of all his faults. The answer should be no to that.
Not sure if you're implying here that I *do* find humour in mockery of my Lord and saviour, but I most certainly do not. I've never seen an episode where 'Jesus' is burned on a cross - if I had I might well have smashed the telly all over the room.
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Re: Family Guy

Post by narnia4 »

I've never liked Family Guy that much, to be honest... just gets a bit too crass for my tastes. I understand that its not always anti-Christian, some of its criticisms of Christians may at times be true of SOME Christians... seeing as Christians are human as well. That said, MacFarlane clearly targets not the concept of God as much as conservative Christians and promotes his own agenda in general. I've seen many fans, some Christian some not, complain about how "preachy" the show is... read an overview about an episode where Brian (the atheist dog) explains how all he wants is for Christians to tolerate his beliefs. And of course other liberal things will be pushed.

South Park is a little too raunchy for me as well, but I at least have some respect for equal opportunity satire instead of this agenda-driven crap.

I will agree with DannyM, however, that Frasier is a great show (don't like Friends though). Its relatively sophisticated, its funny, and its not anti-Christian or agenda-driven. Generally I prefer older comedies though... The Andy Griffith Show, Leave It to Beaver, I Love Lucy, The DVD Show, Mary Tyler Moore, M*A*S*H*, etc.

Edit- DVD is "The Richard Van D Show"... heh, I guess censors aren't perfect.
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