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Re: Please Introduce Yourself Here

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 8:08 pm
by FearlessLlearsy
Welcome!!! Hope you learn alot from this forum!

Re: Please Introduce Yourself Here

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 10:10 pm
by neo-x
Thnx Silver Tusk and Zoegirl and everyone else,

I appreciate your warm welcome. I find this place really awesome with so much talent for God. God bless you for keeping it the way it is. :amen:

Re: Please Introduce Yourself Here

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 7:06 pm
by Dark Pony
Hello everyone! My name is Kevin a.k.a. Dark Pony! I'll give you a quick rundown of my story.

Born and raised a Christian, at age 24 I left Christianity to be "open" and almost converted to atheism. Too many tough questions plagued me such as "how could a loving God allow suffering?" and "How on the earth could the Resurrection really be a true historical event?" After a year or so I finally decided to keep and open mind about God and start exploring the tough questions.

So here I am 29 years old, and I am a proud Youth Ministry Director. I also just gave a 40 minute lesson on "Evidence for the Resurrection" this past Tuesday to the community my church is in. God works in really mysterious ways! So that's my story....and I'm sticking to it :)

What a great site this is, just browsing for 20 minutes I have gotten some great information.

Re: Please Introduce Yourself Here

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 10:07 pm
by FearlessLlearsy
Great to have you onboard! :)

Re: Please Introduce Yourself Here

Posted: Sat May 21, 2011 12:34 pm
by Natal Ah-Is
Hello fellow servants of our lord. My name is Natal I am a Hindu convert to Christianity, i used to live in India and i am now a British citizen. If you would like to ask any questions of me then i would be delighted to answer them.

Re: Please Introduce Yourself Here

Posted: Mon May 23, 2011 8:33 am
by Canuckster1127
Natal Ah-Is wrote:Hello fellow servants of our lord. My name is Natal I am a Hindu convert to Christianity, i used to live in India and i am now a British citizen. If you would like to ask any questions of me then i would be delighted to answer them.
Welcome Natal, we're glad you're here. Please feel free to join in discussions and participate as much as you like.

Alcohol and Aspergers...A potent Mix For Honesty.

Posted: Mon May 23, 2011 5:48 pm
by Natal Ah-Is
A-Okay I admit it, I was here to TROLL (AGAIN LOL) Really it mustn't look very good.(sorry me!) You can ban me again if you want, i wont bother coming back. We could however create a constructive dialogue instead of instantly resorting to the worst possible measures. I can very easily Give up all my vindication, its just a simple process of diplomacy, like for instance showing some compassion rather than instantly banning me for De-converting.

I suppose this means I can tell you what my plans where: Simple. I had planned to pretend to have a revelation(or epiphany if you will) and say that modern technology is Evil and that you should not only stop using it, but destroy it. Pretty dastardly don't you think? To bad that I can't Do that anymore, That damnable honesty of mine!

Let me just create this awesome, convinient and very useful list for you:
  • Cactus-Conviction=Crime? I don't think so. why not fight Fire with fire?(I actually Killed the Cactus, unfortanetly there is a such thing as too much water)
    Kristoffer (TROLOLOLOLOL)-(i do actually like sweden and have been on holiday there.)
    the11thdoctor(yea that guy is AWSUM)
    This name...(A fairly Evil Anagram)
Isn't it Fairly amusing what a moderate amount of Alcohol Can do? Loosen the tongue, Inspire great Honesty. Profess to Faith even. I would like to Admit, I do have faith. Not in god however, there is no proof for that. Instead I have faith for Humanity, Despite the Super-multitudinous proof to the contrary. Maybe You Will help me even more to See that this Faith I have is not something worth Giving Up, I am a Humanist non the less. So why Should I Have faith? Explain why Humans are So worthless and why I have to resort to something else as a victim for such a thing. I Believe that you are good people and that you will Do what you think is the good thing to do. I know personally that the Person who loves me the most would do very much the same.

So do as you may, but could You please believe that It is possible for someone to attain maturity rather than resorting to the "damned forever, lets permenantly ban" attitude, Not that I am telling you what to do. Nor will it matter, ofcourse you Can see how Adeptly I can avoid being banned, manipulate, etc. So What are we going to do, Follow the Spirit of the law or the letter of the law?

Oh yes and could a moderator kindly rename me to "scoundrel", If you want to send me any hate emails here is my Email address:
PM me for it, for every Ten hate mail's that you send me I will return Zero.

Oh and btw:

Image(YHBT!? TBC.)

Re: Please Introduce Yourself Here

Posted: Mon May 23, 2011 6:54 pm
by Kurieuo
Thanks for finally coming out and being honest, Kristoffer, with your beliefs and fake identities.

Re: Please Introduce Yourself Here

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 6:18 am
by MarcusOfLycia
That's pretty sad, don't you think? You shouldn't have to wonder why special rules are in place when people lie and prove they aren't trustworthy. The whole goal of this forum (and what should be the goal of every forum) is for honesty to be the expected from everyone, since people don't actually meet each other in real life typically.

There shouldn't be trust of anything, from argument to personal claim, of anyone who proves they can't be trusted. At least the guy who thought the rapture was on Saturday believes what he says and so might just be crazy. Liars can't even claim that.

Just really sad... and pathetic... but mostly sad.

Re: Alcohol and Aspergers...A potent Mix For Honesty.

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 10:05 am
by B. W.
Kriss, we discussed things before so I'll be more frank with you as we earned respect for each other over the years you have been here more so than with another - so here goes:

You state that you have faith in humanity; yet, such faith as you place in humanity, as proven by your confession, begs the question - how can you have faith in humanity that lies and seeks to troll as you yourself have proven?

This nullifies all your arguments and comments made in all your characters you posted on this forum …

I see that your strength lies within the Bottle – alcohol induced bravado – again disproves faith in humanity.

Satan’s minions have you bound believing a lie, that by your lying proves faith in humanity alone as 'a' supreme measure and courage from a Bottle of booze to justifies your own human acts.

Now if you’ll be honest, we can discuss things on this form as I always liked to discuss issues with you. I do not have much faith in humanity that lies and draws courage from a bottle that blesses something that wants to kill, rob, and destroy humanity which is opposed to Jesus Christ who came to set us free from such bondage and lies

All Praise to Jesus Christ Alone – every knee will bow and tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord - the Lord of Glory...

The Lord of Glory is still knocking on your door - Revelation 3:20 - the choice is still before you...

Make the correct one
Natal Ah-Is wrote:A-Okay I admit it, I was here to TROLL (AGAIN LOL) Really it mustn't look very good.(sorry me!) You can ban me again if you want, i wont bother coming back. We could however create a constructive dialogue instead of instantly resorting to the worst possible measures. I can very easily Give up all my vindication, its just a simple process of diplomacy, like for instance showing some compassion rather than instantly banning me for De-converting.

I suppose this means I can tell you what my plans where: Simple. I had planned to pretend to have a revelation(or epiphany if you will) and say that modern technology is Evil and that you should not only stop using it, but destroy it. Pretty dastardly don't you think? To bad that I can't Do that anymore, That damnable honesty of mine!

Let me just create this awesome, convinient and very useful list for you:
  • Cactus-Conviction=Crime? I don't think so. why not fight Fire with fire?(I actually Killed the Cactus, unfortanetly there is a such thing as too much water)
    Kristoffer (TROLOLOLOLOL)-(i do actually like sweden and have been on holiday there.)
    the11thdoctor(yea that guy is AWSUIsn't it Fairly amusing what a moderate amount of Alcohol Can doIsn't it Fairly amusing what a moderate amount of Alcohol Can do? Loosen the tongue, Inspire great Honesty. Profess to Faith even. I would like to Admit, I do have faith. Not in god however, there is no proof for that. Instead I have faith for Humanity, Despite the Super-multitudinous proof to the contrary. Maybe You Will help me even more to See that this Faith I have is not something worth Giving Up, I am a Humanist non the less. So why Should I Have faith? Explain why Humans are So worthless and why I have to resort to something else as a victim for such a thing. I Believe that you are good people and that you will Do what you think is the good thing to do. I know personally that the Person who loves me the most would do very much the same.

    So do as you may, but could You please believe that It is possible for someone to attain maturity rather than resorting to the "damned forever, lets permenantly ban" attitude, Not that I am telling you what to do. Nor will it matter, ofcourse you Can see how Adeptly I can avoid being banned, manipulate, etc. So What are we going to do, Follow the Spirit of the law or the letter of the law?

    Oh yes and could a moderator kindly rename me to "scoundrel", If you want to send me any hate emails here is my Email address:
    PM me for it, for every Ten hate mail's that you send me I will return Zero.

Re: Please Introduce Yourself Here

Posted: Wed May 25, 2011 8:04 pm
by luke-10
As per Reactionary’s suggestion in my guestbook, I thought I would introduce myself. I am a college student in the states. I have come to this site to understand my faith better, in a more scientific light. I was brought up in a Christian family. So I could always ask my parents any burning questions I might have had. That is not to say that their responses were always palatable, but, at the end of each day, it comes down to the fact that my parents are some of the smartest people I know. They raised me to believe in the resurrection of Jesus Christ, not because they wanted to fit in with their circle of friends, but because they truly believe, and I know they want the best for me. Simply put, I trust them. Plus it helps that my mom, who is very much an intellectual and active defender of her faith, was once atheist.

So you see, I keep bringing up my parents. The problem is, while their faith is enough for me to justify my faith. I feel as though I am lacking when it comes to defending my faith solo. Which brings me full circle. I am here to develop the skills necessary to better defend my faith.

There are some topics, like evolution, that have me stumped. My father believes in evolution and my mother does not. My father is a scientist and my mother is more of a historian type. They each have their own intelligences, but I feel as though my mother is more committed to finding the truth. But how could she know the truth of the matter? The scientific community is in agreement that evolution is the mechanism for our existence. Don’t they have the authority? Who are we to doubt?

The huge genetic leaps of the skeletal remains make it especially hard to believe the theory is substantiated. As I mentioned earlier, I am a student attending a “credible” academic institution. I have been looking for the evidence to support evolution my entire education. It would have helped so much, especially during my rebellious stage, but to no avail. It doesn’t help that I am presented with theories like the “Aquatic Ape Theory” in class and expected to take evolution seriously. The Aquatic Ape Theory is a theory proposed to explain away the gaps in the skeletal remains for the evolution of homo sapiens, but it is based almost entirely on conjecture, actually I quite enjoyed what I read about it; it was entertaining experiencing this man (author of the article I read) rationalize the heck out of it. But he prefaced the theory with, “Please don’t laugh.” Needless to say, I laughed. :ebiggr

Re: Please Introduce Yourself Here

Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 9:50 am
by B. W.
Hi Luke 10 -

You sound just like another poster, Plato123...

Is that you?
luke-10 wrote:As per Reactionary’s suggestion in my guestbook, I thought I would introduce myself. I am a college student in the states. I have come to this site to understand my faith better, in a more scientific light. I was brought up in a Christian family. So I could always ask my parents any burning questions I might have had. That is not to say that their responses were always palatable, but, at the end of each day, it comes down to the fact that my parents are some of the smartest people I know. They raised me to believe in the resurrection of Jesus Christ, not because they wanted to fit in with their circle of friends, but because they truly believe, and I know they want the best for me. Simply put, I trust them. Plus it helps that my mom, who is very much an intellectual and active defender of her faith, was once atheist.

So you see, I keep bringing up my parents. The problem is, while their faith is enough for me to justify my faith. I feel as though I am lacking when it comes to defending my faith solo. Which brings me full circle. I am here to develop the skills necessary to better defend my faith.

There are some topics, like evolution, that have me stumped. My father believes in evolution and my mother does not. My father is a scientist and my mother is more of a historian type. They each have their own intelligences, but I feel as though my mother is more committed to finding the truth. But how could she know the truth of the matter? The scientific community is in agreement that evolution is the mechanism for our existence. Don’t they have the authority? Who are we to doubt?

The huge genetic leaps of the skeletal remains make it especially hard to believe the theory is substantiated. As I mentioned earlier, I am a student attending a “credible” academic institution. I have been looking for the evidence to support evolution my entire education. It would have helped so much, especially during my rebellious stage, but to no avail. It doesn’t help that I am presented with theories like the “Aquatic Ape Theory” in class and expected to take evolution seriously. The Aquatic Ape Theory is a theory proposed to explain away the gaps in the skeletal remains for the evolution of homo sapiens, but it is based almost entirely on conjecture, actually I quite enjoyed what I read about it; it was entertaining experiencing this man (author of the article I read) rationalize the heck out of it. But he prefaced the theory with, “Please don’t laugh.” Needless to say, I laughed. :ebiggr

Re: Please Introduce Yourself Here

Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 10:45 am
by luke-10
Sorry, you are mistaken.

Re: Please Introduce Yourself Here

Posted: Sat May 28, 2011 7:49 pm
by kevdog19
Hello, my name is Kevin, I'm a practicing theistic satanist. Don't be misled, I love Christianity and Christians and next to my faith I think it is the best one and a very positive influence on the earth. It is simply my experiences that have led me to my faith. I hope to learn alot here and have some interesting debate.

Re: Please Introduce Yourself Here

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 7:44 am
by B. W.
kevdog19 wrote:Hello, my name is Kevin, I'm a practicing theistic satanist. Don't be misled, I love Christianity and Christians and next to my faith I think it is the best one and a very positive influence on the earth. It is simply my experiences that have led me to my faith. I hope to learn alot here and have some interesting debate.
People do need to know what you believe Kevin and represent...
Quoted from wikipedia:

Theistic Satanism, also known as Traditional Satanism, Spiritual Satanism or Devil Worship, is a form of Satanism with the primary belief that Satan is an actual deity or force to revere or worship.[ Other characteristics of Theistic Satanism may include a belief in magic, which is manipulated through ritual, although that is not a defining criterion, and theistic Satanists may focus solely on devotion. Unlike the LaVeyan Satanism founded by Anton LaVey in the 1960s, Theistic Satanism is theistic as opposed to atheistic, believing that Satan (Hebrew: הַשָׂטָן ha-Satan, "the accuser") is a real being rather than a symbol of individualism...