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Posted: Thu May 10, 2007 9:13 pm
by B. W.
B. W. wrote:
johnnyboy08 wrote:B. W. I went through your post that you left for me. Thank you.

Perhaps you can clarify: Is darkness created from a LACK of light, in a way that coldness is created by a lack of heat?

So if the above is true, why do you think God needs to put such things into absolutes? It seems that to God, it's either all good or all bad, either Hell or Heaven. Is there any kind of common grounds for this religion, any kind of medium between the two? (I'm not talking about Jesus)

You ever ask yourself why God feels compelled to label things this way?
I'll get to this answer your questions a little later on as I need to head off to work...

But for now … What does the Bible tell us about God? What do the names used to describe God mean? How does the Bible reveal things about God's character and what does it reveal?

This is something for you to search out and it will take time…

More later...
I'll have to hold off this answer for a bit and come back to it because you ask some great questions that should be answered before answering here that may help you understand things a bit better.