ARWallace wrote:I am not upset. I have been consistently apologetic when it seems that I have upset you. What you have posted is not inconsistent with the ToE, so what reason do I have to be upset?
No… It's not what I've posted, it's what you've posted that seems inconsistent with the ToE… Don't look at me, I'm just a sounding board. And it seems to upset you when I point this out. You then make accusations against what I post, call me a miner, so naturally we aren't going to agree on these issues….
Ok, I'll put it this way, I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings on the ToE. Sounds fair?
ARWallace wrote:In several instances, you have conflated what I have said. I have been careful to point out when and where.
Likewise I have pointed things out for you too..
ARWallace wrote:I am sorry if I have. I have sought clarification of your posts when I wasn't sure what you were saying, and I haven't tried to misrepresent your remarks in any way and I certainly haven't been quote mining. But I am not going to be passive when you say something about science that is untrue; and I am not sure how else to say besides "I'm sorry, but I think you're wrong".
All you have shown me here are
assumptions that the ToE makes… Those are fine by me, if you what to believe in the ToE, then go for it… But technically you can't force it on me and call it a signed sealed %100 proven fact… Again all you are presenting here are
arguments for the ToE (or for macroevolution). Not solid facts…
Ok, now everyone poo poos Richard Dawkins. But you know what? Sometimes he is right on.. In a recent interview in the movie “Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed,” Ben Stein asked Dawkins, how life got started. Richard calmly replied, "No one really knows how life got started."
Here Dawkins was very truthful and I commend him for it… So why don't we just teach the truth that we don't always know how life came about? Why is that so threatening to science? We can't totally prove that macroevolution happened or it didn't. It's beyond the current capacity of science to draw a conclusion with any degree of certainty on either side. Why can't we just be truthful with science??? I don't get it…
ARWallace wrote:I'm sorry, but nothing I have posted has been inconsistent with science or my philosophy.
I'm sorry too, because may, could, should, possibilities, ideas, think, are just what they are.. They are beliefs.. Not facts.. It's not science…
ARWallace wrote:And again, I'd say that you're being remarkably simplistic about this issue; they're a new discovery, so little is know about them.
Simplistic? For being truthful about what is being revealed in science? Hey, don't get upset with me, complain to your local scientist..
ARWallace wrote:Yet recent discoveries have revealed that many of these are actually artifacts, and scientific explanations for their origins, function and relevance exist.
Not according to the information you posted on this forum… What you posted was that
Some ORFans MAY be artefacts. The word “may” is not a fact by any means.
ARWallace wrote:Why should they be evidence for ID? Are they IC?
Why should they be evidence for DE? And no, they are complex… Can you create life out of non-living matter? Again, I can go around and label parts of my car too, but that doesn't necessarily mean I know how all the parts came together.
ARWallace wrote:No, I am not making assumptions. Assumptions are parts of the models and hypotheses, and you're free to examine those and rebut them if they interest you. The only assumption I am making is that naturalistic explanations exist for abiogenesis - in other words, I am assuming that science has an explanation. It's an assumption you make every time you practice science. Your assumptions seem to be that science doesn't have an answer and that the theological explanation is right. So it seems we'll have to agree to disagree - but this certainly doesn't mean that naturalistic explanations for how life could have arisen through natural means don't exist; just that you reject them.
The documents you presented were ALL based on assumptions for the ToE. If you reread what was spoken, they clearly were using words such as, possibly, maybe, perhaps, and the like… I hate to repeat myself, but these are all
assumptions… So of course naturalistic explanations exist for abiogenesis.. But are they valid? Has it ever been proven in a lab? Scientists say no….
ARWallace wrote:I'm not sure an apology from me is needed, although I have been repeatedly apologetic from the get go. In fact, I have resisted the urge to request apologies from you. Nevertheless, I simply pointed out that I do not have the time nor energy to sift through articles trying to find the salient points you are trying to make. Make your point and reference and article - it's that simple.
Oh, and you don't reference articles…? Ok, then I'll apologize to you… I Gman apologize to you for telling you the truth about Darwinian evolution. It has never been witnessed to occur. Scientists go into the field with their own presuppositions.. Collect their data, and then make their
arguments from what they have observed.. And that is pretty much based upon an
assumption.. Hardly factual.. Sorry..
ARWallace wrote:Again, if you have a specific point to make, make it.
Read the article… The article makes the point…
ARWallace wrote:You have been really evasive on this - you provided 2 definitions that have no biological relevance, so how would you know when micro ends and macro starts in the real world? You reject one and accept the other, but seem not to have a clear, biological and genetic definition to be able to recognize them in nature. I have been using the term because you have been using them - I have stated that they are ambiguous which is why they are usually not used in the scientific literature.
Hey don't get upset with me… You are the one who keeps saying macro.. If macroevolution doesn't exist then why do you keep saying macro?? Again my argument is that you can't have the macro without the micro.. They go hand in hand..
ARWallace wrote:Nevertheless, we have ample evidence that small, measurable population-level changes add up to large scale changes.
Ah, no we don't… And the articles you submit confirm that..
ARWallace wrote:No, they are not assumptions: we have seen and measured population level genetic changes, we have witnessed speciation events, we have phylogenetic analyses at every level that confirm the branching patterns that are predicted to exist, we have a fossil record which reveals large scale changes over time, we have patterns that exist in nature that should only exist if evolution is true. These are not assumptions; they are data. They are evidence.
What evidence? We have not witnessed speciation events, we have never witnessed a new species of animal.. Ever. We have a questioning or dead tree of life…. And the fossil record?
The major problems with gradualism is that it is not reflected in the fossil record. By far, the fossil record is extremely discontinuous.
ARWallace wrote:What is your definition of micro and macroevolution? How would you know when we have witnessed it if, in fact, it did occur? You seem to be working from the negative here - that you disbelieve an idea and therefore there are no evidences that could exist to support it.
I have given you my definition of macro/micro evolution about ten times… If you want to prove macroevolution you would have to rent a time machine and prove it..
ARWallace wrote:I don't follow.
Have you ever followed what I'm saying?
ARWallace wrote:I never claimed it did. I'm not sure how I can be clearer about this: both evolution and plate tectonic theory explain large scale changes as the product of small scale phenomena. Both have observable evidences to support them, both use observations in the natural world from events that occurred in the past to reconstruct patterns that exist today. You logically should reject the notion that Pangea existed if you are going to reject the notion of descent with modification leading to large scale organismal changes.
You never claimed that you did? They why are you bringing this up? Again, as long as it aligns with your Toe, then it's valid… You can't pull a logical argument on me because I disagree with what you think is logical... Again this does not interfere with the ID case..
ARWallace wrote:So you reject the evidences suggesting SA and Africa were once joined millions of years ago, but accept the general notion that they were because it is consistent with Biblical text?
Oh boy… I'm not rejecting any of the sciences… None… Could macroevolution be a possibility? Perhaps.. Could ID a possibility? Perhaps… Is pangea a possibility? Sure why not?
ARWallace wrote:You didn't read the article, did you? That is not the title of the paper, it is the title of a 1 paragraph blurb from the God and Science website that reviewed the article. The validity of serial endosymbiosis is not being questioned in the paper that was linked to the paragraph you referenced. If you aren't going to read the papers that you provide as support for your claims, then why should I (although in this case I thank you because I had missed this and found it intriguing)? I again extend my offer to email you a copy of the paper if you're actually interested in reading it.
I did read the article but it appears that you haven't… He stated very clearly “However, there is recent evidence from a primitive, previously little-studied group of protists (Archezoa) that the theory is probably
incorrect.” Again, it is being questioned in this statement… If you are referring to the article that Rich posted (their work), then why do you think the scientists were saying that? Probably because they were not certain.. Hence questioning their "so called" facts..
ARWallace wrote:I am not certain how many ways I can explain this - historical science is still science!!! You can use the scientific method to understand events of the past based on evidences they left behind. You waved your hand and dismissed serial endosymbiosis without addressing a single evidence that has been used to support the theory. That does not mean science can't explain the origin of eukaryotes. When no one was around to witness a murder, we don't simply throw up our hands and say "oh well, I guess we'll never know whodunnit". We use evidences and logic to recreate the crime and identify the culprit. It's the same thing!
Historical science is based on what happened in the past.. No one was there to witness it… No one.. ID doesn't claim "oh well, I guess we'll never know whodunnit"… The case being made we should only infer ID where the evidence warrants. Nothing more, nothing less.
ARWallace wrote:No I am not. The way in which science is conducted precludes the involvement of any supernatural entity. What I said is no more theological than saying apples fall for natural reasons or that god has no part in why we get sick. These are natural phenomena that beg natural explanations.
Oh you fell into my trap here… You say “The way in which science is conducted
precludes the involvement of any supernatural entity.” And that
"These are natural phenomena that beg natural explanations." You just made a theological/philosophical statement… This is why I'm saying here that you are simply debating theology/philosophy…. Not solely science.. Sorry.
ARWallace wrote:What does atheism have to do with science? Belief in god has nothing to do with how science is conducted.
Careful now… Again you are contradicting yourself… You say,
“What does atheism have to do with science? Belief in god has nothing to do with how science is conducted.” and then in the context of,
"These are natural phenomena that beg natural explanations." You are making a
theological claim…. Now I'm going to make a theological claim… How do you know that God has nothing to do with how science is explained? Do you get it now? We are simply having a theological argument here… Which is why I'm pushing back.. This is not science.. You are attacking my theology.
ARWallace wrote:Proofs are for mathematics. But since you asked - find vertebrate fossils in PreCambrian rock.
How does this solidify macroevolution?
ARWallace wrote:That is not at all what I said. You accused me of having a biased perspective - something about sunglasses on my head - and I provided evidence that I have not reached my conclusions without a great deal of introspection, and even once believed things that I now firmly reject. I never, ever accused you of lacking critical thought just because you don't agree with me.
That simply isn't true.. You say you haven't reached your conclusions?? But then you stated,
“The theory of evolution is true beyond reasonable doubt in science.” So which is it?
ARWallace wrote:Um. Where did I say that?
You said that God and science don't mix…
ARWallace wrote:I am not disagreeing with your assessment of court trials vis-a-vis creationism. But you have not provided any references to any court cases prior to Dover that ruled ID was another form of creationism despite your repeated claims to this effect.
Teaching any form of creationism, design, ID etc., probably goes back to the scopes trail. That is why they don't allow ID into the public school systems.. The judge was claiming that it was simply another form of creationism.. He wasn't examining the science; in fact he isn't even a scientist. He is a judge. And his judgment was that ID was religious…
ARWallace wrote:No, I am saying that it is not illegal. Presently.
Then why isn't ID alluded to in my biology book like DE?
ARWallace wrote:It depends - if ID is another form of creationism, then it would be illegal to teach it. If it is not, then fine. What evidences does Design Theory have that "account for life"?
What does macroevolution have that accounts for life?
ARWallace wrote:again, if you have a specific point to make, make it and reference the article. I don't have to time to wade through this to try and figure out what point you're trying to make...
Ok then you stop referencing articles too..
ARWallace wrote:I am not playing the victim. These were your words "But when you start invading my space and say that how we got here is through random chance mutations, I've got a problem with that.." It sounded like I upset you, and this was not my intent. I am sorry (again) if I misunderstood you, but those were your words.
Not exactly… You start talking about banning and the likes.. Taking things to the extreme.. Seems victim'ish to me...
ARWallace wrote:I am not dictating. Explaining, yes. If this seems like a philosophy debate to you, I submit that it is partly because you do not appear to fully understand (or at least accept) science.
Oh what and you do? I don't think we are getting anywhere in this debate… I have to constantly repeat myself, and waste my time.. And from what you said previously too, you don't have the time either… So what is the point of this debate? We will never agree...