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Re: Heaven & Hell Vs Annihilation

Posted: Sat May 30, 2009 8:29 am
by CuriousBob
That is a whole other thread, is it not?

Nevertheless, B.W. raised it and I wanted to address it while it was still fresh on my mind. For that reason, I think it was called for. And thanks for bringing it to my attention. You are helping me to stay on topic.
It sounds too me as if you say, "yes, I have trusted in God's gift of Christ." But at the same time you profess to not like God because He won't use narcotics on unsaved people when they die. Is this correct?
Right on! Except for the "you profess to not like God" part.

I think it would be more correct to say, I love God, but I don't see how I could demonstrate God's love to skeptics who don't like Him when they learn about His unwillingness to alleviate an eternal agony, to some degree or other, that He causes them to undergoe if they choose a path that is against His will for them.

Here is another way I might want to put it:

If humans tortured animals or other humans for simply refusing to express affection to them, most of us would say there was something wrong with them and may even call them criminals. Why should we think that if God does the same thing, He is not behaving like someone who has something wrong with him or like a criminal?

Still, another way to put it might be thus:

If God expects us to treat others as we'd like to be treated and to look upon others who don't behave that way as criminals, then how can He expect us to think He is any better than a criminal when He expresses Himself in ways that lead us to believe that He is just like a criminal?


I want to address your posts. But I don't have the time right now.

Re: Heaven & Hell Vs Annihilation

Posted: Sat May 30, 2009 12:02 pm
by jlay
His unwillingness to alleviate an eternal agony, to some degree or other, that He causes them to undergoe if they choose a path that is against His will for them.
unwilling. He spared not His own son to spare sinners.

It is incomplete at best to say God causes them to undergo. To say that God tortures anyone is a great mischaracterization of the reality of Hell.
If humans tortured animals or other humans for simply refusing to express affection to them, most of us would say there was something wrong with them and may even call them criminals. Why should we think that if God does the same thing, He is not behaving like someone who has something wrong with him or like a criminal?
I'm trying to understand how you come to this conclusion. 1st the analogy greatly distorts the relationship between God and man. It is nothing like a relationship between a dog and human. God does not torture people.
If God expects us to treat others as we'd like to be treated and to look upon others who don't behave that way as criminals, then how can He expect us to think He is any better than a criminal when He expresses Himself in ways that lead us to believe that He is just like a criminal?
Can you provide some scriptural references to how you arrived at this conclusion, so that we can discuss them in such context.

Re: Heaven & Hell Vs Annihilation

Posted: Sat May 30, 2009 11:54 pm
by CuriousBob
[They treat life as a gift from God and share this gift wisely as God so leads them in many diverse ways...People, due to sin, abuse God's goodness and gift of life so much so that people no longer view Life as a gift from God but all dreariness and toil. Hate and rebellion builds in a person toward God through such resentments. Later in verses 17 and it states what?
Are you suggesting that I am a gift? If so, then, to whom? Me or my mother and father?

I believe there was a point in time when I did not exist, I was a non-life (i.e., a non-living soul). Then it came to pass that I entered the realm of existence from the realm of the non-existant, meaning I became a life (i.e., a living soul).

I also believe that non-lives are totally incapable of receiving and rejecting gifts or I believe that lives alone are capable of receiving and rejecting gifts.

If you think that my life is a gift to me, then can you tell me when I received it or if I was capable of rejecting it?

Do you believe I received life before I was conceived or after I was conceived? If before, then how do you think that I, a non-life was capable of receiving life and how do you think that I, at any point before receiving life, was capable of rejecting it?

If you think that I received life after I was conceived, then how soon after I was conceived to you think that I was capable of rejecting it at conception?

Do you think that I am a gift?

Do you think that I am a gift to my non-existant self?

Do you think that I am a gift to my my pre-existant self?

Do you think that I am a gift to my currently existing self?

Do you think that the gift of life is something that I accepted before I was there to accept it?

Do you think that I Am a gift to the pre-conceived non-living me?

Do you think that I am a gift to the living me?

Do you think that I am a non-life's gift to itself or do you think that I am a life's gift to itself?

Do you think that I gave myself to myself or do you think that God (i.e., another life or a pre-existing life) gave me to myself?

The Bible leads me to believe that, in a human mother's womb, God (a pre-existing life) formed a body that physically identifies me and, after He breathed into it, that same body became a living soul or another life apart from God's. It leads me to believe that the life or living soul that God brought forth became me. it does not lead me to believe that God gave me to me.

But you, B.W., seem to be suggesting that God gave me to me.

Are you beginning to see the absurdity behind the very suggestion that my life is a gift to me or yours is a gift to you?
[People, due to sin, abuse God's goodness and gift of life so much so that people no longer view Life as a gift from God but all dreariness and toil. Hate and rebellion builds in a person toward God through such resentments. Later in verses 17 and it states what?
On the contrary, it is not due to sin that I fail to see life as a gift to me. It is due to the absurdity in the very suggestion that I am a gift from God to me. Maybe as a gift to my parents. But certainly not a gift to me.
Apply the double entrée to it and I hope you catch on…
I am sorry, B.W.! But either I don't see the double entree or I don't know what you are talking about because I can't see how to apply it. Maybe I don't know what you mean when you say, "double entree."
I hope you can see the Ecc chapter three has very deep meanings within it...
Again, I am sorry, B.W., but I don't see, though I am longing to. Please help me to see. Maybe the devil has blinded my mind from beholding it.
You ask a very good question that has troubled many. Do we work at staying saved or do we merely believe as one would in Santa Claus to be saved.

The answer to both would be NO…
That and everything else you have said in that post is reassuring and well worth pondering over.
Has that day come unto you?
When I was ignorant I was in bliss and I think at that time I could honestly answer a resounding yes to your question. Now? I am not so sure. But I certainly miss that bliss. When I was 13, after reading in the Bible about Solomon's request for wisdom, I also prayed for wisdom. But then I think I became like Solomon (i.e., when he went his own way and away from the God of Israel), because my knowledge caused me to see things about eternal punishment that a blissful and wishful thinking mind does not want to see. Is it possible that the truth has set me free from a possible deception, namely, that it is possible to reconcile the biblical doctrine of God with the equally biblical doctrine of eternal damnation?

God does not torture people...
Then why does He suggest He does (e.g., in Matthew 10:28)? Why does He clearly suggest He does whenever He talks about the ultimate fate of the devil and the wicked?
Can you provide some scriptural references to how you arrived at this conclusion, so that we can discuss them in such context.
I am convinced that you are fully aware of the Scriptural passages that deal with the Golden rule. Equally, I am convinced that you are fully aware of the fact that those of us who try to live by the Golden rule would certainly not treat others in ways that we would not like for them to treat us and punishing us for rejecting their affection or other offers of good will and good intentions is something that we would consider to be criminal or wrong. I don't see why you need more Scripture to support the Golden Rule.

Re: Heaven & Hell Vs Annihilation

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 6:56 am
by jlay
The Golden Rule is a summation of the horizontal commands. Not a way that God relates to us. We are to worship God, not vice versa.

To think, "well, God shouldn't send me to hell, because God wouldn't want me to send Him to hell," demonstrates a complete misapplication of this verse, and the point of Christ's teaching. It is contextually wrong. It is wrong in application. It's just wrong period. And it is my opinion that you will not get a satisfactory answer because the question is wrong.

Matt. 10:28 says nothing of torture, only a clear warning of who to fear, and to the reality of God's authority to judge. This is about proclaiming the gospel. Knowing His disciples would encounter opposition and persecution, Jesus warns the disciples not to fear man. Contextually this has nothing to do with what you are struggling with. The context is specific to the 12 being sent out by Jesus.
I am convinced that you are fully aware of the Scriptural passages that deal with the Golden rule. Equally, I am convinced that you are fully aware of the fact that those of us who try to live by the Golden rule would certainly not treat others in ways that we would not like for them to treat us and punishing us for rejecting their affection or other offers of good will and good intentions is something that we would consider to be criminal or wrong. I don't see why you need more Scripture to support the Golden Rule.
Of course. You and I are not qualified. This is an example of wrongly applying scripture, which is not wise. Christ gives a command on how we are to treat others. You mistakenly try to judge God by this rule. Man is not soveriegn, holy, righteous, creator.

Re: Heaven & Hell Vs Annihilation

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 8:56 am
by B. W.
CuriousBob wrote: (B. W)…..Are you suggesting that I am a gift? If so, then, to whom? Me or my mother and father? .... I also believe that non-lives are totally incapable of receiving and rejecting gifts or I believe that lives alone are capable of receiving and rejecting gifts ... If you think that my life is a gift to me, then can you tell me when I received it or if I was capable of rejecting it?

…The Bible leads me to believe that, in a human mother's womb, God (a pre-existing life) formed a body that physically identifies me and, after He breathed into it, that same body became a living soul or another life apart from God's. It leads me to believe that the life or living soul that God brought forth became me. it does not lead me to believe that God gave me to me.

…But you, B.W., seem to be suggesting that God gave me to me. Are you beginning to see the absurdity behind the very suggestion that my life is a gift to me or yours is a gift to you?
B. W. wrote: People, due to sin, abuse God's goodness and gift of life so much so that people no longer view Life as a gift from God but all dreariness and toil. Hate and rebellion builds in a person toward God through such resentments. Later in verses 17 and it states what?
On the contrary, it is not due to sin that I fail to see life as a gift to me. It is due to the absurdity in the very suggestion that I am a gift from God to me. Maybe as a gift to my parents. But certainly not a gift to me.

...It is due to the absurdity in the very suggestion that I am a gift from God to me
Your entire Life was designed to be a gift to those around you. Even to your parents and even to yourself. To Others:
Exo 20:12[, "Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long in the land that the LORD your God is giving you.
13 "You shall not murder.
14 "You shall not commit adultery.
15 "You shall not steal.
16 "You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
17 "You shall not covet your neighbor's house; you shall not covet your neighbor's wife, or his male servant, or his female servant….or anything that is your neighbor's." ESV
Grace is a gift not deserved or earned. It is God's nature to be gracious. He shared life to you so you can exist and be a blessing and not a curse to others so created that share life. But due to sin, people turn God's gracious gift of life into a curse. One of the most awful curse is to curse God for granting you life and then turn around mocking him for giving you life when we all deserve none.

Mocking disdain for God's grace in granting you life when before there was none is nothing but an excuse for neglecting being a gift to others and even yourself. That was part of God's design which is summed up simply as: to tend and keep the precious things that belong to God (discovered in Genesis chapters 1 and 2). With this he gave us the ability to enjoy this gift he shares by grace to us — life itself.

If you can grasp just a micro glimpse of the Trinity then you'll understand that that the gift of life given to you by God's grace is in fact a gift given to himself: Behold a mystery:

John 1:1-4, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was in the beginning with God. 3 All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. 4 In him was life, and the life was the light of men…” ESV

You are a gift to God given to others to be a gift to them. What kind of gift are you?
People, due to sin, abuse God's goodness and gift of life so much so that people no longer view Life as a gift from God but all dreariness and toil. Hate and rebellion builds in a person toward God through such resentments.
What kind of gift are you?

One that loves God for giving you something you never deserved or ever earned?

Mat 22:37-29, "And he said to him, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. 38 This is the great and first commandment. 39 And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. "

One that shares this love for God who made you a living being, something you never deserved or ever earned, this gift that proves God's grace as true so that you can share your gift of life with others and even yourself?

Or remain in your sins - with a chip on your shoulder, cursing God for granting life to you?

With an attitude like that - you think you deserve entry into heaven?

Think you deserved to be anesthetized instead?

You do not comprehend the depth of sin or the nature of God…and his new gift of grace he now offers…that second chance... thru Jesus Christ...
Ecc 7:20, 22, “Surely there is not a righteous man on earth who does good and never sins... 22 Your heart knows that many times you yourself have cursed others.”

Job 8:20, "Behold, God will not reject a blameless man, nor take the hand of evildoers.”

Ecc 8:11, “Because the sentence against an evil deed is not executed speedily, the heart of the children of man is fully set to do evil….”

Job 34:33, “Will he then make repayment to suit you, because you reject it? For you must choose, and not I; therefore declare what you know.”

Heb 12:25, “See that you do not refuse him who is speaking. For if they did not escape when they refused him who warned them on earth, much less will we escape if we reject him who warns from heaven.”

Mat 25:46, “And these will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life."

Re: Heaven & Hell Vs Annihilation

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 2:51 am
by CuriousBob
The Golden Rule is a summation of the horizontal commands. Not a way that God relates to us.
But in that same summation (i.e., Matthew 7:9-12) God is clearly relating to us. Otherwise, why would He suggest, within that same summation, that He would grant a request for bread as a loving human father would grant it to his son and even more so?
To think, "well, God shouldn't send me to hell, because God wouldn't want me to send Him to hell," demonstrates a complete misapplication of this verse, and the point of Christ's teaching. It is contextually wrong. It is wrong in application. It's just wrong period. And it is my opinion that you will not get a satisfactory answer because the question is wrong.
I am sorry! But I can't see how I have missapplied the verse or I can't see the wrongness in it (Note: I think wrongness should be a word).

Incidentally, Jesus suggests it would have been better if Judas had never been born. But He, as God or as the second person in the triune Godhead, Knew it even before He allowed Judas to be born. So, why did He allow Him to be born in the first place if it wasn't for the purpose of expressing a willingness on His part to make those of us who don't measure up to His standards live forever in a state of eternal anguish, torment, agony, or misery?

Matt. 10:28 says nothing of torture,
It certainly infers something that is far more frightening than the mere death of the body or the mere cessation of consciousness within the body. But the main reason I mentioned it is because it gives men a reason to be more afraid of God than other men since God is capable of doing doing something much more terrifying than anything that men are capable of doing.

Also, I am sure you are aware of all the NT passages that speak of the torture, torment, agony, or whatever word you wish to utilize in describing that which will cause the unrepentant sinners to weep and gnash there teeth after the great white throne judgement day. I am also sure you are aware of the passage in the book of Revelation that speaks of "the smoke of their torment, [agony, or torturous punishment] that ascendeth up forever and ever...".
Of course. You and I are not qualified. This is an example of wrongly applying scripture, which is not wise. Christ gives a command on how we are to treat others. You mistakenly try to judge God by this rule. Man is not soveriegn, holy, righteous, creator.
Well then, I guess I don't know what you are talking about. Maybe I am mistaken. But I can't see how, because the mere suggestion that I am mistaken is not helping me to see how I am mistaken.
Your entire Life was designed to be a gift to those around you. Even to your parents and even to yourself.
I can see how it can be so to others, but I can't see how it can be so to myself? I don't see any rational thought in the suggestion that I am a gift to myself any more than I can make any sense out of a suggestion like, a pen or a cell phone is a gift to itself.

Before I was created I wasn't there to consult, receive, or reject the creation that I am. That is why I see no sense in the suggestion that the creation that I am is a gift to me.
Grace is a gift not deserved or earned. It is God's nature to be gracious. He shared life to you so you can exist and be a blessing and not a curse to others so created that share life. But due to sin, people turn God's gracious gift of life into a curse. One of the most awful curse is to curse God for granting you life and then turn around mocking him for giving you life when we all deserve none.
I can see the sense in the suggestion that grace is a gift to me, regardless of whether or not it is deserved. But I can't see any sense in the suggestion that God shared His life with me for the simple reason that there was no me to share anything with before He created that which I call me and for the simple reason that the life became me. It has nothing to do with gift and everything to do with a creative act or a creation.

A creation is not a gift until it is given to an existing entity.

A gift can't be given to a non-existing entity and I was a non-existing entity before I became a creation or part of a creation.

So, if the created-me is a gift at all it is a gift to the eternally pre-existing non-me and all others who benefit, will benefit, or have benefited from the creation I can call "me". It is not a gift to the me that exists only after the me was created, unless the me existed before the me was created.

At this point I am not cursing God or blaming Him for anything. I am merely trying to show you how absurd it is to suggest that me is a gift to me unless me existed before me or unless I possess essential immortality. Only after I was created was I capable of appreciating my existence and being afraid of God or anyone. Before, I was created, I had no such capablities because I was a non-entity and non-entities have nothing or are nothing.

Re: Heaven & Hell Vs Annihilation

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 8:54 am
by B. W.
CuriousBob wrote:...I am sorry, B.W.! But either I don't see the double entree or I don't know what you are talking about because I can't see how to apply it. Maybe I don't know what you mean when you say, "double entree."[/color]
B. W. Wrote: I hope you can see the Ecc chapter three has very deep meanings within it...
Again, I am sorry, B.W., but I don't see, though I am longing to. Please help me to see. Maybe the devil has blinded my mind from beholding it.

Don't think my words harsh — just trying to wake you up to see the wondrous thing called life given to you and cause you to think of what you're spending your heritage on because I perceive that you do not yet perceive the depths of sin...and the reality of Christ...

As for what I meant by a Double entree — (well I didn't spell it right because it is a French term). The term simply means “Dual Meaning being insinuated.” For example the book of Ecclesiastes uses many dual meanings in the language it uses.

The author wrote the book of Ecclesiastes way before Jesus came in the flesh and performed the work of the cross. He wrote as a person struggling with coming to terms with his own mortality. Ecclesiastes was written with the mindset of one looking for a Savior, the Messiah.

This is brought out in many places where the author asks in various ways; who will bring us to see what will come after we are gone from this land under the sun (this mortal life) and because there is a problem of sin (Ecc 7:20, Ecc 8:11), God will bring us before his judgment after we die — is there any hope? Ecclesiastes bears the cry for the Savior…

The author of Ecclesiastes also wrestles with two basic points that he weaves around and around. First point is that those that do not know the Lord, for them life is all toil, dreariness, along with a few bright spots here and there and then — boom you are gone. Everything you strived for and worked for will, with passage of time be remembered no more — all is vanity (Ecc 6:12).

Next, for those that know the Lord find life fulfilling (Ecc 5:19-20). Yet, they too will die and be remembered no more with the passage of time — vanity of vanities. He wrestles with:Is there a difference between the two? how can one honor God if we are all judged as sinners? Therefore, he poses that a person might as well enjoy the heritage of life God gives but with one caveat: we will all be judged. So be wise with what God has granted you. Trust in the one who will come that will cause you to see what comes after…we all need the Savior.

The writer poses — how will one spend our heritage given to us by God by his grace and what will you do with it? To everyone he makes known - you'll be judged by God for what you do with this heritage so be wise and not a fool with life. Later Jesus siaid this:

Mat 6:19-21, "Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, 20 but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” ESV

Yes, certain things do have an eternal reward and are counted. Most importantly, trust in the Savior's work and in him. Let him become a living reality to you and not just some historic fact easily believed in. The reality that the Lord will work in you to will and do his good pleasure by grace — the same that gave life before (John 3:3-7) he will do so again. What counts is the living reality of Christ within you setting you free from a life of bondage and cursing…

We all face judgment; therefore, use our heritage wisely. How, fear God and keep his commandments (Ecc 12:13-14) because God will bring everything to judgment.[/i] Bottom line is - Humanity needs the Savior. The writer of Ecclesiastes is pointing to the need for Christ and longing for this day.

Jesus expressed what commandment the writer mentions in Ecc 12:13 is and that found in Matthew 22:37-40, “And he said to him, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. 38 This is the great and first commandment. 39 And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. 40 On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets." ESV

The fear of the Lord is not limited to being terrified but rather the awesome respect that comes from learning to know God's character and nature, knowing God. Again Jesus brings this out in John 17:3 as the only way to know God is through himself — Jesus Christ the Savior.

So to simply state briefly the basic main themes that the author of Ecclesiastes is telling people that life without God is truly bleak and all vanity and that since we are all sinners, we need a Savior as only He who can tell us what happens after we die — will we go up to reside with the Lord or will we descend beast like to hell after we are judged? Because of this conduct yourself with the knowledge that God's eyes are on you and therefore use his heritage of life as a gift as God so commands because:

God will bring every work (deed) into judgment, including every secret thing, whether it is good or whether it is evil” (bad, corrupting, ruinous, foul, etc…i.e truly vanity) Ecc 12:14 NKJV

Therefore, Treat life as God's gift to you — be wise in how you spend it because we all need the Savior who will tell us what comes after…in more ways than one…

Eph 5:15-16, “See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, 16 Redeeming the time, because the days are evil. 17 Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is.” KJV

Heb 6:10, “For God is not unjust so as to overlook your work and the love that you have shown for his name in serving the saints, as you still do

Ecclesiastes is a book that points out our need for the Savior who shows us what is to come after…so when you read it — note the two points of view the writer struggles with and yearning for the Savior to save him from his own folly.

Without Christ, life's meaning is vanity of vanities. With Christ, your purpose is restored……The rest I'll leave up to you to uncover.

This is only a bare bones brief summery of Ecclesiastes. If you read it — keep in mind its many dual meanings and point — humanity needs the Savior — Jesus Christ for he is the one that tells what comes after…

Re: Heaven & Hell Vs Annihilation

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 10:21 am
by B. W.
CuriousBob wrote:…Incidentally, Jesus suggests it would have been better if Judas had never been born. But He, as God or as the second person in the triune Godhead, Knew it even before He allowed Judas to be born. So, why did He allow Him to be born in the first place if it wasn't for the purpose of expressing a willingness on His part to make those of us who don't measure up to His standards live forever in a state of eternal anguish, torment, agony, or misery?
God does not deny life even to those whom he foreknows will reject his own initiative to call all. He can do with such as He so ever wills with no violation of justice to them. He can make pharaoh — Pharaoh for his own purposes all without being unjust to any. Since he foreknows the answer of the heart to his call before any were ever born then he can do as he so wills with whomever.

In fact, the bible declares we are all sinners deserving — never to be born but God is not unjust even to the unjust proving his brand of justice supreme. You seem to be saying that God's love should let everyone into heaven because he was unjust in granting life as a gift and he should pay us our due or at least not make us suffer in our own deeds for eternity. In other words you appear to be saying — go ahead and live wickedly because you by your deeds you will delivered from any consequences.

The bible does not agree with this as it is written:

Ecc 8:8
, “No man has power to retain the spirit, or power over the day of death. There is no discharge from war, nor will wickedness deliver those who are given to it.”

Such attitude as this — God dare not punish for eternity by giving just recompense because he is all loving is in fact an attempt to manipulate God's good nature and Character to get oneself off the hook. This is called rebellion or divination. It is man who fell into sin and sin entered the world through such types as reasoning as this.
CuriousBob wrote:
B. W. wrote: Your entire Life was designed to be a gift to those around you. Even to your parents and even to yourself.
... I can see how it can be so to others, but I can't see how it can be so to myself? I don't see any rational thought in the suggestion that I am a gift to myself any more than I can make any sense out of a suggestion like, a pen or a cell phone is a gift to itself … Before I was created I wasn't there to consult, receive, or reject the creation that I am. That is why I see no sense in the suggestion that the creation that I am is a gift to me.
Again you have not yet perceived the depth of your sin. Look at what you just reasoned — “I wasn't there to consult, receive, or reject the creation that I am. That is why I see no sense in the suggestion that the creation that I am is a gift to me.”

God gave you something out from nothing freely by grace and you are you not showing contempt for it? He made you a gift to yourself as well as provide the potential to be a gift to him. What thanks do such attitudes like you so stated above show the Lord -- “I wasn't there to consult, receive, or reject the creation that I am — how dare he how dare he hold me accountable for my deeds for an eternity — the hypocrite!”

Can you see the depths of sin, yet?
CuriousBob wrote:…I can see the sense in the suggestion that grace is a gift to me, regardless of whether or not it is deserved. But I can't see any sense in the suggestion that God shared His life with me for the simple reason that there was no me to share anything with before He created that which I call me and for the simple reason that the life became me. It has nothing to do with gift and everything to do with a creative act or a creation.
You were designed for a purpose and a reason. By such statement written above again shows what kind of self justifying contempteous attitude you are showing toward God because he created you without your imput? Can you not accept God is sovereign and knows what he is doing as well as has a real purpose for your life that he desires to transfrom you you into?

Because you were not around to be privately consulted with and asked if you would like to exist or not does not make God unjust granting you life and the intelligence needed to live taking care of his precious things. He does not steal that away unjustly and such speech as you pose would have God do just that — cause God to deny himself and all who his is and is about. Since you do not view life as a gift of grace to even yourself, then how can you truly be born again?

How can you love others when you appear to hate yourself as being a gift of life given by God to manifest the glory of who He is wherever you have been assigned? This life points out our need for the Savior — Jesus Christ because without him we'll never know that the true meaning of his gift...

Is Christ a living reality to you? Is the depth of sin a reality to you? Is the need for forgiveness a reality to you? Is the need to be transformed a reality to you?
CuriousBob wrote:…At this point I am not cursing God or blaming Him for anything. I am merely trying to show you how absurd it is to suggest that me is a gift to me unless me existed before me or unless I possess essential immortality. Only after I was created was I capable of appreciating my existence and being afraid of God or anyone. Before, I was created, I had no such capabilities because I was a non-entity and non-entities have nothing or are nothing.
Point is — God knew everything about you before you ever were so what I hear you are saying is that God is absurd for making you a gift to yourself because he didn't consult with you prior. The gift of life he gave is the gift he gave to yourself so you can be, and for that you are calling God unfair and unjust, but however, who is really unjust and being unfair here?

Rom 8:29-30, “…For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, in order that he might be the firstborn among many brothers. 30 And those whom he predestined he also called, and those whom he called he also justified, and those whom he justified he also glorified.” ESV

Eph 1:3-6, “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places, 4 even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him. In love 5 he predestined us for adoption as sons through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of his will, 6 to the praise of his glorious grace, with which he has blessed us in the Beloved
.” ESV

What are you doing with God's gift and what are you spending it on? He offers the choice to return to him, find your true calling, and this you appear to be calling absurd?

Again -- Is Christ a living reality to you? Is the depth of your sin a reality to you? Is the need for forgiveness a reality to you? Is the need to be transformed a reality to you?

Re: Heaven & Hell Vs Annihilation

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 2:47 pm
by CuriousBob
I perceive that you do not yet perceive the depths of sin...and the reality of Christ...
That is quite possible and maybe even probable. But it still seems as if you are not getting what I am trying to say. It seems as if you are forever addressing questions and issues that I have not been asking or attempting to bring to your attention in the clearest way I know how. But thanks for addressing my confusion about the double entree.
Therefore, Treat life as God's gift to you — be wise in how you spend it because we all need the Savior who will tell us what comes after…in more ways than one…
I don't disagree with this. I just don't see any sense in referring to any original creation or any original breath as a gift.
Without Christ, life's meaning is vanity of vanities. With Christ, your purpose is restored……The rest I'll leave up to you to uncover.
Again, I don't disagree with this. I just don't see any sense in calling a creation a gift.
This is only a bare bones brief summery of Ecclesiastes. If you read it — keep in mind its many dual meanings and point — humanity needs the Savior — Jesus Christ for he is the one that tells what comes after…
To help me understand better, please give me some examples of dual meanings. What are the dual meanings to each verse in Eccl. 3?
You seem to be saying that God's love should let everyone into heaven because he was unjust in granting life as a gift and he should pay us our due or at least not make us suffer in our own deeds for eternity. In other words you appear to be saying — go ahead and live wickedly because you by your deeds you will delivered from any consequences.
I am not saying that. I am saying it (i.e., life as a gift) makes no sense to me. That is what I am saying and that's all I am saying in reply to your suggestion that life is a gift.
Again you have not yet perceived the depth of your sin.
You do not perceive what I have been saying because you are not addressing my suggestion that life is a creation, not a gift. You are addressing concerns or questions I have not raised about life being a gift and I don't know how to make it any clearer when I suggest that life is either a creation or an addition to earthly forms or bodies, not a gift. I guess I should ask questions like,

1. Is air in a balloon actually a gift to the balloon and in the same sense as the breath of life in my body is a gift to me?
2. If it is not sensible to suggest that a balloon receives a gift when air is blown into it for the very first time and that the balloon should express its appreciation for that air, then why should I think it is sensible to suggest that my body receives a gift when air (i.e., the breath of life) is breathed into it for the very first time and that my body should express its appreciation for that air?

Re: Heaven & Hell Vs Annihilation

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 8:26 pm
by B. W.
B. W. wrote: Therefore, Treat life as God's gift to you — be wise in how you spend it because we all need the Savior who will tell us what comes after…in more ways than one…

...Without Christ, life's meaning is vanity of vanities. With Christ, your purpose is restored……The rest I'll leave up to you to uncover.
CuriousBob wrote:Again, I don't disagree with this. I just don't see any sense in calling a creation a gift…..

...I don't disagree with this. I just don't see any sense in referring to any original creation or any original breath as a gift.
The Bible teaches that God is a giving God…which is part of who he is. It is in his nature to give, bestow, grant, endow, etc…As it is written:

Isa 42:5 - "Thus says God, the LORD, who created the heavens and stretched them out, who spread out the earth and what comes from it, who gives breath to the people on it and spirit to those who walk in it..."

Jer 27:5 - "It is I who by my great power and my outstretched arm have made the earth, with the men and animals that are on the earth, and I give it to whomever it seems right to me."

Psa 115:16 - "The heavens are the LORD's heavens, but the earth he has given to the children of man."

Job 38:36 - "...Who has put wisdom in the inward parts or given understanding to the mind?"

Isa 45:12 - "I made the earth and created man on it; it was my hands that stretched out the heavens, and I commanded all their host."

Isa 45:18 "For thus says the LORD, who created the heavens (he is God!), who formed the earth and made it (he established it; he did not create it empty, he formed it to be inhabited!): "I am the LORD, and there is no other.

Do you find fault with God for being one according to his nature who just likes to give?
B. W. wrote:This is only a bare bones brief summery of Ecclesiastes. If you read it — keep in mind its many dual meanings and point — humanity needs the Savior — Jesus Christ for he is the one that tells what comes after…
CuriousBob wrote:To help me understand better, please give me some examples of dual meanings. What are the dual meanings to each verse in Eccl. 3?
Not every verse has dual meanings. With this in mind I will leave it up to you to find which verses have these…to get an idea - what are the varied meanings for verse 5?

Ecc 3:5 - "...a time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing…"
CuriousBob wrote:You do not perceive what I have been saying because you are not addressing my suggestion that life is a creation, not a gift. You are addressing concerns or questions I have not raised about life being a gift and I don't know how to make it any clearer when I suggest that life is either a creation or an addition to earthly forms or bodies, not a gift. I guess I should ask questions like,

1. Is air in a balloon actually a gift to the balloon and in the same sense as the breath of life in my body is a gift to me?
2. If it is not sensible to suggest that a balloon receives a gift when air is blown into it for the very first time and that the balloon should express its appreciation for that air, then why should I think it is sensible to suggest that my body receives a gift when air (i.e., the breath of life) is breathed into it for the very first time and that my body should express its appreciation for that air?
Because the word of God tells us…

Job 33:4, "The Spirit of God has made me, and the breath of the Almighty gives me life."

Isa 42:5 , "Thus says God, the LORD, who created the heavens and stretched them out, who spread out the earth and what comes from it, who gives breath to the people on it and spirit to those who walk in it..."

Job 38:36, "Who has put wisdom in the inward parts or given understanding to the mind?"

Life is a gift from God which is part of himself to you to become a gift to Him, yourself, and those around you…

You ask — how can I be a gift to myself? Give yourself to Christ and find out…

Now, I'll ask you a question — do you hate God for giving mortal life to you? Resentful that he did not ask you first?
CuriousBob wrote:2. If it is not sensible to suggest that a balloon receives a gift when air is blown into it for the very first time and that the balloon should express its appreciation for that air, then why should I think it is sensible to suggest that my body receives a gift when air (i.e., the breath of life) is breathed into it for the very first time and that my body should express its appreciation for that air?
People can be either a gift of blessing or a gift of cursing to each other. Likewise, people can be either be a gift of blessing or cursing to themselves as well as God who gave them life (Romans 1:19-31).

Which are ye?
Bible quotes from ESV

Re: Heaven & Hell Vs Annihilation

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2009 1:41 am
by CuriousBob
We all face judgment; therefore, use our heritage wisely. How, fear God and keep his commandments (Ecc 12:13-14) because God will bring everything to judgment. Bottom line is - Humanity needs the Savior. The writer of Ecclesiastes is pointing to the need for Christ and longing for this day.
I would have to agree with that, especially if I agree with the suggestion that there are only two choices: 1) A Heaven to be sought after and 2) A Hell to be shunned. No annihilation (i.e., eternal unconsciousness or eternally perpetual applications of general anesthesia or similar) allowed.
The fear of the Lord is not limited to being terrified.
Without a doubt, that can honestly be said of many passages of Scripture. But in other passages of Scripture, such as Matthew 10:28, it is definitely limited to being terrified. At least that is the impression that I get from that passage. Is it not the same impression that you get from it or how could you not get that impression from it, even after reading it in its entire context?
Ecclesiastes is a book that points out our need for the Savior who shows us what is to come after…so when you read it — note the two points of view the writer struggles with and yearning for the Savior to save him from his own folly.
I never looked at it that way. It kind o' suggests to me that Solomon may have found the salvation that he had hoped for after all. I always thought that he ended up a lost soul. But now, I have some reservations about that thought. Thanks for this invaluable insight!
Without Christ, life's meaning is vanity of vanities. With Christ, your purpose is restored……
I most certainly agree with this.
The rest I'll leave up to you to uncover.
I think that what you just said covers it all, as far as salvation from the temporal consequences of sin is concerned. There is not much else of any greater significance that can be uncovered. I know that in Him alone is any kind of life worth living. In Him alone is there any significant hope for a most meaningful life and blissful future. I guess the only thing I am trying to do, at this point in the discussion, is express why we need not confuse life with a gift or mistake life for a gift in order to point others to “the way, the TRUTH, and the life Himself. I can just as easily live with the view that life is a gift as I can live with the view that life is not a gift. It really doesn't matter to me whether or not I view life as a gift, except in terms of the logic behind it. It just doesn't make sense to call life a gift when it is quite obvious to me that life is merely an addition to a lifeless object and that it is no more than an addition that the creator of the lifeless object saw as a necessity in order to accomplish the purpose that He had in mind, from the eternal past (for lack of a better term), for that lifeless object.

The following statement is another way for me to express why I think that everyone who refers to life as a gift is not thinking straight or has not taken the suggestion that “life is a gift” to its logical conclusion:

Every pre-existing lifeless object or subject (or simply, the lifeless) has absolutely no interest in anything, which means it has absolutely no interest in gifts, which means it doesn't care whether or not gifts exist, which means it cares not about salvation or gifts, because nothing within it is capable of being concerned about anything (a thing called salvation and a thing called a gift included); because nothing within it is capable of receiving or rejecting gifts; because nothing within it is capable of praising or cursing any giver of gifts.
God does not deny life even to those whom he foreknows will reject his own initiative to call all. He can do with such as He so ever wills with no violation of justice to them. He can make pharaoh — Pharaoh for his own purposes all without being unjust to any. Since he foreknows the answer of the heart to his call before any were ever born then he can do as he so wills with whomever.
There is no doubt in my mind that the God of the Bible supplies life to the lifeless. Neither is there any doubt in my mind that He can do anything He wishes to His creatures or creations, so long as it remains in conformity with His holiness. But, one of the things that doesn't make any sense whatsoever, to me, about the God of the Bible, about the God who hates evil and sin, or about the God who made it possible for that which He hates to exist. It is this: God seems to be admitting that sinners like Judas and Pharaoh would never have had to be concerned about eternal damnation if they had never existed in the first place or if God hadn't made it possible for anyone outside of the members of the Godhead to exist in the first place.
You seem to be saying that God's love should let everyone into heaven because he was unjust in granting life as a gift and he should pay us our due or at least not make us suffer in our own deeds for eternity. In other words you appear to be saying — go ahead and live wickedly because you by your deeds you will delivered from any consequences.
No! I am not saying anything like that when I am talking about life in the sense that it is not a gift. You are reading everything I say about life being no gift in a way that leads me to believe you haven't the slightest clue of what I am talking about.

I am forever attempting to help you to see that in order for anyone to turn a lifeless body into a living body he or she must first supply it with life. I am trying to help you to see that a lifeless body has no capacity for caring whether or not it possesses anything (including life) until it is supplied with life, which happens to be the power that enables it to take an interest in anything in the first place, whether it be an interest in a gift, a giver, or even an interest in itself.

Two of my wife's sisters are people whom I consider to be very simple-minded when it comes to the Bible, philosophy, and religion. Yet, they have convinced me that they understood what I have said to you and only after I spent about a minute explaining it to them.

I don't consider you to be simple-minded when it comes to the Bible, philosophy, and religion. But, now I am beginning to wonder: Are you even more simple-minded than I perceive my two sister-in-laws to be?

I can't see how you could have missed what I have been saying about this from the beginning. Please try to see what I am saying. It is not rocket science, not by any stretch of the imagination.

That in which life does not exist is forever incapable of praising or cursing the entity that supplies life, simply because the life which supplies the ability to take an interest in givers and gifts is not yet inside the object that was created for whatever purpose its creator had in mind. This can only mean that the lifeless is just as incapable of saying “thank you for giving me this, that, or the other” as it is of saying I curse you for giving me this, that, or the other”.

If the lifeless is forever incapable of taking an interest in, being concerned about, or being aware of anything (including a gift and a giver), is it sensible to think it is capable of hating or cursing a giver? How can that which has no life be thankful, period? How can it curse, period?

Only that in which life already exists is capable of thanking and cursing, receiving and rejecting, making sensible statements and making senseless statements. It may choose to make a senseless or stupid statement like, “life is a gift unto itself” or “I am my own gift” or “I am a gift unto myself”. But that does not detract from the fact that, if life is a gift to anything at all, it is merely a gift to the lifeless, since the lifeless is the only one that receives it (and obviously receives it through no choice of its own as it has no choice to begin with until it is endowed with life).
Again you have not yet perceived the depth of your sin. Look at what you just reasoned — “I wasn't there to consult, receive, or reject the creation that I am. That is why I see no sense in the suggestion that the creation that I am is a gift to me.”

God gave you something out from nothing freely by grace and you are you not showing contempt for it? He made you a gift to yourself as well as provide the potential to be a gift to him. What thanks do such attitudes like you so stated above show the Lord -- “I wasn't there to consult, receive, or reject the creation that I am — how dare he how dare he hold me accountable for my deeds for an eternity — the hypocrite!”

Can you see the depths of sin, yet?
Maybe I don't yet perceive the depths of sin. But, it is becoming painfully obvious to me that you do not perceive and may never perceive, in even the slightest degree, what I am attempting to help you to perceive about the depths of your ignorance of what I have said thus far about life, gifts, and givers. You are completely missing it and, in so doing, you are making a mountain out of a molehill.
Since you do not view life as a gift of grace to even yourself, then how can you truly be born again?
Can you show me a passage of Scripture that is synonymous with a statement, which your question seems to suggest, such as, “In order to “be truly born again” one must view life as a gift?” If not, then by whose authority are you suggesting that I am not born again and where is the evidence in what you just said to prove that I am not born again?
The Bible teaches that God is a giving God…which is part of who he is. It is in his nature to give, bestow, grant, endow, etc…
Does the Bible always imply a gift whenever words like give, bestow, grant, and endow are employed within its pages? I have reason to believe it doesn't.
Isa 42:5 - "Thus says God, the LORD, who created the heavens and stretched them out, who spread out the earth and what comes from it, who gives breath to the people on it and spirit to those who walk in it...”
Someone once said,
When the plain sense of Scripture makes common sense, seek no other sense, lest you come up with nonsense
Isa. 42:5 makes common sense when its plainest sense is considered and its plainest sense suggests that God provides the breath that is necessary for people to survive. It doesn't suggest that the provision of life is a gift any more than the provision of auto parts is a gift to a car. Strong's Exhaustive Concordance confirms that the word gives (giveth in KJV English), which is used in this passage of Scripture has a wide variety of meanings, non of which implies a gift. I am about to quote the first few lines of what Strong's says, on page 81 in the Hebrew and Chaldee Dictionary section. I have to type the words from my copy of the big heavy book and I don't have the time to do that nor do I need that time to make my point. Also, that is the primary reason why I refuse to quote the entire 16 lines:
Nathan naw-than'; a prim. root; to give, used with a great latitude of application (put, make, etc.): - add, apply, appoint, ascribe, assign, X avenge, X be ([healed]); bestow, bring (forth, hither), cast, cause, charge, come, commit, consider, count…

Job 33:4, "The Spirit of God has made me, and the breath of the Almighty gives me life."
Good old-fashioned common sense leads me to believe that passage is suggesting that the Almighty supplies or endows me with life. It does not suggest, in even the slightest sense, that the Almighty gives me a gift when He supplies or endows me with life. It suggests that the Almighty, in order to accomplish His purpose, had to supply me with life. He didn't do it for my purpose or for me. He did it for His own purpose or for Himself because He never needed me in the first place. He only needs Himself. He doesn't need anything or anyone other than Himself. He created all things for His own pleasure, not for anyone else's pleasure. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit never needed anyone other than themselves, because they are and always have been all that they ever needed and because they have always loved and had fellowship with one another from the eternal past even to the eternal future.

The rest of your post continues to prove to me that you don't have the slightest clue of what I am saying when I suggest that life is not a gift. Until you understand what I am saying, you will continue to draw conclusions that have nothing to do with what I am saying.

Re: Heaven & Hell Vs Annihilation

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2009 7:57 am
by B. W.
CuriousBob wrote: .... I guess the only thing I am trying to do, at this point in the discussion, is express why we need not confuse life with a gift or mistake life for a gift in order to point others to “the way, the TRUTH, and the life Himself. I can just as easily live with the view that life is a gift as I can live with the view that life is not a gift. It really doesn't matter to me whether or not I view life as a gift, except in terms of the logic behind it. It just doesn't make sense to call life a gift when it is quite obvious to me that life is merely an addition to a lifeless object and that it is no more than an addition that the creator of the lifeless object saw as a necessity in order to accomplish the purpose that He had in mind, from the eternal past (for lack of a better term), for that lifeless object.
The following statement is another way for me to express why I think that everyone who refers to life as a gift is not thinking straight or has not taken the suggestion that “life is a gift” to its logical conclusion:

Every pre-existing lifeless object or subject (or simply, the lifeless) has absolutely no interest in anything, which means it has absolutely no interest in gifts, which means it doesn't care whether or not gifts exist, which means it cares not about salvation or gifts, because nothing within it is capable of being concerned about anything (a thing called salvation and a thing called a gift included); because nothing within it is capable of receiving or rejecting gifts; because nothing within it is capable of praising or cursing any giver of gifts.
It is because of the giver that life is a gift to the lifeless. Sin entered the world, not as a gift to those who have life, but as the slayer of that gift of life with God in union of fellowship and duty. To follow your form of logic to its logical conclusions that only living things have interest in gifts, therefore, sin is to be viewed as a gift because it was given to those living.

Sin is not a gift but the slayer of God's gift of life making one lifeless to God. Sin entered the world and stole away the gift of life we had with God. Death entered the world did it not? - as it is written:

Rom 5:11-15, “More than that, we also rejoice in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received reconciliation. 12 Therefore, just as sin came into the world through one man, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men because all sinned-- 13 for sin indeed was in the world before the law was given, but sin is not counted where there is no law. 14 Yet death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over those whose sinning was not like the transgression of Adam, who was a type of the one who was to come. 15 But the free gift is not like the trespass. For if many died through one man's trespass, much more have the grace of God and the free gift by the grace of that one man Jesus Christ abounded for many.”

God's nature is one that gives life to the lifeless and calls those things that be not as thought they were. For God not to give life would actually prove that God is not a God who gives. It is the giver that makes a life a gift. We cannot give life to a hunk a of clay as God did. So for illustration: If we humans were able to do so — then it would be us that gave life to the clay as our gift to the clay to live according to our design and purposes.

The reason and intent of giving the gift of life to a non-living thing also has a purpose and design for the giver. The recipient lives for that purpose and design as part of the unasked for gift. Paul writes in Romans 4:17 a principle that God gives life to the dead (lifeless) and calls into existence the things that do not exist. In this case, it is the giver that makes a gift a gift - not the receiver.

Rom 4:17 as it is written, "I have made you the father of many nations"--in the presence of the God in whom he believed, who gives life to the dead and calls into existence the things that do not exist."

If what you claim is true, then it is the receiver that makes a gift a gift and not the giver. This is illogical because you need a Giver first to even give a gift. Despite your claims, your logic actually denies God as the giver and designer of life for his own good pleasure and purposes. How - by giving all glory to the recipient and not the giver of His own life (note Gen 1:26-30).

So to speed things up a bit: Sin entered the world and death (lifelessness) enters in. Death entered the world through sin and we all, without Christ, are dead — lifeless again. Fellowship with God is now broken and we live lifeless lives according to sin as just as it is written in:

Eph 2:1-3, “And you were dead in the trespasses and sins 2 in which you once walked, following the course of this world, following the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience-- 3 among whom we all once lived in the passions of our flesh, carrying out the desires of the body and the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, like the rest of mankind.”

God in his great mercy again grants life to the lifeless as a gift for those that place their trust in Christ...

Eph 2:4-5, “But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, 5 even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ--by grace you have been saved—“

Again God grants eternal life restored with him by a free gift freely given by him to those that believe in Christ. Did we ask for this gift of salvation? No — nor did we seek this gift? What is salvation but a gift from God to those dead in sin?

It is because of the Giver that gives the gift is what makes a gift a gift. It is not the recipient receiving gift that makes a gift a gift. After all, not all will accept the gift of salvation God offers. Think for a moment - Without the giver then there can be no gift. The gift of salvation is independent of the receiver — it is there as a gift.

With the gift of life originally given from God to clay and passed on through birth is still a gift — it is there. This gift creates life for the receiver. Without this original gift of life, how can God prove he profoundly saves through His giving? God made us mortally alive by his gift of life so he can prove and reveal who he is to none other but himself.

So, God being a giving God and the author of the gift of life to lifeless clay is important in understanding salvation. It is not the recipient but the giver of the Gift that makes a gift a gift. That is the point you re failing to see: It is the giver that makes a gift be a gift.

Yes, the bible indeed teaches that God is a giving God. What you are saying is that He is not. However, he gave this mortal life to you and I as a gift along with wisdom and intelligence to use what he continues to give. If this were not the case, then he cannot judge you or me in what we have done with his gift of life with any form of equity.

If you were able to give life to lifeless clay — would not that be a gift because once alive the clay can now receive from you? It is the giver of the gift that makes a gift - a gift.

It is your position that is it is based solely on the recipient's point of view - not the Giver...

To address the last point of your post: It is true God does not need us. Fact is: He made us. After all, we do indeed exist (like it or not). Just because the Lord made humanity and granted us his gift of life has no bearing on his needing us or not nor does this weaken his sovereignty one bit: On the contrary it strengths it - proves it. Our existence is a gift from him because God gave life for his own purposes and has a purpose for us as well. Through sin, that purpose was lost. Through Christ it is restored. He reneges on no gift...

He is a God of the Living and not the God of the Dead…
CuriousBob wrote: Good old-fashioned common sense leads me to believe that passage is suggesting that the Almighty supplies or endows me with life. It does not suggest, in even the slightest sense, that the Almighty gives me a gift when He supplies or endows me with life. It suggests that the Almighty, in order to accomplish His purpose, had to supply me with life…...
So endowment and supplying us with life is not a gift from himself (Gen 1:26-30)? How can endowment and supplying be not a gift from God if God simply had to supply life when he doesn't even need us? Your logic is being contradictory here.

Again: Just because the Lord made humanity and granted us his gift of life has no bearing on his needing us nor does this weaken his sovereignty one bit: On the contrary it strengths it. By supplying us life also makes life a gift as well as makes us responsible with what we do with this — His Gift.

Our existence is a gift from him because God gives us his gift of life for his own purposes. He even has a purpose for us as well. Through sin, that purpose was lost. Through Christ it is restored. He reneges on no gift...

It is the giver, the endower, the supplier, the donator that makes whatever endowed, supplied, donated, given, a gift — not the recipient.

Now understand the recipient's role — to honor God with what was given...

How can the recipient honor the giver if it hates being given a gift???

By treating life not as a gift CuriousBob has caused you all kinds of intellectual turmoil and is what led you to pose your original question. Here is your answer: It is because you do not treat life as a gift from God and instead treat life as mundane thing unjustly imposed upon us by God is the cause of your turmoil. Until you are willing to see that, you will not understand the nature and character of God that explains the why's of all things.

Re: Heaven & Hell Vs Annihilation

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2009 12:37 pm
by CuriousBob
It is because of the giver that life is a gift to the lifeless.
Now I know you are not getting it!

Receivers of gifts are always, without exception, capable of receiving and rejecting gifts, thanking and cursing givers, etc. The lifeless is like nothingness in that it is capable of doing absolutely nothing. That means the lifeless, like nothingness, is capable of receiving nothing and only nothing. When you and I suggest that God gave a gift to the lifeless we are actually suggesting that God gave a gift to nothing and no one because nothing and no one were the only ones there to reject or receive that gift. I hope that by now you are beginning to see the absurdity behind your reasoning about life in relation to giving and gifts. If not, then I can't see how it is possible to continue having any meaningful discussion about it.
Sin entered the world, not as a gift to those who have life, but as the slayer of that gift of life with God in union of fellowship and duty. To follow your form of logic to its logical conclusions that only living things have interest in gifts, therefore, sin is to be viewed as a gift because it was given to those living.
That is precisely the conclusion that your logic brings me to when you say that God is a giving God. I was even going to bring it up, but the many other things I was saying crowded it out so that I forgot to mention it. But here it is:

The fact that you always seem to associate giving with gifts and nothing else leads me to the same conclusion you seem to have come to about my words, though I don't see how you arrived at it yet.

When you said God is a giving God in the context of gifts and only in that context, I wanted to, but forgot to reveal to you just how easily that line of thinking can be applied to the devil and all of God's enemies as well as all creatures that move.

When you always associate giving with gifts and nothing more, then you are going to reinforce my conviction that you think that everything that is given is a gift. When someone comes along and gives you or me a broken nose, the line of reasoning that you are employing would suggest that the giver should be thanked for the gift of a broken nose. Whenever a dog comes along and gives a rock some excremental material, your line of thinking would suggest that the dumb rock is obligated to express its appreciation for the gift of excremental material. When you give someone poison to drink you are actually giving him or her a gift according to you line of reasoning.

I have always associated gifts with things that are liked by the receivers. But your line of reasoning suggests that gifts may be liked or hated. That is why I think that if giving is always associated with gifts, then absurdity becomes the rule rather than the exception.
Sin is not a gift but the slayer of God's gift of life making one lifeless to God. Sin entered the world and stole away the gift of life we had with God. Death entered the world did it not? - as it is written:
If you mean eternal life that has been offered or given to a living man or woman, then I would agree. But if you are talking about conscious life in this body in June of 2009, then you are not talking about the same thing.

Eternal life (i.e., conscious awareness of pleasurable experiences) can easily be a gift to a being that has conscious awareness of misery. But it can never be a gift to a being that is not there in the first place (I am referring to a lifeless object or body that never knew any kind of life, be it a miserable or a pleasurable one) because such a being cannot recognize, much less appreciate or shun gifts. Can't you see what I am getting at?

The way in which you constantly associate giving with gifts throughout all of your posts on this thread (including this post that I am replying to) so far, is only strengthening my conviction that you are never going to understand what I am talking about. You are doing absolutely nothing to persuade me that you see a difference between gifts, givers, and receivers of gifts and non-gifts.

You seem to be reading so many erroneous things into everything I am saying about God in relation to gifts. I would like to know why you are unable to grasp such a simple concept.

Re: Heaven & Hell Vs Annihilation

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 9:42 pm
by ageofknowledge
"It is because you do not treat life as a gift from God and instead treat life as mundane thing unjustly imposed upon us by God is the cause of your turmoil. Until you are willing to see that, you will not understand the nature and character of God that explains the why's of all things."

Excellent point. After I lost my job and long term unemployment began, ran out of money and savings, became seriously ill and began to grow worse without medical care or the insurance to get medical care which I still don't have and I continue to physically digress, was abandoned by my Christian friends because I no longer value added to their program as they were trending upwards to the next level of riches and blessings while I was being attacked and enduring tribulation (dead weight gets kicked to the curb real quick in this world), etc... etc... etc... I allowed the devil to deceive me in that I no longer believed God loved me very much like He did the blessed Christians around me that were being blessed like crazy and always had been.

It took a word of knowledge from a pastor I barely knew while visiting a tiny church in the country to snap me out of it. There were only about 20 people there and he began to say that there was someone present that God loved very much who had allowed the devil to deceive him that God didn't love him as much as he loved others and whose life had been attacked by Satan. He went on to run down my life point by point even noting that I had lost someone very close to me to death that had never resolved which I had. When he was finished I was spellbound. I had never had a word of knowledge directed at me by a spirit filled person who I just met. This pastor knew nothing about me and when I asked him later who that word was for to test him he said simply, "I have no idea but God does." I told him it was for me.

I know I am under serious attack and have been for a long time but I am no longer deceived. Life is a painful, anxious, difficult process for many of us. We are not the blessed ones born into the God bubbles and raised as Christians in functional homes. But I look past it and see that despite my failings and the devil's attacks GOD LOVES ME deeply without partiality for others. He loves me as much and in no different manner than He loves a Billy Graham. Given His promises for me after this life is over, that makes life a gift.

Re: Heaven & Hell Vs Annihilation

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2009 7:32 am
by B. W.
ageofknowledge wrote:"It is because you do not treat life as a gift from God and instead treat life as mundane thing unjustly imposed upon us by God is the cause of your turmoil. Until you are willing to see that, you will not understand the nature and character of God that explains the why's of all things."

Excellent point. After I lost my job and long term unemployment began, ran out of money and savings, became seriously ill and began to grow worse without medical care or the insurance to get medical care which I still don't have and I continue to physically digress, was abandoned by my Christian friends because I no longer value added to their program as they were trending upwards to the next level of riches and blessings while I was being attacked and enduring tribulation (dead weight gets kicked to the curb real quick in this world), etc... etc... etc... I allowed the devil to deceive me in that I no longer believed God loved me very much like He did the blessed Christians around me that were being blessed like crazy and always had been.

It took a word of knowledge from a pastor I barely knew while visiting a tiny church in the country to snap me out of it. There were only about 20 people there and he began to say that there was someone present that God loved very much who had allowed the devil to deceive him that God didn't love him as much as he loved others and whose life had been attacked by Satan. He went on to run down my life point by point even noting that I had lost someone very close to me to death that had never resolved which I had. When he was finished I was spellbound. I had never had a word of knowledge directed at me by a spirit filled person who I just met. This pastor knew nothing about me and when I asked him later who that word was for to test him he said simply, "I have no idea but God does." I told him it was for me.

I know I am under serious attack and have been for a long time but I am no longer deceived. Life is a painful, anxious, difficult process for many of us. We are not the blessed ones born into the God bubbles and raised as Christians in functional homes. But I look past it and see that despite my failings and the devil's attacks GOD LOVES ME deeply without partiality for others. He loves me as much and in no different manner than He loves a Billy Graham. Given His promises for me after this life is over, that makes life a gift.
None of us are exempt from life's toils and pains. I myself suffer with chronic pain in my stomach and intestines due to long term effect of a serious illness I caught 29 years ago. I do not take any pain medications as these are no value for damaged nerve endings. I still suffer from other offshoot symptoms as well from this illness caught 29 years ago. Through my own tribulations, I see the gift of life God gave us all more clearly.

Jesus said tribulations will come and go. This is true. Due to sin and death entering the world everything is all out of whack. Because it is out of whack does not disprove the gift of life God gave us all at all. It is in knowing the Lord that we discover our purpose, meaning, and the importance of the life he gave despite our tribulations. Without the Lord, we would have no hope, no faith, no peace, no endurance. With Christ we have hope, faith, peace, and endurance.

In this — we begin to see that life is indeed a gift given by God. Since it is a Gift give by God we must also be aware of a real devil who is intent on robbing, destroying, killing that gift so people curse God for giving that gift. The devil tried to get Job to curse God and he does so with all humanity relentlessly — to have people curse God. When we begin to see, as Job did, who God is and all that he gives, then we come to our senses.

When we treat life as God's first gift of grace to us, unearned unasked for, we'll learn to treat others better than we currently do. We'll learn to love ourselves in the positive biblical sense as Jesus so stated. Most importantly, we learn to love God the Father more and more each day and find what eternal life with him is really about as well as where it is leading. We all hate tribulations but Jesus endured far worse tribulations than we can imagine. These come and go but Jesus did say — be of good cheer for I have overcome the world.

Despite tribulations I find the Lord giving me good cheer as I see life as His Gift. There is something transforming in this that I cannot rightly explain. You see the pain in others and despite your own, you want to be able to pull that woe out of them and even exchange places with them, even die, so they may live. At the same time, you also know that not everyone will accept this from you so you find yourself seeking after those that will, whose hearts have a certian kind of faith in the Lord, who would be strengthen by such exercise and from it learn to do likewise and not misuse it for one's own gain. Maybe, that is a reflection of Christ being formed in me — who knows? How about you?

If we all just saw life as a gift and treat it as such what a transformation that would be!

God bless you all :)