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Re: Questions on God's creation days

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2009 6:58 pm
by erawdrah
touchingcloth wrote:
Gman wrote:
touchingcloth wrote:Take a look at the Hipparcos Catalogue sometime; it has parallax information for not just the stars in Pegasus, but for over 100,000 stars.
That's pretty neat.. Thanks for sharing that TC.
I'm a sucker for all things astronomical I'm afraid.

You mentioned about measuring distances beyond those that can be measured with parallax - check out the wiki article on the cosmic distance ladder if you're interested in reading more about how various methods are used to infer distances at huge scales. Parallax experiments like Hipparcos are vital as they underpin most of the large-scale measurements.

For an excellent book that details the history and personalities of this area I could highly recommend Simon Sing's Big Bang.
Nice looking page but pulled no info on Luyten 789-6, Wolf 359, Ross 128 stars. And I understand how they use a "known" star and pick another star that looks close and use parallax from them. Nice how that assumption works.

Re: Questions on God's creation days

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2009 7:03 pm
by touchingcloth
Why those 3 stars in particular?

Re: Questions on God's creation days

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2009 8:30 pm
by erawdrah
Just ones close to us. Why?

Re: Questions on God's creation days

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 3:53 pm
by Gabrielman
I am sorry to post this, but it seems so bad that every time this topic comes up Christians fight each other over it. I am not trying to be mean, so please don't take it that way.

I'm not even going to bother arguing this, it is yet another thing that tears our faith apart and divids us against one another. Stop it already. Young earth old earth, who cares. Does not the cross mean more to you? Does not leading people to salvation mean more? Look, once someone has come to Christ and given their soul to Him, then they can chose to view things the way they want when it comes to science. We need to work together and be untied. A house divided will not stand. No I don't want to argue it, and no I will not. I am OEC, and I am just as saved as a YEC, that's just how it is, why? Because God can do that. We have been here before, and it is not good for us. This is what the atheists want, they want us to be divided, it makes it easier to defeat your opponent when they are fighting themselves. Sorry if I seem a little mean on this, but why do we have to fight over this. If you must discuss it, do it in a way that doesn't quetion the faith or salvation of the other one. We are all God's children, all of us.

I know this is off topic, and it isn't the nicest way to put it, and maybe you are arguing in a civil manner and I am just misunderstanding, if so please correct me. I just don't want to see two people who love God and believe in him going against each other, that is not good for our faith, or the body of Christ. Please try to understand why I wrote this.

God bless you, and may He be with you.

Re: Questions on God's creation days

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 4:24 pm
by Gman
Gabrielman wrote:I am sorry to post this, but it seems so bad that every time this topic comes up Christians fight each other over it.
Agreed.. I have no qualms with YEC'rs too. But when someone starts attacking someones else's faith because they are OEC, calling them satanic or twisting the Word of God in their favor, then I'm sorry. I have no respect for such people. We can have fights over other things, such as salvation or abortion issues, but are we going to fight over the possibly of an earth that could be 6 thousand years as opposed to millions of years?? And calling someone else satanic for it to boot? Over years? This is weird... There is something else going here which is another reason why I left the YEC camp years ago. I believe it's called arrogance. Again, I have lost respect for such people...