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Re: How God Creates

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2014 4:41 am
by Starhunter
Glad you are back, Mazzy,

I'm sorry for using the wrong pronoun, I never read personal profiles, because I want to go by what people say, ...and then still get it wrong!

Re: How God Creates

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2014 2:06 pm
by Starhunter
Mazzy wrote: Indeed, what is observed appears to support galactocentrism. I suspect God did not locate the earth at the centre of the Milky Way because that would be a terrible address and not conducive to life with a black hole supposedly sucking in everything around it.
The BBT says that the universe has no center, in a similar way that the surface of a sphere has no center, not that the universe is necessarily a sphere, but that the effects of space time are curved. Have you heard of this theory before?

Re: How God Creates

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 3:31 am
by Starhunter
The creative power of the Word.
Psalms 33:6-9 KJV, We read that creation is caused by the Word of God, that is how He creates and also how He saves.
When He commands - the thing is done..."He spake and it was done" "commanded and it stood fast." this is the pattern throughout the entire creation, and it agrees with the works of Christ on earth.
A Roman centurion needed his servant to be healed by Christ, and he noticed that when Christ healed that He only had to speak the word once and it was done. So feeling unworthy of Christ, he requested that Christ need not come to his house but speak the word only. The centurion also used the example of his own authority over his men as an acknowledgement that Christ was commander of the universe, and that whatever He says is done when He commands.

Christ was honored that day by the faith of this outsider. When the centurion got home, he asked at what time the servant was healed, and not to his surprise, it was the instant that Christ spoke.

2 Corinthians 4:6 KJV, We read that the command of God that caused the light to shine in creation, is the same command that brings light into our hearts. And like creation the command is immediately followed by the thing commanded.

The Bible talks about the power of the word, how instant it is, how thorough and timely it is, and how quick and powerful it is. Hebrews 4:12, KJV.
When Christ speaks salvation it is a thing accomplished, not to be waited on, not delayed, not held back by eons of time, or any length of time or evolution, or delay, or pending discoveries, but to be received by faith as the centurion did.

Understanding the power of God's word and how He creates coincides with His word of salvation, faith begets faith. So that "through faith we understand (we don't speculate) that the world's were framed (not evolved) by the word of God..."
If we believe and trust in the promises of salvation, we step from doubt and darkness into acceptance and love. The word of God is not delayed, only unbelief stops the transformation for the receiver. No one has to wait, evolve or develop into salvation, it is there in the moment, for we know that "without faith it is impossible to please God."

Re: How God Creates

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 5:16 am
by RickD

Please stop saying that believers who hold to evolution, dishonor God.

If you want to argue for YEC that's fine. But do it without attacking believers who disagree with you.

Besides, your argument fails. If creation was immediate just as salvation and God's healing is immediate, then you wouldn't believe in a six 24 hour day creation, would you? You'd be arguing for an immediate creation.

Re: How God Creates

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 11:46 pm
by Starhunter
RickD wrote:Starhunter,

Please stop saying that believers who hold to evolution, dishonor God.

If you want to argue for YEC that's fine. But do it without attacking believers who disagree with you.

Besides, your argument fails. If creation was immediate just as salvation and God's healing is immediate, then you wouldn't believe in a six 24 hour day creation, would you? You'd be arguing for an immediate creation.

I have edited the post.

The immediacy of the word took place everyday, as a new thing was added day by day.

Re: How God Creates

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 6:24 am
by ElderBob
Starhunter wrote:Satan has always wanted to claim the powers of God in nature, and uses them if permitted, see Rev 13:13,14. The knowledge of those forces is sometimes understood by the wicked, but history shows that they quickly lose it, either because they worship Lucifer or nature, or destroy themselves by it.
Some of God's people have known these things, and in many cases were better able to handle what the wicked had, eg, Solomon.
Before the flood, it was the faithful descendants of Adam who knew, and the wicked learned from them through intermarriage, until it became common.

It has been Satan's aim to secure any such knowledge with the dark side, keeping things secret. The modern vault is the Catholic church which derived its knowledge by torturing European scientists, Christians and the natives of other lands, until the world was stripped of any knowledge.
Only high ranking Jesuits and Freemasons know about it, who openly worship and acknowledge Lucifer as the 'misunderstood' lord. In keeping with their cruel practices they have allowed a league of nations to develop this vile technology, some of which will be used to impress the masses. The specific country leading this movement is known by a correct understanding of prophecy.
Unfortunately, by the time that the world finds out it will be too late to wake up and be saved. God will allow strong delusions because people have insisted on denying the truth.II Thess 2:9,10.

Why is it important to know anyway? To be ignorant of God's government as Creator, is to be in danger of resisting His authority. Rev 14:7. Knowledge of nature shows us what He is like, which knowledge is salvation. We already know that senseless and brute force are not part of Him.

The gospel shows the meekness of Christ, loving self sacrifice and taking on the role of a servant for us, which role is the cause of both salvation and creation. So we can approach this subject from either perspective. If you know the gospel then creation is an open book, but has science has placed its ugly banner there, blocking your view?
They have allowed the League Of Nation to make vile technology! Where is your proof of any of this?

Are you stating the Catholic church is basically under Satans rulership along with The League of Nation. Which now represents?
Obvious you start with Bibical historical pre Adam with Enochs stories fables of intermarriage then to Catholics juisuits and Freemasons to verify your facts as Satans dark side.

Your mixing fables Enoch fables and unfortunate crimes of Catholic historical facts to claim Satans dark side.

Who is under Satan now? League of Nation is dissolved.

Now God has a government,who? It sounds like your writing cultitish rather than true Christanity.

I agree with another poster you made a judgement call.

If it sounds like a cult thinking it probably is.

Re: How God Creates

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 6:52 am
by ElderBob
1over137 wrote:
Mazzy wrote: As far as the Big Bang is concerned, it is actually based on flawed physics, misrepresented afterglow sketches that do not make any sense. BB hand waves away the 'initial energy' that must have existed to another time.IOW atheists and even some theists propose "In the beginning ...???". Many Theists suggest "In the beginning... God"

The point I was making is that the universe and life on earth today is made of atoms that are arranged in certain templates with the spark of life running through living organisms.
Some references would be good to post.
Theist propose "In the beginning.....God?
Why would that be impossible for God to create?

In the beginning of what?

Just trying to understand.

Re: How God Creates

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 3:30 pm
by Starhunter
ElderBob wrote: They have allowed the League Of Nation to make vile technology! Where is your proof of any of this?
Are you stating the Catholic church is basically under Satans rulership along with The League of Nation. Which now represents?
Obvious you start with Bibical historical pre Adam with Enochs stories fables of intermarriage then to Catholics juisuits and Freemasons to verify your facts as Satans dark side.
Your mixing fables Enoch fables and unfortunate crimes of Catholic historical facts to claim Satans dark side.
Who is under Satan now? League of Nation is dissolved.
Now God has a government,who? It sounds like your writing cultitish rather than true Christanity.
I agree with another poster you made a judgement call.
If it sounds like a cult thinking it probably is.
The proof depends on two things, whether you believe in the Bible as the truth and whether you know how all the major nations, both in history and to present date, are accounted for in Bible history and prophecy.
It is not what I want to expand on here because it's not on topic, however we may need to understand that knowledge on creation has been sabotaged by false science in the aim of removing the glory that is due to God.

In regards to thinking this is cult material, a view of history reveals a persecuting power, which tortured and killed people by the tens of millions, evidence of which is coming to light every day. Secret societies associated with the Papacy will be fully exposed to the world shortly. An organisation which has practiced the cruelest things on humanity from child abuse to global wars. Yet so bewitching is their humanistic garb, that the world still worships this beast, despite the agony of those abused by it, and despite the exposure in legal courts of its practices. An organisation which blatantly states it is above all law, including the laws of God which it thinks it has the right to change.

Re: How God Creates

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 7:42 pm
by ElderBob
Your are thinking like your from a cult religion. Your not worth replying. I doubt I will read any more of your cult post because it is not worth the time. garbage. Your right you got off the subject to gain an audience.
Too bad your allowed to insult the Catholic church on this forum by calling them the Beast. I thought it went aganist rules.
I just looking for a forum that does not allow cultish thoughts to damage such needed subjects.
League of Nation is not a technology. That is ridiculous.

Which cult book did you read about the League Of Nations.

Re: How God Creates

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2014 2:25 am
by Starhunter
ElderBob wrote:Starhunter
Your are thinking like your from a cult religion. Your not worth replying. I doubt I will read any more of your cult post because it is not worth the time. garbage. Your right you got off the subject to gain an audience.
Too bad your allowed to insult the Catholic church on this forum by calling them the Beast. I thought it went aganist rules.
I just looking for a forum that does not allow cultish thoughts to damage such needed subjects.
League of Nation is not a technology. That is ridiculous.

Which cult book did you read about the League Of Nations.
A league of nations is not the name of an organisation, it is some selected nations involved in the knowledge and production of different technology, not known to the general public. Some of it is fantastic, some of it diabolical.
In regards to the Catholic church, my comments are not an attack on the millions of individuals and their faith in God, but on the system operating beneath its public image.
History, as well as the outlines of world empires given in the Bible, make it very clear that the world's nations are not of God.

If you take a good look at history you will not be so shocked at what I have discovered.

Re: How God Creates

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2014 1:42 pm
by ElderBob

I used to believe that the Catholic church,churches teaching false doctrines, and League of Nation played a role in Revelation.

Another subject.

Re: How God Creates

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2014 4:24 am
by Starhunter
ElderBob wrote:Interesting.

I used to believe that the Catholic church,churches teaching false doctrines, and League of Nation played a role in Revelation. Another subject.
Genuine Christians are everywhere in all denominations, many are not in any church, and there are many godly people who don't have any claims to any faith. God's goodness is freely distributed world over, it is not partial. So the world depends on the Spirit of God to give them hope and a conscience to remain hopeful about goodness.

And we know from the Bible that the majority do not go along peacefully with the Spirit, but resist Him, and that's what we don't want to do, we would rather talk it out with God than get drunk or whatever.

Creation is managed by God in the same way that the Spirit blesses humanity, He makes provision for the happiness of the creatures, and if they are normal, they'll just follow the best places and enjoy life. But if they are sinners they'll have a go at doing what they should not and start ruining things.

But God intended that nature follows His commands by taking the easiest route.
Take for instance the sun. It is very powerful, even potentially far brighter and much hotter than it is today, and yet it burns at its minimum capacity, at the easiest level, so that the surface is basically seething and tranquil, with the odd flare, always recycling, receiving energy and giving it out.

Scientists, who are mortal, interpret the sun by their own fate as dying, and dependent on its own resources to burn. And they say that one day it will explode or turn into a red dwarf, which is a fairy tale.

They do not know that it will burn forever, and that its energy is constantly supplied and renewed.

Re: How God Creates

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2014 5:45 am
by RickD
starhunter wrote:
Scientists, who are mortal, interpret the sun by their own fate as dying, and dependent on its own resources to burn. And they say that one day it will explode or turn into a red dwarf, which is a fairy tale.

They do not know that it will burn forever, and that its energy is constantly supplied and renewed.
Where do you come up with this stuff? How do you know the sun will burn forever?

Re: How God Creates

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2014 6:20 pm
by Starhunter
RickD wrote: Where do you come up with this stuff? How do you know the sun will burn forever?
The Bible in many places states that the sun, moon and stars as well as the earth will remain forever. The earth for example will became the new planet on which the heavenly city of God rests.

Jeremiah 31:35,36 KJV God uses the sun, moon and stars as a guarantee to never let go of His people.

The idea of the sun burning out, is a completely false one which does not recognize its structure or means of combustion.

For instance, the sun can turn off, cease giving off light and turn on again. There are some stars that do this at varying intervals, which we give names like pulsars etc. All stars are basically the same, but each varies in its activities, of which there are millions of variations.

Here are some of those activities, flashing, turning on and off, changing colors, darkening in part, throwing flares many light years away from themselves, expanding and contracting, disassembling and reassembling, contorting, twisting, flattening out, stretching, spinning at different speeds, throwing out beams of light, showing spots of color, turning into a bubble of light, dividing into one or more stars and coming together again, moving independently from other stars, moving in a group, producing nebula, disappearing from sight and reappearing elsewhere or in the same place, having more than one outer layer of light, producing rings of light, producing orbs, etc

God names and numbers each star, so they are not lost or dying. While many stars are fairly steady, there are others used for displays, and signs, and a thousand other things.

Re: How God Creates

Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2014 2:39 am
by Byblos
This makes flat earthers seem like the most brilliant astrophysicists.

Really? Are you really for real? I am simply at a loss for words.