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Re: Fascinating atheist veridical nde conversion

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2016 5:05 pm
by bippy123
Morny wrote:
Audie wrote:So basically, we have this piece of cloth that the Vatican wont allow anyone to test for authenticity.
No, the Vatican testing cooperation was helpful. Although the Vatican didn't give over exactly the cloth samples that the scientists wanted, the reached compromise satisfied both the Vatican and the scientists.

The radiocarbon test results, by themselves, are consistent with the theory that the plant materials (for making the cloth) being grown in the early 14th century.

For most of us normal people and for nearly all science people, the radiocarbon tests answered the shroud's authenticity question.
Please show this to us cause this is an assertion boldly proclaimed from ignorance .
No where in the shroud literature do even sceptics of the shroud claim this lol

Looks like morny wants the shroud to be a forgery so bad that he's been reduced to making things up just to make himself feel more secure in his scepticism ;)

Classic delusional denialism

Re: Fascinating atheist veridical nde conversion

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2016 5:22 pm
by Philip
Bippy: Looks like morny wants the shroud to be a forgery so bad that he's been reduced to making things up just to make himself feel more secure in his skepticism ;)
And how glaringly obvious it is as to WHY he only wants to trifle over a highly questionable test performed upon far later fibers - because he probably realizes the highly complex, unduplicable details I noted are exceptionally powerful and that they completely eliminate the possibility of an ancient forger. So, yeah, let's just talk about Carbon 14 - which the evidence shows why that is in serious question - and just completely ignore evidences absolutely impossible for an ancient forger - ANY one of which, even by themselves, are astounding and rule out such a forger. And you add them TOGETHER and no rational person could possibly conclude that the forger theory has the slightest merit!

Re: Fascinating atheist veridical nde conversion

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2016 7:40 pm
by Audie
The more all caps, the more rational.

Re: Fascinating atheist veridical nde conversion

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2016 7:16 am
by Audie
Philip wrote:
Bippy: Looks like morny wants the shroud to be a forgery so bad that he's been reduced to making things up just to make himself feel more secure in his skepticism ;)
And how glaringly obvious it is as to WHY he only wants to trifle over a highly questionable test performed upon far later fibers - because he probably realizes the highly complex, unduplicable details I noted are exceptionally powerful and that they completely eliminate the possibility of an ancient forger. So, yeah, let's just talk about Carbon 14 - which the evidence shows why that is in serious question - and just completely ignore evidences absolutely impossible for an ancient forger - ANY one of which, even by themselves, are astounding and rule out such a forger. And you add them TOGETHER and no rational person could possibly conclude that the forger theory has the slightest merit!
Is this impossible for a forger? ... e-1.380888

Re: Fascinating atheist veridical nde conversion

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2016 7:25 am
by Audie

Re: Fascinating atheist veridical nde conversion

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2016 8:13 am
by bippy123
Audie wrote:
Philip wrote:
Bippy: Looks like morny wants the shroud to be a forgery so bad that he's been reduced to making things up just to make himself feel more secure in his skepticism ;)
And how glaringly obvious it is as to WHY he only wants to trifle over a highly questionable test performed upon far later fibers - because he probably realizes the highly complex, unduplicable details I noted are exceptionally powerful and that they completely eliminate the possibility of an ancient forger. So, yeah, let's just talk about Carbon 14 - which the evidence shows why that is in serious question - and just completely ignore evidences absolutely impossible for an ancient forger - ANY one of which, even by themselves, are astounding and rule out such a forger. And you add them TOGETHER and no rational person could possibly conclude that the forger theory has the slightest merit!
Is this impossible for a forger? ... e-1.380888
Lol anyone that still brings the luigi replication up just hasn't done their shroud research .
Even most knowledgable atheists don't bring this up anymore .
Someone hasn't done their homework ;)

Re: Fascinating atheist veridical nde conversion

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2016 8:15 am
by bippy123
Already debunked about a quadrillion times .
Again as Philip , Paul and all have said there is a wealth of info on the shroud thread . These were debunked during the age of the dinosaurs ;)

Re: Fascinating atheist veridical nde conversion

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2016 7:19 am
by B. W.
I find it amazing how militant atheist and intellectuals demand evidence of the God is real or Christ resurrection yet, refuse to actually examine the evidence by simply coming and finding out for themselves by taking the plunge and accepting Jesus to become Born Again for themselves.

For some reason, as once said to me long time ago: excuses are only excuses to do nothing except to make bragging look smart...

Re: Fascinating atheist veridical nde conversion

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 7:00 am
by PaulSacramento
Morny wrote:
Audie wrote:So basically, we have this piece of cloth that the Vatican wont allow anyone to test for authenticity.
No, the Vatican testing cooperation was helpful. Although the Vatican didn't give over exactly the cloth samples that the scientists wanted, the reached compromise satisfied both the Vatican and the scientists.

The radiocarbon test results, by themselves, are consistent with the theory that the plant materials (for making the cloth) being grown in the early 14th century.

For most of us normal people and for nearly all science people, the radiocarbon tests answered the shroud's authenticity question.

I assume you decided to ignore the links I posted?

Or the simple fact that the parts tested from the Shroud are NOT original?

Then I guess only one question is left to ask:

HOW did they do this in the 14th century ?

Re: Fascinating atheist veridical nde conversion

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 7:08 am
by EssentialSacrifice

very clear cut and readily understandable current info on the shroud. if, after reading this....
Paul S wrote:
Then I guess only one question is left to ask: HOW did they do this in the 14th century ?

Re: Fascinating atheist veridical nde conversion

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 8:30 am
by PaulSacramento
EssentialSacrifice wrote:

very clear cut and readily understandable current info on the shroud. if, after reading this....
Paul S wrote:
Then I guess only one question is left to ask: HOW did they do this in the 14th century ?
Thanks for the link, I had forgot about this one.

As a person that had NEVER believed the shroud to be anything but a forgery for the very reason so many do, the C14 dating, It was the shroud thread and all the links to other research that showed that it is NOT a 14tjh century forgery, that made me a believer that it was NOT a forgery.
I still did NOT believe that it was of Christ though, until I realized that no one had ever been able to reproduce the image.
Then I read about the only experiment to even come CLOSE and that was one that used radiation.
So I asked myself, if not Christ when WHO? and if not a supernatural event, then WHAT?

Re: Fascinating atheist veridical nde conversion

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 9:18 am
by EssentialSacrifice
Does the Shroud Give Evidence of Jesus’ Resurrection?

The research of the 1978 STURP Investigation, as well as subsequent research of John
Jackson, Giulio Fanti, Paolo Di Lazzaro and their teams, shows the likelihood that sometime
after the blood deposits had dried on the Shroud, the decomposing body in the Shroud emitted a
short intense burst of vacuum ultraviolet radiation that led to a dehydration and discoloration of
the frontal and dorsal parts of the Shroud, giving rise to a perfect photographic negative image.

Jackson’s research also suggests that the body inside the Shroud became mechanically
transparent and emitted light evenly from every 3-dimensional point within it. This allowed the
frontal part of the Shroud to collapse – creating an image (of both the inside and outside of the
hands) as well as a double image on the frontal part of the Shroud.

So where do we stand? The first three of the above five enigmas (see above V.B) of
image formation can be explained by a short intense burst of vacuum ultraviolet radiation
emitted from the body. This explanation has been shown to be realistic through experimental
replication (by Paolo Di Lazzaro et al.).
The fourth and fifth enigmas imply that the body in the
Shroud became mechanically transparent and emitted light evenly from every three dimensional
point within it.

62 Sergio Prostak 2011 “Scientists Suggest Turin Shroud Authentic,” December 21, 2011 in
( ... entic.html).
63 Frank Viviano 2015 “Why Shroud of Turin’s Secrets Continue to Elude Science” National Geographic April 17,
2015 ( ... onscience/
all of the above from here: ... _Turin.pdf an honestly ridiculously large amount of Shroud information through the year 2015. For those who actually wish to intelligently converse, this is your "look before you leap" scholastic Shroud of Turin primer. bips is your instructor. :D

Re: Fascinating atheist veridical nde conversion

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 4:23 pm
by Morny
PaulSacramento wrote: I assume you decided to ignore the links I posted?
You made the claim about the labs' radiometric dating: "numerous protocols were violated".

I asked you the following and you have not yet responded:
Which protocols were violated? Clearly and concisely state your position. Then pick your best link (or maybe two) that supports your position, so that I can respond.

And are you claiming the cloth sample was from a 14th century repair? If so, then how were all the labs able to accurately date the sample to the 14th century?! If not, then state your claim clearly and concisely. Then pick your best link that supports your position.

We cannot carry on a meaningful discussion, if your Trump-ian strategy is to ignore responses to your own statements.

Re: Fascinating atheist veridical nde conversion

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 5:10 pm
by Audie
EssentialSacrifice wrote:

very clear cut and readily understandable current info on the shroud. if, after reading this....
Paul S wrote:
Then I guess only one question is left to ask: HOW did they do this in the 14th century ?
Why am I not surprised to find that it is a woo woo site?
Your oh- so -impeacable source will also debunk evolution with the
"Theory of shock dynamics".
Article on how dinoszurs died out only a few thousand years zgo.
Who knows what other marvels await those who credulously venture into their site!

The "shroud" may be real, but with friends like ""
who needs skeptics?

Re: Fascinating atheist veridical nde conversion

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 5:17 pm
by EssentialSacrifice
Morny wrote:
I asked you the following and you have not yet responded:
Which protocols were violated? Clearly and concisely state your position. Then pick your best link (or maybe two) that supports your position, so that I can respond.