The Most Wild View On Creation

Discussion about scientific issues as they relate to God and Christianity including archaeology, origins of life, the universe, intelligent design, evolution, etc.
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Re: The Most Wild View On Creation

Post by Audie »

Kurieuo wrote:
Audie wrote:
Kurieuo wrote:There are perks with my Sabbatical framework interpretation though, like I get to kick my feet up, relax and rest while more dogmatic positions fight it out. ;)
You might be able to guess how it all looks like kids talking about star wars, to me.

The dogmosis aspect just makes it funnier.
Yes, I've noticed you like to create some sparks to have a laugh at times at different theological sides clashing. ;)

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Re: The Most Wild View On Creation

Post by abelcainsbrother »

jalvarez4Jesus wrote:
RickD wrote:Well jalvarez,

Cat got your tongue? Or were you just yec all along, pretending to shop at the GAP?

Nobody so easily, gives up on a belief that they defended as much as you defended your Gap Theory.

So what's the deal? Did Kent Hovind send you here from his jail cell?

*edit-nevermind. It seems Hovind was released last year. My, how time flies when you're evading taxes.
Your post fits your profile picture. I was a YEC before Gap and now after Gap. Just because you defend something wrong fiercely doesn't mean you should hold to it when it is proven wrong to you. I'm an open minded person. Unlike most Christians who believe what they believe regardless of what scripture says. Btw, Hovind is a professional lying closet Catholic in my opinion.
Well if you are now after gap after defending it well from a Hebrew perspective what are you now? How long did you hold to the gap and why the change?How was it shown to you the Gap Theory was wrong? Let's discuss it and you don't have to worry about me getting mad,etc because we disagree.I like to discuss bible topics and even when it comes to creation.I have done it many times on here and have never been disrespectful over disagreements.
Hebrews 12:2-3 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,despising the shame,and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

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Re: The Most Wild View On Creation

Post by Jac3510 »

Kurieuo wrote:jalvarez4Jesus, since you're shopping around ;) please check out my Sabbatical understanding.

Since you've left the Gap, and now YEC but Jac has you on ignore, I'd welcome you as my Sabbatical buddy. :P
It would make my already too difficult job a hair easier if I didn't have to deal with J4J's endorsement, too. ;) Or if he doesn't, perhaps I'll have to develop your Sabbatical interpretation--it'd be a lot easier to have you on my team than him. Oh, Lord, could you imagine if J4J were YEC and ACB switched to Sabbatical? I might be forced to go TE.
Proinsias wrote:I don't think you are hearing me. Preference for ice cream is a moral issue
And that, brothers and sisters, is the kind of foolishness you get people who insist on denying biblical theism. A good illustration of any as the length people will go to avoid acknowledging basic truths.
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Re: The Most Wild View On Creation

Post by Kurieuo »

Jac3510 wrote:
Kurieuo wrote:jalvarez4Jesus, since you're shopping around ;) please check out my Sabbatical understanding.

Since you've left the Gap, and now YEC but Jac has you on ignore, I'd welcome you as my Sabbatical buddy. :P
It would make my already too difficult job a hair easier if I didn't have to deal with J4J's endorsement, too. ;) Or if he doesn't, perhaps I'll have to develop your Sabbatical interpretation--it'd be a lot easier to have you on my team than him. Oh, Lord, could you imagine if J4J were YEC and ACB switched to Sabbatical? I might be forced to go TE.
:lol: I don't think he wants to be my buddy. J4J is in fact YEC it seems, and my interpretation was basically deemed heretical. Please ACB keep to Gappery or I'll have to join Jac in becoming TE.
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Re: The Most Wild View On Creation

Post by Audie »

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Re: The Most Wild View On Creation

Post by Kurieuo »

Maybe if I look up in some urban dictionary I will finally find a photo of you. ;)
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Re: The Most Wild View On Creation

Post by Audie »

Kurieuo wrote:
Maybe if I look up in some urban dictionary I will finally find a photo of you. ;)
Only at place and time of my choosing.
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Re: The Most Wild View On Creation

Post by thatkidakayoungguy »

This is really interesting, but I do make some points. First, these people before the first flood couldn't have been men, since humans didn't appear until the end of day 6. Also it seems that Lucifer was in heaven, according to Revelation 12:4, where he took one third of the angels, represented by stars, and cast then TO earth. The ones deceived were in heaven, not earth. These would be the devils, aka fallen angels, which would likely be the origin for at least some of these so called ghost encounters we hear about so much.
I do notice something though: many myths talk about people coming from heaven and creating or remaking this world and putting people on it. What you said is similar, there were people here long ago, then the world was reformed and new beings peopled it (the Norse said giants were the first people, then after a flood humans were created from tree wood). I'm not saying what you wrote is non-Christian, but I do see parallels between it and pagan ideas.
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Re: The Most Wild View On Creation

Post by Hortator »

I think I heard once that creation happened when Stasis met Change. The two "brothers" interacted, and the universe was born from the sundering of frozen time to a path of linear time instead. From this cosmic mess, the brothers met Creation, a beautiful woman. Creation was taken with Stasis, but did not care for Change. In a fit of jealousy, Change stabbed Stasis. The mingled blood of the two brothers became human beings, who are capable of both good and evil. The blood of Change became demons, and Stasis, angels.

After the brother's bout pulled them outside the void forever, the descendants of this clash became the first humans. Most stayed behind to watch after their mother, Creation. But after a while, they started to succumb to the rigors of entropy, and aged and grew old. Most of the first humans, who were powerful beings, escaped such a fate by jettisoning through to Aetherius, leaving the world behind. This left holes in the sky, that we call stars, the biggest one being the sun. The rest of the first humans bred and shed their god-like status for a normal, mortal life.

And here we are today.
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Re: The Most Wild View On Creation

Post by abelcainsbrother »

thatkidakayoungguy wrote:This is really interesting, but I do make some points. First, these people before the first flood couldn't have been men, since humans didn't appear until the end of day 6. Also it seems that Lucifer was in heaven, according to Revelation 12:4, where he took one third of the angels, represented by stars, and cast then TO earth. The ones deceived were in heaven, not earth. These would be the devils, aka fallen angels, which would likely be the origin for at least some of these so called ghost encounters we hear about so much.
I do notice something though: many myths talk about people coming from heaven and creating or remaking this world and putting people on it. What you said is similar, there were people here long ago, then the world was reformed and new beings peopled it (the Norse said giants were the first people, then after a flood humans were created from tree wood). I'm not saying what you wrote is non-Christian, but I do see parallels between it and pagan ideas.
Just to clarify it is a strawman to claim Gap Theorists believe the people before the first flood were men. Gap Theorists have always maintained that they were a pre-Adamite race of beings that were not man.I have a Dake's annotated reference bible written in about the 1920's and it teaches about a pre-Adamite race of beings and they were confirmed correct and still are everytime new hominids are discovered and it happens from time to time. Gap Theorists know the difference between the words created and made and when God created Adam and Eve it means they were new and had never been created before. This pre-Adamite race of beings that the fossil evidence confirms by the way with hominids and Neanderthal's were not man. Now YEC's have to claim they are cave man and women,but no, they were a pre-Adamite race of beings that were not man and they have nothing to do with this world. God created Adam and Eve and they were not caveman and cave woman like they claim. And since there was a Gap and the former world perished completely YEC's cannot use the old death came into the world because of Adam's sin so there can be no death before man argument because what happened in the former world has nothing to do with this world. And since Adam and Eve death came into the world when they sinned and it effected this world. And before the foundation(katabole)of the world God knew Jesus would be sent to redeem us from our sin.
Hebrews 12:2-3 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,despising the shame,and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

2nd Corinthians 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not,lest the light of this glorious gospel of Christ,who is the image of God,should shine unto them.
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Re: The Most Wild View On Creation

Post by RickD »

Hortator wrote:I think I heard once that creation happened when Stasis met Change. The two "brothers" interacted, and the universe was born from the sundering of frozen time to a path of linear time instead. From this cosmic mess, the brothers met Creation, a beautiful woman. Creation was taken with Stasis, but did not care for Change. In a fit of jealousy, Change stabbed Stasis. The mingled blood of the two brothers became human beings, who are capable of both good and evil. The blood of Change became demons, and Stasis, angels.

After the brother's bout pulled them outside the void forever, the descendants of this clash became the first humans. Most stayed behind to watch after their mother, Creation. But after a while, they started to succumb to the rigors of entropy, and aged and grew old. Most of the first humans, who were powerful beings, escaped such a fate by jettisoning through to Aetherius, leaving the world behind. This left holes in the sky, that we call stars, the biggest one being the sun. The rest of the first humans bred and shed their god-like status for a normal, mortal life.

And here we are today.
That's interesting. I may have to look into this more. It sounds plausible. y:-?
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Re: The Most Wild View On Creation

Post by RickD »

For you ACB. The Gap Band.
John 5:24
24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.

“A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves.”
-Edward R Murrow

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Re: The Most Wild View On Creation

Post by Kurieuo »

RickD wrote:
Hortator wrote:I think I heard once that creation happened when Stasis met Change. The two "brothers" interacted, and the universe was born from the sundering of frozen time to a path of linear time instead. From this cosmic mess, the brothers met Creation, a beautiful woman. Creation was taken with Stasis, but did not care for Change. In a fit of jealousy, Change stabbed Stasis. The mingled blood of the two brothers became human beings, who are capable of both good and evil. The blood of Change became demons, and Stasis, angels.

After the brother's bout pulled them outside the void forever, the descendants of this clash became the first humans. Most stayed behind to watch after their mother, Creation. But after a while, they started to succumb to the rigors of entropy, and aged and grew old. Most of the first humans, who were powerful beings, escaped such a fate by jettisoning through to Aetherius, leaving the world behind. This left holes in the sky, that we call stars, the biggest one being the sun. The rest of the first humans bred and shed their god-like status for a normal, mortal life.

And here we are today.
That's interesting. I may have to look into this more. It sounds plausible. y:-?
I think you guys need to smoke something different. :P
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Re: The Most Wild View On Creation

Post by Philip »

For you ACB. The Gap Band.
Ah, the last lyrics of that song might be appropriate for ACB?

Just like Adam and Eve.
Said you'd set me free, you took me to the sky
I'd never been so high
You were my pills, you were my thrills
You were my hope baby, you were my smoke
You dropped… (the GAP on me, heheh)

Hey, at least ACB's GAP isn't as vast as Audie's!
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Re: The Most Wild View On Creation

Post by thatkidakayoungguy »

abelcainsbrother wrote:
thatkidakayoungguy wrote:This is really interesting, but I do make some points. First, these people before the first flood couldn't have been men, since humans didn't appear until the end of day 6. Also it seems that Lucifer was in heaven, according to Revelation 12:4, where he took one third of the angels, represented by stars, and cast then TO earth. The ones deceived were in heaven, not earth. These would be the devils, aka fallen angels, which would likely be the origin for at least some of these so called ghost encounters we hear about so much.
I do notice something though: many myths talk about people coming from heaven and creating or remaking this world and putting people on it. What you said is similar, there were people here long ago, then the world was reformed and new beings peopled it (the Norse said giants were the first people, then after a flood humans were created from tree wood). I'm not saying what you wrote is non-Christian, but I do see parallels between it and pagan ideas.
Just to clarify it is a strawman to claim Gap Theorists believe the people before the first flood were men. Gap Theorists have always maintained that they were a pre-Adamite race of beings that were not man.I have a Dake's annotated reference bible written in about the 1920's and it teaches about a pre-Adamite race of beings and they were confirmed correct and still are everytime new hominids are discovered and it happens from time to time. Gap Theorists know the difference between the words created and made and when God created Adam and Eve it means they were new and had never been created before. This pre-Adamite race of beings that the fossil evidence confirms by the way with hominids and Neanderthal's were not man. Now YEC's have to claim they are cave man and women,but no, they were a pre-Adamite race of beings that were not man and they have nothing to do with this world. God created Adam and Eve and they were not caveman and cave woman like they claim. And since there was a Gap and the former world perished completely YEC's cannot use the old death came into the world because of Adam's sin so there can be no death before man argument because what happened in the former world has nothing to do with this world. And since Adam and Eve death came into the world when they sinned and it effected this world. And before the foundation(katabole)of the world God knew Jesus would be sent to redeem us from our sin.
Sorry I didn't know he was referring to non humans there. I knew Gap theorists usually accept a pre-Adamic non human race, but since people have so many differing views on creation I wasn't sure.
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