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Re: Mocking the Poor

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2018 10:33 pm
by Blessed
edwardmurphy wrote:Blessed - Better in the traditional sense. If you're you with white skin you'll have an easier time dealing with the police, finding employment or housing, locating a competent barber, and generally moving through life than if you were you with non-white skin.
None of this applies to when I was denied tutoring in college for being white (yet still required to pay fees with tuition)., Denied housing in college. Denied loan subsidizes in college. Denied jobs in college, and could not get a job, any job, in college, no matter how hard I tried, and when I DID it was in statistical analysis department which I was "let go" and replaced with a Hispanic person who quit after a few weeks - because I was white. After college could still not a job and had to work for FREE full time for 6+ months just to get relevant work experience to put on my resume. Yes just to get a job nor does it apply to me being turned down for the government job I applied for after college (thank goodness I never got it) nor all the, people, I liaison with in the public sector on a weekly basis as part of my work who clearly got their positions based on their merit and working knowledge... and not their race or ethnicity. Oh yes wink wink. Oh yes.

I would not dare say more on a public forum. Only privately over dinner or some such. But I deal with more than my fair share of people who got their supervisory positions because of their skin color. And breaking news: they aren't white. If you're white or Asian and want to work for government - have fun getting passed over by nincompoops who get paid more while you sit in check.

Even in the private sector the trend is against hiring whites. Even if to protect yourself from claims of discrimination. Interestingly almost all the Asian based companies with offices in Los Angeles use whites almost exclusively in their advertising and marketing - yet do not hire whites and insist on using Asian vendors. Go to Forever 21's corporate offices in Los Angeles (no cameras allowed). You will see hundreds of people in cubicles. Show me one white, black or Hispanic person. I had one lady flat out tell me "we aren't using you for our business because your not Philipino" lol. The trend is against whites in the workplace. If you're not white there are literally thousands of programs to give you a "leg up" over white people.

I cannot stress how hard affirmative action has hit white people and Asians in government.This idea that whites have it better in the workplace is a fantasy.

As far as dealing with the police. I think allot of this is media. I watched this white guy get murdered by the police here:

His "crime" was shoplifting and fleeing. It was bananas after with police detaining the entire building and confiscating peoples phones as "evidence". Interestingly this was the only video (that I know of) to make it out because the gay guy who took it ran out of there afterwards to give it to the channel 4 news media in the park.

Unarmed. Back turned. Running away down the beach stairs. Gunned down by an army of cops. Not one little peep in the news. Nothing. Because .... they didn't find out he was gay until after the fact - so since it was just a white guy, it wasn't liberal media newsworthy. Not one mention in any MSM outlet after this happened. None. It was like it never happened. That really opened my eyes to police being "racist". It's not the police. It's the media showing what they want to show.

My girlfriend (white) and I (white) were also accosted during a traffic stop by a cop (white) drew his gun screaming his head off because.. I would not answer his traffic top questions like "where you heading today" "what do you do for work" "you live close by" "did you know it's illegal to cross a double yellow in California". I just gave him my DL RG and INS then sat quietly with my hands on the wheel (its my 5th amendment right not to say anything) then he starts screaming "what's in that bottle!" "whats in that bottle" (and i did not answer him because in CA you can get arrested for possessing over 2.5 oz container of mace) so pulls his gun screaming "whats in that bottle" and jumps into the car "fearing for his life" screaming don't move because... he saw I had pepper spray in the console and it was a "threat" to him. Screaming like a psycho. I guess he forgot to accidentally shoot me because I'm white right? ha ha ha ha ha

I will say I've learned the hard way if you want a "competent barber" you need to stick with a style that suits you and cut it yourself. I paid hundreds on hairstylists in the best areas of Los Angeles and Las Vegas including Britney Spears former hairstylist at Paris Casino Las Vegas(she provided photos and texts from Britney Spears as proof) trying to get a perfect haircut before I figured out I'm a guy and can cut myself for free with a pair a $20 clippers from Walgreens.

Re: Mocking the Poor

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2018 12:31 am
by Blessed
thatkidakayoungguy wrote: Good point, but, I'm referring to how it is too regulated and so no work happens around here. It's driving the avg joe out.
That's good news. There should even be more regulations, policing and enforcement to put more of them out of work. I say bring on the left wing nutcases and put them in charge of the fish. This will drive the price of fish up so high .. the average person won't be able to afford it - until fish stocks can recover.

I have no idea how fish stocks have lasted this long honestly. 7 billion mouths to feed. I wanna walk into Publix or Vons or Piggly Wiggly and see Sea Bass and Mahi and Wild Salmon selling for $50.00 a slab.

All these old people around here are obsessed with fish like it's the fountain of youth or something. Uhhhhhhhhhhh ! I eat Wild Salmon! Uhhhhhhhhhhh ! Every day me and my wife Uhhhhhhhhhhh ! Wild Salmon! It's got Uhhhhhhhhhh Salmon Uhhhhhhhhhhh!

Too. Many. People.

Not. Enough. Fish.

Re: Mocking the Poor

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2018 8:14 am
by thatkidakayoungguy
Blessed wrote:
thatkidakayoungguy wrote:
Blessed wrote:
thatkidakayoungguy wrote:I'm white.

I must say I am not surprised.. Seems racial stereotypes hold true on this here...
Yep. There's white stereotyping and to some degree there is double standards against whites.
It's like the hate and injustice just shifts to one other group.
All this will go away when Jesus comes back.

Yes but you are aware the BDSM scene is whiter than a 1950's suburban Christmas party correct?

I am watching these "fetish factory" parties online. A bunch of freak pervert degenerates...
Oh goodness gracious. Why did you bring that up here, and not in the proper thread?
Stop watching those parties. I don't look up porn anymore anyhow.

Re: Mocking the Poor

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2018 8:17 am
by thatkidakayoungguy
Blessed wrote:
thatkidakayoungguy wrote: Good point, but, I'm referring to how it is too regulated and so no work happens around here. It's driving the avg joe out.
That's good news. There should even be more regulations, policing and enforcement to put more of them out of work. I say bring on the left wing nutcases and put them in charge of the fish. This will drive the price of fish up so high .. the average person won't be able to afford it - until fish stocks can recover.

I have no idea how fish stocks have lasted this long honestly. 7 billion mouths to feed. I wanna walk into Publix or Vons or Piggly Wiggly and see Sea Bass and Mahi and Wild Salmon selling for $50.00 a slab.

All these old people around here are obsessed with fish like it's the fountain of youth or something. Uhhhhhhhhhhh ! I eat Wild Salmon! Uhhhhhhhhhhh ! Every day me and my wife Uhhhhhhhhhhh ! Wild Salmon! It's got Uhhhhhhhhhh Salmon Uhhhhhhhhhhh!

Too. Many. People.

Not. Enough. Fish.
These are just regular people trying to make a living...

Re: Mocking the Poor

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2018 10:45 am
by edwardmurphy
Blessed, it seems like you suffer from White Grievance Syndrome.

I'm sorry that college was tough, but I work in human services with kids who are about to enter college and I've yet to have any of them turned down for tutoring because they were white. Topically access to additional help is specified in a student's Individual Education Plan. I don't think you're being entirely forthcoming in your description of events.

Regarding your experiences in government work, that sounds like a pain, but I looked up the published data on federal government employees and the numbers don't line up. Blacks make up about 18% of the federal workforce, while whites make up 65%. White federal employees earn an average of about $12K more per year than their Black counterparts. I'd say that that's strong evidence that there are more Whites than Blacks in management positions. And last I looked, veterans got to jump to the head of the line for federal jobs, so it's possible that some of the folks that you assume are affirmative action hires actually did a few years in the military. Blacks make up 12% of our population, so it's true that they're overrepresented in the federal government jobs, but only by about 5%. I think that you're overestimating the impact of affirmative action as well as underestimating the number of Whites in Federal government positions.

The video is disturbing, but I don't buy your conclusions. First off, the story was widely reported after the video appeared on social media, which is precisely the same thing that happened with all of the highly publicized instances of police killing unarmed Blacks. You might not have seen it on TV, but it took me about 10 seconds to find a bunch of articles in your local papers. Turns out that your fleeing shoplifter actually tried to rob a drugstore while high on meth, threatened police with some scissors, then led then on a 12-mile car chase. He was shot by cops on the beach. They claimed that they heard gunshots - probably from the cops on the street firing beanbag rounds at the suspect - and then fired on him when he reached for something in his belt. They were exonerated, but the LBPD later paid a couple million dollars in a settlement to the guy's family. Anyway, the whole thing is a tragedy, but that doesn't make it evidence of an anti-White police force.

Your experience with the angry cop is unfortunate, but [poop] happens, particularly when you don't follow instructions. But I think it's beside the point. I didn't say that white people NEVER have bad experiences with the cops, I said that typically things go better for Whites than for Blacks. Typically.

Re: Mocking the Poor

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2018 1:01 pm
by RickD
I have a story that proves whites are discriminated against, by cops.

When I was 16, and drove with a heavy foot, I got two tickets by the same cop. And he pulled me over a third time, and almost gave me a third ticket. That's proof of racism against white people.

Re: Mocking the Poor

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2018 2:25 pm
by thatkidakayoungguy
Well what I said about my aunt shows there is discrimination of whites, and yes there is discrimination against blacks and other groups like Ed showed.

Re: Mocking the Poor

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2018 4:04 pm
by Hortator
I don’t have any formal opinions on race. Just that it seems like a fruitless argument, where both parties are left resentful of the other when it goes wrong.

I’ve tried a “hands-off” let’s discuss something else approach to race. But it increasingly seems like neutrality is becoming less of an option, in many areas, race included.

I wish we could just sweep race under the rug, but there are intrinsic values we assign to skin tone and facial structure. Through the 60s, 70s and 80s, in studies conducted, children have been shown to prefer the company of other children that look similar to themselves. It passed the double-blind and everything. It’s a sad aspect of our human nature, so what do we do with it? I have no idea

Re: Mocking the Poor

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2018 4:32 pm
by edwardmurphy
thatkidakayoungguy wrote:
Blessed wrote:
thatkidakayoungguy wrote:
Blessed wrote:
thatkidakayoungguy wrote:I'm white.

I must say I am not surprised.. Seems racial stereotypes hold true on this here...
Yep. There's white stereotyping and to some degree there is double standards against whites.
It's like the hate and injustice just shifts to one other group.
All this will go away when Jesus comes back.

Yes but you are aware the BDSM scene is whiter than a 1950's suburban Christmas party correct?

I am watching these "fetish factory" parties online. A bunch of freak pervert degenerates...
Oh goodness gracious. Why did you bring that up here, and not in the proper thread?
Stop watching those parties. I don't look up porn anymore anyhow.
Wait, you guys have a thread about BDSM porn? What the hell...?

Re: Mocking the Poor

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2018 5:46 pm
by thatkidakayoungguy
edwardmurphy wrote:
thatkidakayoungguy wrote:
Blessed wrote:
thatkidakayoungguy wrote:
Blessed wrote:

I must say I am not surprised.. Seems racial stereotypes hold true on this here...
Yep. There's white stereotyping and to some degree there is double standards against whites.
It's like the hate and injustice just shifts to one other group.
All this will go away when Jesus comes back.

Yes but you are aware the BDSM scene is whiter than a 1950's suburban Christmas party correct?

I am watching these "fetish factory" parties online. A bunch of freak pervert degenerates...
Oh goodness gracious. Why did you bring that up here, and not in the proper thread?
Stop watching those parties. I don't look up porn anymore anyhow.
Wait, you guys have a thread about BDSM porn? What the hell...?
I was wanting to know if mild BDSM within marriage was bad. The answer was yes. You can look it up.

Re: Mocking the Poor

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2018 6:03 pm
by edwardmurphy
Thanks, but I'd rather not. I'm not into BDSM and if I was I wouldn't allow Christianity to limit my experiences, so it's not really relevant to me. I was just kind of surprised. First time I've seen that topic come up in these parts, y'know? And it was completely out of the blue, in the middle of a discussion about race in America.

Also, the answer to that question, and all other religious questions, is "it depends who you ask."

Follow-up question -

Blessed, why are you watching "fetish factory" parties online if you find the participants to be "freak pervert degenerates?" Surely the first few seconds of the first party must have given you all of the information that you needed to reach your conclusion, yet you're using verbs in the present tense and plural nouns.

Re: Mocking the Poor

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2018 6:06 pm
by thatkidakayoungguy
edwardmurphy wrote:
Blessed, why are you watching "fetish factory" parties online if you find the participants to be "freak pervert degenerates?" Surely the first few seconds of the first party must have given you all of the information that you needed to reach your conclusion, yet you're using verbs in the present tense and plural nouns.
I'm not sure, but he might like it. Or maybe he has a dose of morbid curiosity.
That would be my two main reasons, which I'm handling better.

Re: Mocking the Poor

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2018 6:47 pm
by Blessed
thatkidakayoungguy wrote: Stop watching those parties. I don't look up porn anymore anyhow.
It's not "porn" its just a bunch of freaks dressed up in latex..

Re: Mocking the Poor

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2018 6:48 pm
by Blessed
thatkidakayoungguy wrote: I'm not sure, but he might like it. Or maybe he has a dose of morbid curiosity.
That would be my two main reasons, which I'm handling better.
You brought it up so I looked it up. Don't blame it on me dude.I don't like this garbage.

Re: Mocking the Poor

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2018 6:58 pm
by thatkidakayoungguy
Blessed wrote:
thatkidakayoungguy wrote: I'm not sure, but he might like it. Or maybe he has a dose of morbid curiosity.
That would be my two main reasons, which I'm handling better.
You brought it up so I looked it up. Don't blame it on me dude.I don't like this garbage.
Ight, but I'm not sure why you said it in this thread.
Good to see you don't like it.