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Re: Percentage Wearing a Mask Protects Against Covid

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2020 9:28 am
by RickD
edwardmurphy wrote: Wed Jul 29, 2020 7:30 am
RickD wrote: Wed Jul 29, 2020 7:00 amCognitive dissonance indeed!
If the things that you're saying are true it should take you about 90 seconds to list a bunch of evidence to support them, yet you always seem to reply with a snappy one liner rather than evidence. I can easily support every single one of my criticisms of Donald Trump, and I've often done so. Why don't you support your criticisms of Joe Biden?
Why do you feel that I need to provide evidence to you? You’re going to believe what you want. Just like much of the false crap that you post about Trump.

You’re the anti-Abelcainsbrother. In his eyes Trump doesn’t do any wrong. In your eyes, Trump is the second coming of Hitler.

There’s no point arguing with either of you. It’s pointless.

Re: Percentage Wearing a Mask Protects Against Covid

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2020 3:04 pm
by abelcainsbrother
edwardmurphy wrote: Wed Jul 29, 2020 6:20 am
RickD wrote: Wed Jul 29, 2020 3:12 amYou’ve literally described Joe Biden to a T.

How you don’t see that is beyond me.
You tend to say stuff like that. You don't tend to support it. So why do you believe those things? What are your sources? Where's your evidence?
You're the one who does'nt give evidence. You think showing us news propaganda and fake news is evidence. I used to give you evidence but you just ignored it because you only trust your sources for news instead of removing your bias and truthfully and honestly looking for the truth.I stopped giving you evidence a long time ago because you just ignore it. It is an atheist tactic to ignore any and all evidence for God while they sit there with no evidence.You still deny Hillary was the one who started the birther conspiracy even when I showed you evidence she did. By the way do not forget that it is going to be exposed that Obama was a CIA agent,was not born in the US,but Kenya. And once it is proven he will be impeached because you must be born in the US to run for President and Obama was not.And you'll see it was fake news you believed.

Re: Percentage Wearing a Mask Protects Against Covid

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2020 4:01 pm
by edwardmurphy
RickD wrote: Wed Jul 29, 2020 9:28 amWhy do you feel that I need to provide evidence to you? You’re going to believe what you want. Just like much of the false crap that you post about Trump.
What false crap did I post? Got an example?

Re: Percentage Wearing a Mask Protects Against Covid

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2020 3:52 am
by RickD
edwardmurphy wrote: Wed Jul 29, 2020 4:01 pm
RickD wrote: Wed Jul 29, 2020 9:28 amWhy do you feel that I need to provide evidence to you? You’re going to believe what you want. Just like much of the false crap that you post about Trump.
What false crap did I post? Got an example?
Calling Trump racist.

Re: Percentage Wearing a Mask Protects Against Covid

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2020 6:58 am
by edwardmurphy
If Birtherism isn't racist how would you characterize it? And "good people on both sides"? And "kung flu"? Here's a whole list of examples.

You can look for ways to rationalize each incident and/or comment, but collectively they paint a pretty damning picture. You can be hyper specific and pedantic with your definitions - Muslim isn't a race, Mexican isn't a race, etc - but I think we all understand that Muslims and Mexicans, generally speaking, aren't White and that Trump has been running on White identity politics and White grievance from the very beginning. You can make the argument that, rather than being a racist himself, Trump is an extremely pragmatic politician who figured locking up the White, working class vote was his best path to power and didn't want to alienate these guys:


You may not have noticed, but the White supremacists sure have. That's why they love him. Not all Trump supporters are White supremacists, but all White supremacists are Trump supporters. Why do you suppose that is?

Anyway, sure, maye he's not racist. Maybe he's just morally bankrupt and happy to use racial animus to his political advantage, even if he tears the country apart in the process. Is that better?

Re: Percentage Wearing a Mask Protects Against Covid

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2020 7:03 am
by Philip
This thread has gotten WAY off the original topic! I suggest if we want to discuss the political side issues, we start a separate thread for this topic!

Re: Percentage Wearing a Mask Protects Against Covid

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2020 7:08 am
by edwardmurphy
Fair enough.

We should all be wearing masks and Trump shouldn't be retweeting videos made by crazy people who say that masks aren't necessary.

Re: Percentage Wearing a Mask Protects Against Covid

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2020 1:18 pm
by RickD
edwardmurphy wrote: Thu Jul 30, 2020 7:08 am Fair enough.

We should all be wearing masks and Trump shouldn't be retweeting videos made by crazy people who say that masks aren't necessary.
I agree. Especially don’t retweet videos of crazy people if they’re black and female. That would almost make it seem like he’s not racist or sexist, and we wouldn’t want that.

Re: Percentage Wearing a Mask Protects Against Covid

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2020 8:19 pm
by edwardmurphy
That's it, Rick. Keep it superficial. Deliberately misunderstand. Split hairs. Pick nits. Anything to keep from thinking about what you've been supporting these last few years...

Re: Percentage Wearing a Mask Protects Against Covid

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2020 10:25 pm
by Kurieuo
edwardmurphy wrote: Thu Jul 30, 2020 7:08 am Fair enough.

We should all be wearing masks and Trump shouldn't be retweeting videos made by crazy people who say that masks aren't necessary.
You mean doctors who are general practitioners? Or Fauci with masks not being necessary?

Re: Percentage Wearing a Mask Protects Against Covid

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2020 2:51 am
by RickD
edwardmurphy wrote: Thu Jul 30, 2020 8:19 pm That's it, Rick. Keep it superficial. Deliberately misunderstand. Split hairs. Pick nits. Anything to keep from thinking about what you've been supporting these last few years...

Ok, you tell me exactly what I’ve been “supporting” these last few years.


Re: Percentage Wearing a Mask Protects Against Covid

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2020 7:33 am
by edwardmurphy
And there it is again.

Nobody is bashing Trump for shaking hands or smiling at Putin. The charges are that his campaign colluded with Russian assets during the election and since then he's been Putin's sniveling, subservient *****. Remember when he gave classified intel to the Russians? Or the time he said that firing Comey would clear up the Russia investigation? Or the time the entire US intelligence establishment confirmed Russian interference, but Putin denied it, and Trump sided with Putin? Or the time the Russians put bounties on our troops and Trump just ignored it? Or then a reporter told Trump that the Russians had been funding and arming the Taliban and Trump first denied knowing that and then said "well, we did that too"?

You are deliberately denying reality in order to cling to your position. SAD!

Re: Percentage Wearing a Mask Protects Against Covid

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2020 7:43 am
by edwardmurphy
Kurieuo wrote: Thu Jul 30, 2020 10:25 pmYou mean doctors who are general practitioners? Or Fauci with masks not being necessary?
And there it is again. Empty nonsense in response to a serious discussion about a life and death issue.

I mean anyone who can't maintain social distancing and doesn't want to contract, suffer from, and perhaps die of Covid. You know, like Herman Cain just did - 2 weeks after declining to wear a mask at a Trump rally.

And I think you know that Fauci's actual statement was that we had a mask shortage and that they should be reserved for medical practitioners and first responders. He made that comment before we knew that the novel coronavirus - novel meaning new and unknown - was so easily transmitted through the air. See, Fauci started with limited information, and he changed his guidance as his understanding of the virus changed. That's what scientists and doctors are supposed to do. It's not an example of incompetence. Incompetence is floating an untested cure, then clinging to it long after clinical trials have shown it to be ineffective. See the difference? You're supposed to trust the person who admits mistakes and is guided by data, not the charlatan who just says what he thinks people want to hear.

Re: Percentage Wearing a Mask Protects Against Covid

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2020 9:20 am
by RickD
The way I see it, is if you’re relying on what a president says about medical advice,any president, then you’re a moron.

It’s best to do your own homework on these issues. Try to find different sources. It’s not rocket surgery.

Re: Percentage Wearing a Mask Protects Against Covid

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2020 6:07 pm
by Kurieuo
edwardmurphy wrote: Fri Jul 31, 2020 7:43 am
Kurieuo wrote: Thu Jul 30, 2020 10:25 pmYou mean doctors who are general practitioners? Or Fauci with masks not being necessary?
And there it is again. Empty nonsense in response to a serious discussion about a life and death issue.

I mean anyone who can't maintain social distancing and doesn't want to contract, suffer from, and perhaps die of Covid. You know, like Herman Cain just did - 2 weeks after declining to wear a mask at a Trump rally.

And I think you know that Fauci's actual statement was that we had a mask shortage and that they should be reserved for medical practitioners and first responders. He made that comment before we knew that the novel coronavirus - novel meaning new and unknown - was so easily transmitted through the air. See, Fauci started with limited information, and he changed his guidance as his understanding of the virus changed. That's what scientists and doctors are supposed to do. It's not an example of incompetence. Incompetence is floating an untested cure, then clinging to it long after clinical trials have shown it to be ineffective. See the difference? You're supposed to trust the person who admits mistakes and is guided by data, not the charlatan who just says what he thinks people want to hear.
Herman made his own choices and is responsible for them. That's the thing about the US, everyone gets to make their own choices, even if you're "protesting" in the street ignoring all medical advice about social distancing and what not. You seem to only be concerned when it fits in with your desired political narrative.

We also had a discussion a few months back, my take that only moron would say masks are useless. You seemed to agree. I've seen both sides flip around on them, but I just don't see the logic of WHY they wouldn't help stop the spread. Obviously, something blocking/reducing transmission of particles via the air from one person to another, such is going to have a big impact on the spread of any virus. Maybe it takes someone with an ounce of logic to see that and people just aren't very logical today.

Fauci's meant to be an "expert" and has given wrong advice. If he said that, in order to reserve masks for medical practitioners, then that's what he should have said rather than lying to the public. It's not his job to handle the logistics of procuring masks, such is the role of state government with federal government support. It isn't his job to be political either, though sadly that's something inescapable given corona has been highly politicised. If he lied to public, then the public can't trust him. It's that simple.

And, by extension, I think anyone who says masks don't make a difference are pretty stupid too with respect to the mask issue. Maybe doctors and nurses should just forego them all together if that's really the case.