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Posted: Tue May 10, 2005 7:26 pm
by August
yet again i am sorry for the inconsistency of my arguments,
and i thank you for pointing out the mistakes i will look into those asap,
in the meanwhile im sorry but i do not know which post you are refering to, if youd be so kind as to refresh my memory (honestly no sarcasm is intended if it seems so)
Scroll up, look for those that say "August" in the left hand margin. Read carefully.
Genesis 23:1 God tempted Abraham.
James 1:13 God tempts no one.
So are you going to continue putting up bullseyes for us to shoot at? You have it wrong again, you mean Genesis 22:1, and the simple answer is that God did not tempt Abraham, he tested him.
Genesis 6:4 The Nephilim (Giants) lived on earth prior to the Flood.
Genesis 7:23 Only Noah and his family, and the animals on the Ark, survived the Flood.
Numbers 13:33 Long after the Flood, the Nephilim (Giants) still lived.
As with all of the supposed contradictions, the answer is rather simple if you bother to do the research.

Heb. nephilim, meaning “violent” or “causing to fall” (Genesis 6:4). These were the violent tyrants of those days, those who fell upon others. The word may also be derived from a root signifying “wonder,” and hence “monsters” or “prodigies.” In Numbers 13:33 this name is given to a Canaanitish tribe, a race of large stature, “the sons of Anak.” This tribe was from Ham, one of the sons of Noah. They were merely big and violent, like those who lived before the flood.

How long do you want to continue playing this game?

I will not answer any more until you start answering my questions.

Posted: Wed May 11, 2005 1:38 am
by ochotseat
Felgar wrote:
Mr.Gay.UK wrote:well if your prophecies are correct then why does the world have an ocean, becase according to the bible the new world will not have a sea

revelation chapter 21 verse 1-2
Because we aren't in the new world. In the illustration notice Earth recreated is at the very end, and we haven't yet seen step 4 on that chart. This is off-topic though - we need a new thread to discuss prophecy and end-time interepretation if you'd like to discuss it.
He didn't answer my question. :roll:

Posted: Wed May 11, 2005 7:22 am
by Mr.Gay.UK

i really hope iv found the post you mean, im sorry i didnt reply, i dont know why i didnt,

hopefully the post u are refering to is my definition of wrong, or how do i know what wrong is.

Well without writing a book about it, wrong in my opinion is something that when i do it, it makes me feel like what iv done isnt right.

you know when u get that feeling inside that doesnt feel right, like if youve had an argument with a freind and u regret it.

Wrong in my definition is something that makes me feel regret and also more importantly is just morally wrong.

like if i saw an old lady carrying her bags (struggling) *cliche i know* then if i didnt help her then i know what id done is wrong.

and i think it is wrong that in the uk it is not against the law to ignore something wrong.

e.g. if a women is being mugged then in law i someone could just stand there and do nothing.

persoannly i think the law should change. so i hope i have given u a clear and accurate description of my beleif on 'Wrong'

if what iv said is completely not what you meant then just ask again!

sorry it took so long to post!

Posted: Wed May 11, 2005 12:42 pm
by AttentionKMartShoppers
So, wrong is a feeling to you? Emotions are one of the worst foundations of anything. They change more oftne than most people change their socks.

Posted: Wed May 11, 2005 1:19 pm
by ochotseat
Mr.Gay.UK wrote:August,

i really hope iv found the post you mean, im sorry i didnt reply, i dont know why i didnt,

hopefully the post u are refering to is my definition of wrong, or how do i know what wrong is.

Well without writing a book about it, wrong in my opinion is something that when i do it, it makes me feel like what iv done isnt right.

you know when u get that feeling inside that doesnt feel right, like if youve had an argument with a freind and u regret it.

Wrong in my definition is something that makes me feel regret and also more importantly is just morally wrong.

like if i saw an old lady carrying her bags (struggling) *cliche i know* then if i didnt help her then i know what id done is wrong.

and i think it is wrong that in the uk it is not against the law to ignore something wrong.

e.g. if a women is being mugged then in law i someone could just stand there and do nothing.

persoannly i think the law should change. so i hope i have given u a clear and accurate description of my beleif on 'Wrong'

if what iv said is completely not what you meant then just ask again!

sorry it took so long to post!
You don't plan to give up homosexuality, do you? :roll:

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 5:10 pm
by XenonII
ochotseat wrote:
Mr.Gay.UK wrote:August,

i really hope iv found the post you mean, im sorry i didnt reply, i dont know why i didnt,

hopefully the post u are refering to is my definition of wrong, or how do i know what wrong is.

Well without writing a book about it, wrong in my opinion is something that when i do it, it makes me feel like what iv done isnt right.

you know when u get that feeling inside that doesnt feel right, like if youve had an argument with a freind and u regret it.

Wrong in my definition is something that makes me feel regret and also more importantly is just morally wrong.

like if i saw an old lady carrying her bags (struggling) *cliche i know* then if i didnt help her then i know what id done is wrong.

and i think it is wrong that in the uk it is not against the law to ignore something wrong.

e.g. if a women is being mugged then in law i someone could just stand there and do nothing.

persoannly i think the law should change. so i hope i have given u a clear and accurate description of my beleif on 'Wrong'

if what iv said is completely not what you meant then just ask again!

sorry it took so long to post!
You don't plan to give up homosexuality, do you? :roll:
You don't plan to give up being an ass, do you? Homosexuality is a sexual orientation. Sexual orientations are not a choice. This is well known. What is also well known is the behaviour based on this orientation, if any, is a sin not the orientation and that this is no worse of a sin than almost any other. :roll:

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 10:47 pm
by ochotseat
XenonII wrote: You don't plan to give up being an ass, do you?
That's your job, remember? :)
What is also well known is the behaviour based on this orientation, if any, is a sin not the orientation and that this is no worse of a sin than almost any other.
If there were no homosexuals, homosexuality would not exist to start. Homosexuals are predisposed to homosexual acts because of genetic imbalances but so are many criminals. God gave man self-control and restraint for a reason.

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 7:28 am
by quic
ochotseat wrote:
XenonII wrote: You don't plan to give up being an ass, do you?
That's your job, remember? :)
What is also well known is the behaviour based on this orientation, if any, is a sin not the orientation and that this is no worse of a sin than almost any other.
If there were no homosexuals, homosexuality would not exist to start. Homosexuals are predisposed to homosexual acts because of genetic imbalances but so are many criminals. God gave man self-control and restraint for a reason.
Have you EVER actually met a gay person?

No Homosexuals = No Homosexuality? jee wizz, how did you work that one out? *sarcasm*

Homosexuals are predisposed to homosexual acts? do you think all we think about is sex? This assumption makes me quite angry (especially from someone I have never even met).

I just can't get my mind around the theory that some people have to live their lives without expressing "soul felt love" for another person... Not because it's a Gift from God, but because they were told that they had to by another (imperfect) human!

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 8:16 am
by Deborah
Personally no judgement means it's none of my business.
But what does God say about it?
Does it not say man will not lay with man as he lays with woman.
God has a plan, it has been made abundantly clear that the plan does not allow for this.
Sure everyone has choices.
If we love and respect god we respect his plan and do our best to stand up to the task ahead. God made such a sacrifice for us, why would we not make a sacrifice for god!
God says repent and be saved.

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 6:06 pm
by ochotseat
quic wrote: Have you EVER actually met a gay person?
I'm sure everyone has at some point.
This assumption makes me quite angry (especially from someone I have never even met).
You can be angry all you want, but just because you may be gay or sympathetic towards homosexuality, that doesn't normalize homosexuality.
Does it not say man will not lay with man as he lays with woman.
Exactly. Stating the truth should not be censored.

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 11:16 pm
by Deborah
ochotseat wrote:Exactly. Stating the truth should not be censored.
They can censor us Orhotseat.
But not one will censor the LORD god. When the time comes he will be heard.


Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 11:20 pm
by Ark~Magic
I think 2 males can be close and compassionate towards each other enough just to meet their own emotional needs but not enough to engage in forbidden, condemned sexual acts.

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2005 1:37 pm
by Felgar
quic wrote:I just can't get my mind around the theory that some people have to live their lives without expressing "soul felt love" for another person... Not because it's a Gift from God, but because they were told that they had to by another (imperfect) human!
Just because a homosexual may be attracted to other men does not mean that it's right to act on that attraction. I don't believe that "I'm made like this" cuts it, personally. We are all sinners, why should that be an excuse to sin at will?

For instance, a married man (I'm quite certain) will often be very attracted to a woman who is not his wife. Does that mean it's ok to commit adultery? Society would say yes, but God says no. Even for a single man who's attracted to women, is it right for that person to sleep with many women because he is attracted to them? Again, God's plan is that we have a life-long partner with which we share our sexuality.

Just because we are all tempted to sin, certainly does not make it right to do so.

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2005 10:08 pm
by XenonII
quic wrote:
ochotseat wrote:
XenonII wrote: You don't plan to give up being an ass, do you?
That's your job, remember? :)
What is also well known is the behaviour based on this orientation, if any, is a sin not the orientation and that this is no worse of a sin than almost any other.
If there were no homosexuals, homosexuality would not exist to start. Homosexuals are predisposed to homosexual acts because of genetic imbalances but so are many criminals. God gave man self-control and restraint for a reason.
Have you EVER actually met a gay person?

No Homosexuals = No Homosexuality? jee wizz, how did you work that one out? *sarcasm*

Homosexuals are predisposed to homosexual acts? do you think all we think about is sex? This assumption makes me quite angry (especially from someone I have never even met).

I just can't get my mind around the theory that some people have to live their lives without expressing "soul felt love" for another person... Not because it's a Gift from God, but because they were told that they had to by another (imperfect) human!
I don't think you think about sex anymore than a normal person, but when you do think about sex it's for someone of the same gender which isn't right or natural. Heterosexuality is permitted by God within the bounds of a lifelong maritial union, homosexual behaviour is never permitted. You can love all you want, but you must first and foremost love the Lord God with all your heart. You can be a homosexual and not be a sinner just be celibate, it's not that hard! (no pun intended). :wink:

Re: RE:

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 4:50 am
by ochotseat
Ark~Magic wrote:I think 2 males can be close and compassionate towards each other enough just to meet their own emotional needs but not enough to engage in forbidden, condemned sexual acts.
Don't worry, Ark. We won't pan you for stopping short of those forbidden sexual acts. :wink: