Do mormon's go to heaven too?

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Re: Are Mormons going to Heaven To /

Post by ochotseat »

Tanyan wrote:I am going to be gone until 9:00 pm C.A time so please no more posts to me until then, and keep it light if you do post, thanks ya,all. May Grace rain on you all, In His Debt/Grace, Tanyan.
You know you don't have to respond to all posts directed to you, and people have a right to post whenever they want.
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Post by CountryBoy »


You seem to elevate joe smith to a God status by insisting his name be a certain way, Christians ONLY do that with Christ. You guys treat joe smith like the islamics treat Mohamed...that's troublesome about your teachings.

Didn't joe smith teach that mormons become gods? Do they get their own planet?

Could you elaborate on these areas. You seem to have been dodging the direct questions like this for some reason. My desire is for you to teach me a little more about some of the things that joe taught that were never taught in the holy scriptures.

And also, aren't there many area's where joe's teachings (or mormonism) has changed it's view? As someone stated earlier, poligamy seems to now be frowned on. Didn't they also never admit african americans into the church...and has that changed?

And I really don't think you can compare Christians today not accepting joe smiths gospel to the early Jews not accepting the New Testament teachings. The New Testament is all about the Messiah, the book of mormon seems to leave all of that out and tell many things that actually override the Holy Scriptures, and elevate joe smith. Or are you telling us that joe smith is your messiah? If that is the case, then you can compare the 2.

NO WHERE in the New Testament is any human being elevated like joe smith is elevated in your group. When someone elevates themselves like that, or is elevated by their followers like that...WATCH OUT.

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Are Mormons going to Heaven To ?

Post by Tanyan »

AttentionKMartShoppers wrote:Why is it that doctrine can change? Polygomy was backed up by doctrine, until something, some military troops, I can't remember, were sent to Utah to fix everything up with the one man, many women problem, so another angel popped down and changed doctrine....that wasn't from a Mormom (since I started citing Mormom/non-Mormon sources, I'll continue).

Thank you for your post, I would not say that Doctrine changed, its like in the N.T when the Gospel was only to go to the House of Israel, then later The Apostle Peter recieves a revelation so as the Gentiles could also recieve the Good News as well.
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Re: Are Mormons going to Heaven To ?

Post by bizzt »

Tanyan wrote: Thank you for your post, I would not say that Doctrine changed, its like in the N.T when the Gospel was only to go to the House of Israel, then later The Apostle Peter recieves a revelation so as the Gentiles could also recieve the Good News as well.
WHAT! That is not the same thing! The Apostle Peter had a Direct revelation from God that never contradicted God. If Joe Smith had a revelation that Polygamy is good and the 100 years later another Angel said it was not Good there is contradiction there!!! God does not Contradict a word that was given!! On top of that he never changed the fact Gentiles could be saved as there were many NON-Jews in the old testament that were saved! He was trying to change Peter's Heart on Gentiles!
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Are Mormons going to Heaven to ?.

Post by Tanyan »

There are responses to the above criticisms above that have been done via Books/Journals/Papers/Tracts/DVD'S/Videos/CD'S/Audio Cassettes and Internet web sites adinfinentum. For example the claim of no DNA evidence for the Book Of Mormon is incorrect and has been responded to by LDS DNA Geneticist Scott Woodward and Michael Whiting who by the way are world renowned experts in there field and have other non LDS Geneticist who look at our critics evidence and shake there heads in wonderment.
Rather than getting into a spitting contest with camels and reply to unchristlike/uncharitable comments by those who post not in the spirit of love and meekness [Please don't run to Paul, when he had a sincere person or persons to address he displayed the above qualities, but if he had a Hypocrite/Hypocrites that were self rightious then it was a different story, he let them have it. I would invite you to the following web site that responds to the above [And all Criticisms] in relation to LDS Doctrine/Teaching/Thought/Practice : http;//
once there and read the opening page click on web links or the topical guide to read our responses and reasons for our Faith. I apologize for asking not to post untill a certain time its just Time for me is valuable. I forgive the Bombastic statements made above, THE LORD OF LIFE, his Prophets/Apostles recieved the same spirit of treatment to them, I am truly blessed. May Grace and Forgivness Rain on you all, IN HIS DEBT, Tanyan.
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Are Mormons going to Heaven To ?

Post by Tanyan »

The LORD OF LIFE told the Apostles to " Go not into the way of the gentiles and any city of Samaria, enter not but only go to the House of Israel- Matt10:5, Peter recieved a Revelation to change that policy. In His Grace, Tanyan.
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Re: Are Mormons going to Heaven To ?

Post by bizzt »

Tanyan wrote:The LORD OF LIFE told the Apostles to " Go not into the way of the gentiles and any city of Samaria, enter not but only go to the House of Israel- Matt10:5, Peter recieved a Revelation to change that policy. In His Grace, Tanyan.
Yes Jesus did tell him this Tanyan however at that time Jesus did not come to the Gentiles but to only the Israelites! If you notice there was only ONE Miracle Jesus performed on a Gentile and that was the Samarian Woman! Jesus knew that it was not TIME to go and perform Miracles on Gentiles BUT he took Pity on her and seen her faith in God! God's Plan never changed!! On top of that look at Belshazzar (believe that was his name) in the old Testament, and the Woman in Jerhico (spelling anybody) who helped the Spies!!! These are people who trusted in God yet were not Israelites! What I am getting at here it was never God's plan not to include Gentiles but it was Man's plan and that is what God was trying to correct with Peter!
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Are Mormons going to Heaven To /

Post by Tanyan »

bzzt, Thank you for your thoughtful reply, that was kind of you. Revelation and Timing, great thats what LDS believe. May Grace/Love Abound to you todayIn His Debt/Grace, Tanyan.
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Post by CountryBoy »


Do you not have any answers for me? I have had valid questions but you continue to dodge them. hmmmmmmm.

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Are Mormons going to Heaven To /

Post by Tanyan »

For everyone's information joe smith is not correct, the name is Joseph Smith Jr. Thank you.
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Re: Are Mormons going to Heaven To /

Post by bizzt »

Tanyan wrote:bzzt, Thank you for your thoughtful reply, that was kind of you. Revelation and Timing, great thats what LDS believe. May Grace/Love Abound to you todayIn His Debt/Grace, Tanyan.
No Problem... Why are you offended when we call him Joe Smith? I am sure his Close Buddies called him Joe?
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Are Mormons going to Heaven To /

Post by Tanyan »

I am not offended, Its just proper to call a person by there real name using a capitol for there first letter of there name "joe smith" should properly be "Joseph Smith" he is also Joseph Smith the 3rd. From my readings his friends called him "Joseph" not "joe". Thank you for your post. In His Debt, Tanyan.
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Are Mormons going to Heaven To ?

Post by Tanyan »


Do you not have any answers for me? I have had valid questions but you continue to dodge them. hmmmmmmm.

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Jesus the King[/quote]

CountryBoy, I do not "dodge" your questions, and there are responses, why the hmmmmmmm ?, that is very prideful of you. Try again.
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Are Mormons going to Heaven To ?

Post by Tanyan »

CountryBoy, go to which answers/responds to your problems you see [Along with all criticisms made against us] in the LDS Church. In His Debt, Tanyan.
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Post by twoedgedsword »

Tanyan first I would like to give you some credit for staying in this debate.

In reply to the Dna results don't you think its a little too convenient that the scientists who claim that there is linking DNA are mormons.
and the scientists who found there is no linking DNA are members of the smithsonian institute which by the way have wasted their time for years trying to unearth anything that the book of mormon claims to be true of the jaredites.
The book of mormon claims that they were as numerous as the sands of the sea with smelters and other things that didn't even exist in the americas.
The people at the Smithsonian want to find evidence because of the huge publicity it would give them, they have everything to gain from such a discovery, but there is no evidence!!!
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