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Post by ochotseat »

bizzt wrote: Did Jesus Question why people were Beggars in the First Place OC? No he met their Needs.
We can't possibly aspire to be Jesus. He's the Lord.
Rom 12:20 Therefore if thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink: for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head.
1Cr 13:3 And though I bestow all my goods to feed [the poor], and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing.
Those don't mention anything about government handouts. Jesus also said that we should teach people job skills in preference to giving them handouts.
Prodigal Son wrote:
i do wonder if you are this heartless, or if you are truly so incredibly blind.
More of your bleeding heart nonsense? It's called compassionate conservatism.
Deborah wrote: Your forgetting the teen run aways. There are allot of reasons why people are homeless. Society lets them down. When old people end up in homes to hardly ever see those whom are suppose to love them. There is something wrong with society! We are living in a society that clearly is selfish and doesn't care. It's a I am ok, but stuff you society. This is not the society we as Christians should be patting on the head. We need to not only take care of our own, but others too.
No, it's not society's fault. Maybe you feel this way, because you live in a generally more liberal country than I do. We are all born with free will.
No one forced them to turn to drugs or drop out of school.
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Post by Deborah »

We can't possibly aspire to be Jesus. He's the Lord.
While this is true. However we must aspire to walk in his footsteps, and live as he lived. He provided us an example of how to live our lives.
Church tradition tells us that when John, son of Zebadee and brother of James was an old man, his disciples would carry him to church in their arms.
He would simply say, “Little children, love one another”
After a time his disciples wearied at always hearing these same words and asked “Master why do you always say this?
He replied, “it is the Lords command, and if done, it is enough”
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Post by Deborah »

No, it's not society's fault. Maybe you feel this way, because you live in a generally more liberal country than I do. We are all born with free will.
No one forced them to turn to drugs or drop out of school.
yes and no one forced parents to beat the cr ap out of their kids either, or ignore then, so that they think living on the streets is better than living at home. When one parent abuses their child and the other parent ignores that abuse, what is the child suppose to do? not all street kids are addicts.
Church tradition tells us that when John, son of Zebadee and brother of James was an old man, his disciples would carry him to church in their arms.
He would simply say, “Little children, love one another”
After a time his disciples wearied at always hearing these same words and asked “Master why do you always say this?
He replied, “it is the Lords command, and if done, it is enough”
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Post by bizzt »

ochotseat wrote:
bizzt wrote: Did Jesus Question why people were Beggars in the First Place OC? No he met their Needs.
We can't possibly aspire to be Jesus. He's the Lord.
It is funny you say that because you said almost exactly the same thing to Prodigal "What would Jesus Do". Yet hear I make the Same question. So what you are being is a Hypocrite saying one thing and doing exactly the opposite!

For it is written

Mat 7:4 Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam [is] in thine own eye?

Mat 7:5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.

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Post by Prodigal Son »

the primary causes of homelessness continue to be: unaffordable housing, mental illness, physical illness, and family breakdown. drug addiction is a secondary cause. laziness is not a cause at all. almost 50% of homeless people are children/young adults.

kateliz: i was fifteen. i was fully out of it by about 20.
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Post by ochotseat »

Deborah wrote: yes and no one forced parents to beat the cr ap out of their kids either, or ignore then, so that they think living on the streets is better than living at home.
Most homeless teens don't have to be homeless. There are foster homes, adoption agencies, and various programs that help them out if they don't have any other relatives. Once they get on drugs out on the streets, they're hooked and it gets harder to leave.
bizzt wrote: It is funny you say that because you said almost exactly the same thing to Prodigal "What would Jesus Do". Yet hear I make the Same question.
You don't seem to understand that we can try to become like Jesus, but we will never succeed in being him.
Prodigal Son wrote: the primary causes of homelessness continue to be: unaffordable housing,
The government provides free housing.
mental illness,
Mental institutions.
physical illness
family breakdown.
Not every orphan or child of divorced parents ends up in jail or out on the streets.
drug addiction is a secondary cause.
No one forced you, Prod.
laziness is not a cause at all.
Most of them are addicted to drugs and don't want to work for a living. We should provide equal opportunities, as we do now, but we should not provide equal results. We are not a socialist country.
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Post by kateliz »

Things can be quite a bit more complicated then that, ocho. It's not the black & white you are saying it is. People are complicated, and so is the government.

For example, how is a mentally ill person, unless they're relatively mentally healthy, supposed to recognize their need to be in an institution, and then go about bringing themselves there? A lot of mentally ill people don't know they are. And also, if my mother kicked my sister, (with her seven year old son,) out of the house, and no one would be willing to take her in themselves, she'd have to go to some kind of shelter. She's been on welfare for a long time now, (they need to be more strict,) and there's no available public housing for her to go into. There's just not enough room for all those people to get into it. My dad was also in a similar situation regarding lack of public housing. It's just not that simple, ocho.

Prodigal, that's a long time. (I know I'll get words from ocho on this, but...) no wonder you got into the stuff you did. And did you ever stay at a shelter or anything?
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Post by Prodigal Son »


:shock: everything you just said is so full of bigotry...it's appalling, comical, and pathetic.
no one forced you, Prod.
no one forced me to what? you don't why i left. you don't know what happened after i left. why are you so obscessed by what i've done? what kind of life have you lived that i am such a novelty to you?

you can't have a discussion on any topic without attacking/criticizing someone about something. and now i'm sure you're going to call it compassionate conservatism/criticism...bringing up my past. so i'll tell you now that's bullsh*t. i've written about my past on this forum because i believed that it would aid me in some form of positive growth and because i truly needed guidance/support/clarification. that fact that i've been homeless does not grant you any arsenal in this discussion. my history of drug use proves nothing. nothing about my life holds any pertinence for you in this discussion.

you're not helping me. all that is over. it disturbs me when you talk about it, everyone here is sick of hearing about it, and it's making you look like a fool.
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Post by ochotseat »

kateliz wrote: but...) no wonder you got into the stuff you did.
Being mentally retarded or sick, dirt poor, fat, ophaned, unattractive, etc., doesn't justify using/selling drugs or committing other crimes. You don't agree with this?
Prodigal Son wrote:
:shock: everything you just said is so full of bigotry...it's appalling, comical, and pathetic.
no one forced me to what? you don't why i left.
Nor do I really care, but you're using it as an example of why others are homeless or using drugs. Homelessness is self-imposed in most cases. Is more government funding the sole answer? No. Will charity help? Yes.
Even many conservative Christians believe this.
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Post by Prodigal Son »

i haven't used my past as an excuse for anyone or anything. i was relating my experiences, not explaining the causes of anyone's behaviors. people do things for reasons, though, that is a fact.
nor do i really care...
people write about what they care about. if you don't care, then shut the [love] up.

i don't care what most conservative christians believe. it's not the majority that matters...you're a little slow, aren't you?
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Post by ochotseat »

Prodigal Son wrote:
i don't care what most conservative christians believe. it's not the majority that matters...you're a little slow, aren't you?
I'd take a better look at myself before you make snide potshots at others, especially ones who have truly prodigal lives. :roll:
i haven't used my past as an excuse for anyone or anything. i was relating my experiences, not explaining the causes of anyone's behaviors. people do things for reasons, though, that is a fact.
In that case, don't blame homelessness on the system and don't chastise people who don't want to give handouts to derelicts as you did earlier:
the primary causes of homelessness continue to be: unaffordable housing, mental illness, physical illness, and family breakdown. drug addiction is a secondary cause. laziness is not a cause at all.
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Post by bizzt »

You know what Guys I think you both are being Extremely UNLIKE Christ! Maybe you two should step back for a moment!

First to OC as a Brother In Christ. Without Works your Faith is Dead! If you do not help the Homeless with the Compassion in your Heart then you truly are not living the Life set forth for you! You must therefore not be judgemental for if you Judge you will be Judged but Your Judge will not be yourself but the Lord!

Jam 2:14 What [doth it] profit, my brethren, though a man say he hath faith, and have not works? can faith save him?


Jam 2:17 Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone.

Jam 2:18 Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works.

Second this is For Prodigal

It must be hard to Love a Person when they Constantly Abuse you Emotionally, and Mentally however it was a Commandment of the Lord

So as my Brother I give you these Scriptures to Ponder on and to help you through your problems

Psa 34:13 Keep thy tongue from evil, and thy lips from speaking guile.

Psa 39:1 [[To the chief Musician, [even] to Jeduthun, A Psalm of David.]] I said, I will take heed to my ways, that I sin not with my tongue: I will keep my mouth with a bridle, while the wicked is before me.

In Summary It does not profit either one of you here on Earth or in Heaven so why say the words that both of your are saying? Be Compassionate!

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Post by ochotseat »

bizzt wrote: First to OC as a Brother In Christ. Without Works your Faith is Dead!
I think that depends on whether you're a Protestant or Catholic/Orthodox.
If you do not help the Homeless with the Compassion in your Heart then you truly are not living the Life set forth for you!

I agree that we should aid the less fortunate, but I don't think the system is to completely blame for most homeless cases.
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Post by bizzt »

ochotseat wrote:
bizzt wrote: First to OC as a Brother In Christ. Without Works your Faith is Dead!
I think that depends on whether you're a Protestant or Catholic/Orthodox.
How So. The bible Teaches it!!
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Post by ochotseat »

bizzt wrote: How So. The bible Teaches it!!
Because the Catholic and Orthodox Churches teach that salvation is based on faith and works. If you do more good works, your stay in purgatory can be shortened even to the point that you may go directly to heaven. The Protestant Church teaches that salvation hinges on faith alone.
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