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Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2005 5:38 pm
by marys_little_one
OOooops........I quoted the wrong thing......sorry bout that :wink:

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2005 7:56 am
by bizzt
Perfectly Clear. Now that we have an Idea why you Use it. Since I have not read the CCC and other people have on the Forum maybe Other people can ask you some questions about the CCC that might not reflect on what the Bible Says. 8)
Thanks Again MLO. Hope that is ok that I shortened your name up there :wink:

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2005 8:42 pm
by kateliz
MLO, I'm very sorry if I unjustly disturbed you. I do mean you no harm or illwill, but peace. That's why I wrote what I wrote. I'm also sorry I got your name wrong. Wrong assumption, and I guess I shouldn't have assumed in the first place. I'm very sorry for the loss of your mother. And I'm sorry I caused you to bring that up here. I didn't mean to attack, but to help.

I'm still very concerned for you. You accept a huge commentary on the Bible as if it has no flaws in it just because someone told you it has no flaws. I do not think I'm stepping out on a limb with that- that's what Catholics are taught, and that's what seems to be true in your particular case.

How can you be absolutely sure that that partiular commentary is so flawless? Faith is necessary, yes, "the just shall live by faith," but the Bible also says to test things to see if they are true or not. How do you know you don't have misguided teachers? Have you objectively tested what they say against God's Word?

Yes, we all need help understanding exactly what the Bible means. I don't question that. I'm just concerned that you're trusting the wrong people to explain it to you. There are many different conclusions people have made about innumerable things in the Bible; we must not whole-heartedly trust any of the conclusions except what we as individuals receive from the Holy Spirit. We can't trust all that humans say, all of us are wrong, even as groups, about some things. We must test everything for ourselves and study the Bible for ourselves. It's a big job, but we must do it for ourselves, each and every one of us.

How do you know your teachers are right and all that oppose them wrong? I certainly hope not just because they told you that! I sincerely hope that you can understand what I'm trying to communicate!

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 12:14 am
by marys_little_one
kateliz wrote:MLO, I'm very sorry if I unjustly disturbed you. I do mean you no harm or illwill, but peace. That's why I wrote what I wrote. I'm also sorry I got your name wrong. Wrong assumption, and I guess I shouldn't have assumed in the first place. I'm very sorry for the loss of your mother. And I'm sorry I caused you to bring that up here. I didn't mean to attack, but to help.

I'm still very concerned for you. You accept a huge commentary on the Bible as if it has no flaws in it just because someone told you it has no flaws. I do not think I'm stepping out on a limb with that- that's what Catholics are taught, and that's what seems to be true in your particular case.

How can you be absolutely sure that that partiular commentary is so flawless? Faith is necessary, yes, "the just shall live by faith," but the Bible also says to test things to see if they are true or not. How do you know you don't have misguided teachers? Have you objectively tested what they say against God's Word?

Yes, we all need help understanding exactly what the Bible means. I don't question that. I'm just concerned that you're trusting the wrong people to explain it to you. There are many different conclusions people have made about innumerable things in the Bible; we must not whole-heartedly trust any of the conclusions except what we as individuals receive from the Holy Spirit. We can't trust all that humans say, all of us are wrong, even as groups, about some things. We must test everything for ourselves and study the Bible for ourselves. It's a big job, but we must do it for ourselves, each and every one of us.

How do you know your teachers are right and all that oppose them wrong? I certainly hope not just because they told you that! I sincerely hope that you can understand what I'm trying to communicate!
It's ok...

I know what you are trying to say! The only reason that I completely believe in my teachers is because all the teachings that they have taught...they have shown specifically where in the Bible it is stated.

I have been in a Catholic school my entire life. (many different schools...not just one in particular) and they all have taught the same teachings and values. They all have taught me about the 10 commandments and the beatitudes and stuff like that! It wasn't until high school that I actually began to study my "hard core faith". (that's what I call it) What I mean by that is morality. That includes morality in certain actions and situations! I went to a VERY religious school. (it was from the salesian congregation) and theology was a BIG thing there. In all the classes that you had to MAKE SURE YOU KNEW YOUR THEOLOGY!!!!

I absolutely LOVE highschool! That's when I REALLY got close to God because I knew a lot more about my religion!!! asked if "I had objectively tested what they [teachers] say against God's Word". But see....they don't say anything against God's word...everything that they say is FOR God's word!

Let me just tell you a quick, brief background on the salesian congregation. The salesians are a group of religious sister and priests(Catholic/ Christians) that built their congregation in the special purpose to educate the YOUNG!! Their whole purpose is to teach morality and theology to the young so that they will be able to become well educated ADULTS!!!

From my experience....I strongly believe that they are doing a great JOB!!!!

Well... I hope I answered your question correctly...I don't know if I did...cuz I'm a little out of it right now! It's so late here...and I have SCHOOL tomorrow!!!

AHH!!!! I'm ready to graduate!

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 7:08 pm
by kateliz
I understand your position, MLO, and I respect it. You're serious about God, your understanding of Him, and your relationship to Him. Those are things that can't be said about enough Christians.

I think you'll find, however, that people find that the Bible appears to support many directly conflicting views, and sometimes you really have to work at it to know which one the Bible truly supports. People pull verses out of context constantly, as well as ignore what it says in other parts or don't put different parts together that you would need in order for the larger picture to be seen. It's a large book that needs to be understood as a whole while looking at the smaller parts in detail. It's very easy, therefore, to teach "what the Bible teaches" and yet end up teaching something directly opposed to what the Bible really says. There are many examples, though none of which I can think of right now being as wiped-out and exhausted as I am!