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katliz and others

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2005 9:49 pm
by tarreyl
dear katliz

will it about time wow you are scary looking as i thought. ALL THIS TIME and you finally got to putting it up now. The rest of you have to put your pictures up who haven't already. Katie we all now you have a foot odor so please don't take picture of your feet. I though you had a beard but glad you don't. See it not just me you have other stalkers now it is a fan club "katie stalker club."

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2005 11:49 pm
by ochotseat
Prodigal Son wrote:
dear katliz

will it about time wow you are scary looking as i thought. ALL THIS TIME and you finally got to putting it up now. The rest of you have to put your pictures up who haven't already. Katie we all now you have a foot odor so please don't take picture of your feet.
:lol: Since you also live in MN, you guys should hang out.
I though you had a beard but glad you don't.
Now, we don't know that....

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2005 8:20 pm
by kateliz
"You're too kind."

Well, now that you've all discovered my secret hobby, (playing a child-clown at a top-secret circus,) I'll have to send a virus out, crash all your computers, and crash wherever the memory for this site is stored, (server? something like that? see how stupid I am? Oh, well, I guess that was obvious long enough ago.) Now only to figure out how to do it....

No one's asking for my full face! And ya know, I had a plan after originally picking out pictures. First I'd be looking down, then I'd have a pig-nose, then I'd have another somehow screwed-up [I wrote s-c-r-e-w-e-d, but it put "doomed" instead. KURIEUO! PROBLEM HERE!) picture looking up but no pig-nose, and then I was going to post a full one. You see, I had big plans, and now they're down the drain! :cry: Gee thanks! :cry:

Yes, in real life I do have a beard. And stinky feet. And green scaly skin on my scalp hiding under my hair. Oh, and my knee is pierced. ( :x Worse decision I ever made! I don't have full range of motion anymore. I figured, "if hospitals can put screws into your knees, I can put a knee-ring.") And I have... horns. They didn't spank me when I came out, they screamed and dropped me on my head! :lol:
o cho me a home where the crazies (with horns) don't roam wrote:Since you also live in MN, you guys should hang out.
With her? Never. That looney? Impossible! We'd argue nonstop and find ourselves yelling at eachother in the car on the freeway over abortion. Oh, and she'd always be telling me how stinky I am. Why some people can't accept a little whiff of B.O. is beyond me. Then she'd harrass me about being a "bush lover" when, personally, I prefer shrubbery. No, it'd never work. It's bad enough she lives so close. :oops:

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2005 9:04 pm
by ochotseat
kateliz wrote: With her? Never. That looney? Impossible! It's bad enough she lives so close. :oops:
You two kiss and make up.

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2005 9:31 pm
by kateliz
I know another two who should do that, or at least something similar. That issue needs to be resolved sometime soon here. Maybe there should be an intervention in an official thread on it. Hmmmm. Or, maybe civility can reign by itself, unprovoked by anyone but itself. Sorry to be a damper by getting serious and bringing that up, but it concerns me that it still continues.

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2005 9:55 pm
by Felgar
Nice job Kate.

Well, as promised, here's the follow-up to my original. Would like to say something funny but I'm too tired and need to get to bed. Goodnight!

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2005 11:18 pm
by beckyandretti
Felgar! i've seen you before... yup thats it in my fridge... although i think your shirt said something about going great with bbq stripes... i could be wrong though. :lol: just kidding... great pic though


Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2005 11:25 pm
by Ark~Magic
Felgar looks like some sneaky madman.

Re: RE:

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2005 11:33 pm
by AttentionKMartShoppers
Ark~Magic wrote:Felgar looks like some sneaky madman.
"I shall destroy the world with my secret weapon...ketchup"

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 6:43 am
by bizzt
beckyandretti wrote:Felgar! i've seen you before... yup thats it in my fridge... although i think your shirt said something about going great with bbq stripes... i could be wrong though. :lol: just kidding... great pic though
I have to say he does look Familiar :wink:

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 8:14 am
by kateliz
Hey, yeah! And in my fridge he said that he "Doesn't Help Broccoli." Now, as a Christian I find that to be a very mean thing to do. I believe he is a sneaky madman! What kind of person would go claiming to be Christian, moderate a Christian forum, and yet refuse, out of prejudice, to not help something as innocent as broccoli? Something's rotten in the state of Denmark, and it's not the moldly eggs in the back of the fridge! :o Or the rotten milk in the side door! Or the rank meat misplaced in the vegtable drawer! (Man, do I need to clean my fridge out or what!)

But wait a second, what kind of Christian would be hiding out in all of our fridges? Must be a sneaky madman, armed with ketchup, preparing to destroy us all. I think I'll take the doctor's advice and finally put locks on the fridge doors.

Now it's ocho's turn! Face up, buddy! Face the music! Show us what you got! Reveal thyself, and thy disfigured mug! :wink:

Ya know what, (boy am I chatty,) I feel, by being able to see all you guys, that we really are one big friendly family. Ohhhh, group hug! :shock: :lol:

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2005 1:27 pm
by Felgar
bizzt wrote:I have to say he does look Familiar :wink:
Well, you've probably seen me in the +15, I bet. :)

LOL... Nice one guys. I do actually have plans for global (well, downtown Calgary at least) domination. ;)

Looking back I do look a little sneaky in that pic. I was really just delighted to find some real ketchup at the time. :D Notice the jacket which was given on behalf of a youth charity for participation in their events...

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 8:13 am
by kateliz
Downtown Calgary domination? Hmmm. So you're going to throw a giant net over it and turn it into your own personal people zoo? Make sure to get Bug Zapper in there too. I think it'd be kind of fun to see him locked up like the animal he is. Feed him green gruel and refuse him flee baths! :twisted:

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 2:42 pm
by bizzt
kateliz wrote:Downtown Calgary domination? Hmmm. So you're going to throw a giant net over it and turn it into your own personal people zoo? Make sure to get Bug Zapper in there too. I think it'd be kind of fun to see him locked up like the animal he is. Feed him green gruel and refuse him flee baths! :twisted:
OUCH Nasty!!! Now I don't go for small time Gang Operations here if I was going to get into Domination then Alberta would be Good Enough for me. With a 7 -10 Billion Dollar Surplus at my Disposal I could Do ANYTHING
I feel sorry for Pig Face though. Her Domination is the fleas on her... er... Forget about it
:lol: :wink:

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 2:43 pm
by bizzt
Felgar wrote:
bizzt wrote:I have to say he does look Familiar :wink:
Well, you've probably seen me in the +15, I bet. :)
I probably have but now that I have seen the Face I just have to get the name or maybe Yelling out Felgar when I see ya would do it :twisted: :wink: