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Re: Please Introduce Yourself Here

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 9:32 pm
by Paul_AK
*Edit: double post :?

Re: Please Introduce Yourself Here

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 11:38 pm
by Danieltwotwenty
Welcome to the site Paul, if you have an open mind, an open heart and with a touch of tolerance you will learn and grow.


Re: Please Introduce Yourself Here

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 9:03 pm
by zoegirl
welcome paul!

Re: Please Introduce Yourself Here

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 1:43 am
by Canuckster1127
Welcome Paul. Good to have you here and hope you'll be a part of things and give us a chance to get to know you better.

Re: Please Introduce Yourself Here

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 9:35 pm
by A Dairy Farmer

I've enjoyed reading the main site and have found it quite helpful in times of doubt. After lurking for a while, I've finally decided to join in discussions when life permits it.

I've grown up in a Christian family, but I've only seriously been a Christian for a couple of years now. I'm slowly working my way through the daunting task of reading through the Old Testament. Particularly fun for the dyslexic. Over the past year I've been going to a community college, and, Lord willing, hope to pursue a physics degree. Music is also a substantial part of my life. I currently rotate between lead, rhythm and bass at my church, and am expanding into Jazz and classical music.

I hope to engage in many thought provoking discussions in future, and get to know many of you.

Re: Please Introduce Yourself Here

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 9:40 pm
by RickD
Welcome to the forum, Dairy Farmer y3:-O .

Re: Please Introduce Yourself Here

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 12:04 am
by Danieltwotwenty
Welcome dairy farmer

I hope you grow in your faith here and at your church and by the way I struggle with the old testament aswell. :econfused:


Re: Please Introduce Yourself Here

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 2:57 pm
by zoegirl
A Dairy Farmer wrote:Greetings,

I've enjoyed reading the main site and have found it quite helpful in times of doubt. After lurking for a while, I've finally decided to join in discussions when life permits it.

I've grown up in a Christian family, but I've only seriously been a Christian for a couple of years now. I'm slowly working my way through the daunting task of reading through the Old Testament. Particularly fun for the dyslexic. Over the past year I've been going to a community college, and, Lord willing, hope to pursue a physics degree. Music is also a substantial part of my life. I currently rotate between lead, rhythm and bass at my church, and am expanding into Jazz and classical music.

I hope to engage in many thought provoking discussions in future, and get to know many of you.
Welcome to the forums, dairy!!

Re: Please Introduce Yourself Here

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 3:27 pm
by Canuckster1127
Glad you're here Dairy. Welcome and feel free to join in as you wish.

Re: Please Introduce Yourself Here

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 5:16 pm
by buddhawarrior
Hi All, Buddhawarrior here.

I am an ex-christian, now not of any religious affiliations, but love buddhism, hinduism, theosophical literature and lecturers, ancient eastern philosophies. I have had the occasion to meet God in person, I drowned in a river once. I astral-traveled thru meditation practice. Used psychedelic sacraments with shamans.

I enjoy understanding science and enjoy spirituality and religious teachings. It has been my fate to become a better, more whole person, and all of the above mentioned tools have helped along the way.

I believe that there is not a Christian God, or a Hindu God, or a God of any denomination. I believe that there is only the idea of God, that God does not have a personality, or desire, or will, or judgement. I believe that God is the creative force behind all things. And that anything that can be named or known cannot be God itself, because God does not really exist other than our conception of it. I believe that God is a catch all phrase, but that it should still be used and respected. For example, I love God, I see God in all things, Seeing God in all things helps me develop compassion and respect and understanding. But I don't believe that God can be worshiped. That any worshiping of God is just another "method". The Christians offer many "methods" while other religions and spiritual practices offer others. They are for practical purposes the same methods with different names. Like all cultures make bread, but from different grains and recipes all developed separately. The many methods to God are essentially the same. Many methods that all lead to the same spiritual experience. (this paragraph may be worded better, but is basically what I have come to know.)

I'm here to find a way to bridge the Gap between Christianity and other religions and practices.

I hate having to draw a line. I grew up Christian, but now they shun me because I have found a different way to the divine. I still love the teachings of Jesus, but have a very different point of view, and I do not go to church or have a Christian community. But I am a moral and ethical person whose life goal is oneness with God. I have tried many paths, and the one that works for me is not the Christian one. My only regret is that most Christians I talk to can not respect that. I don't believe that Jesus meant to create an exclusive club of in's and out's. But it is the Christian Ego/Dogma that keeps the rest of the world as evil/sinful.

I would appreciate anyone who can help me bridge this gap. I would also love to share what I have learned from the various paths I've traveled. And additionally, would love to hear your stories (although if you can, limit the quotation of the bible or strictly Christian phrasing, since I'm not in a Christian community and may not get the reference.)


Re: Please Introduce Yourself Here

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 8:31 pm
by RickD
Welcome to the board, buddhawarrior. If you enjoy learning about science, I think you'll like it here. :D

Re: Please Introduce Yourself Here

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 9:03 pm
by zoegirl
I would definitely read through the Board Guidelines and Purpose to see if you are interested in remaining within the guidelines. Welcome to the board!

Re: Please Introduce Yourself Here

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 12:22 pm
by fromabove
Hello to everyone on here, I am new to this site & joined cos I found it refreshing that an open mind is tolerated on here. Most sites like this have no tolerance for free thought. I believe in a God or a Power outside myself but am not so sure it is the "Gods" of the bible or any other book for that matter. I don't follow this "you must believe" aspect of christianity. I think that reason,truth,logic,intelligence & evidence as god given & must be used in regards to life. I am looking forward to some good debates & hopefully some insights on this forum.

Re: Please Introduce Yourself Here

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2012 8:45 am
by RickD
fromabove wrote:Hello to everyone on here, I am new to this site & joined cos I found it refreshing that an open mind is tolerated on here. Most sites like this have no tolerance for free thought. I believe in a God or a Power outside myself but am not so sure it is the "Gods" of the bible or any other book for that matter. I don't follow this "you must believe" aspect of christianity. I think that reason,truth,logic,intelligence & evidence as god given & must be used in regards to life. I am looking forward to some good debates & hopefully some insights on this forum.
Welcome to the forum. Please take the time to read the "Board Purpose". ... php?t=2517 If you can follow the rules, you are welcome to stay.

Re: Please Introduce Yourself Here

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2012 5:53 pm
by Danieltwotwenty
Welcome to the board, I would like to say that I have never heard a Christian say ""you must believe". Before I was a Christian the only thing I got from my Christian friends was what do you think about this or that and then I made up my own mind on the evidence I had collected. I hope you find what you are looking for.
